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Food And Kitchen

Here Are Nutritious Meals For Pregnant Women
~0.3 mins read
When you are pregnant it is important that eat healthy and nutrious meals on n order to stay healthy and grow.
In this article, I will be showing you nutrious meals for pregnant women:
1. Coconut Rice and Fish.
2. Pap and Akara.
3. Fried Plantain and Stew.
4. Jellof Spaghetti.
5. Pap and Moi Moi.
6. Fried Rice and Chicken.
7. Yam Porridge.
8. Garri and Okra Soup.
9. Bread and Oatmeal.
10. Rice and Chicken Sauce.

3 Different Ways You Can Prepare Fried Rice
~1.3 mins read
Fried rice is a special dish made in Nigeria for special occasions, but not everyone knows how to make it and the worse that can happen is your fried rice looking too soft.
In this article, I will teach you 3 different methods of cooking fried rice, but before we proceed, here are the important ingredients used in making it.
Ingredients You need to cook fried Rice
Vegetables (e.g cabbage, bell pepper, green beans, onions)
The methods of cooking fried rice:
1. Steaming:
In this method, the rice is parboiled and drained, then all the vegetables are fried with curry and seasonings.
After that the parboiled rice is mixed with the fried vegetables and seasoning then steamed till it is ready.
2. Frying:
This method is usually applied when cooking in bulk for ceremonies or events. Wash the rice and put in a pot,
pour some oil in it and fry over low heat while stirring till the rice becomes light and a little reddish, drain the oil and put the vegetables, seasoning and curry.
Cook with water until it is ready. Due to the frying, the rice never looks like jollof or overcooked and too soft.
3. Cooking:
this method is mostly easy when you know how to do it well.
The rice is cooked and the vegetables fried separately with all the seasoning and curry,
little oil is then added to a pan over low heat and the rice and vegetables are mixed. It is then left to cook for 3 minutes.
But too much stirring will spoil the rice as it will look soft.
Note: Adding meat to fried rice is optional but nice although liver goes well and better with fried rice.
Fried rice is also eaten with coleslaw.
Like, comment and share if you like the post. If there is another method, feel free to share. Thanks
Source: lodpress
E PLUS The Storyteller

~1.9 mins read
Egg is considered to be a highly nutritious food with virtually all the nutrients you can get, from vitamins, calcium, to proteins! Let's just say, it's your go-to favourite. I consider egg to be that flexible item on your food list that can go from fried, boiled to baked. Now, let's look at the multiple sides of eggs that are creatively explorable
The very sight of eggs already gives you ideas, and sets your mind on them.
Personally, I enjoy my eggs, boiled and when I crave for something different from the norm, I settle for fried eggs with bread(Quite often, I go for scrambled eggs). However, beyond boiled eggs, and scrambled eggs, there are other ways you could enjoy your egg!
More Sunny-side up fried eggs
EGGS marinated with banana
Steamed, and Fried Eggs
Eggs are great source of essential Nutrients
Eggs are also mediums of Storytelling
Sunny-side up fried Egg
Sliced Bread with sunny-side up fried Egg.
Pastries filled up with Eggs.
More pastries garnished with Eggs.
Scrambled Eggs with fried Plantains.
Fruits, garnished with Eggs.
You can have your eggs(either fried, or boiled with bread)
How about Eggs, and Fruit Salad.More Sunny-side
Eggs used for Pancakes
Half Cooked Eggs on Vegetables
Sunny-side up fried Eggs, on toasted bread
More Sunny-side up fried eggs
(Pix Credit: Sourced)
And the list is inexhaustible, so are you looking up to giving yourself an Egg-treat, today? Look no further
E PLUS The Storyteller is a Creative Writing Skills, Visual Art Communication, Blogging, Voiceover and Storytelling Coach.
Let's Create valuable contents, and tell your story in the most exceptional way. For more enquiries, call/Whatsapp message to 07081536821
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