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Beauty they say, is in the eyes of its beholder. Without any doubt such a say is very important and is given topmost priority in the current dispensation of our global world.
In this article, I will discuss the differences between Face Yoga and Face Massage, their disadvantages, if they cause any wrinkles and possible alternatives.
You all will agree with me that the fountain of Youth remains elusive for those searching to turn back the clock.
Very unfortunately, time matches on and tends to show up in our looks. However, there are multiple options available on the tips of our fingers that will slow down the effect of time, if not even reverse it few years aback. Interestingly, a couple those methods doesn't involve the use of serums, creams and moisturizers.
These are two very similar methods of relaxing your face, they both have the same aim, restore a youthful look and revitalize the skin. Followers of each method tout it as being an effective and efficient way of turning back the clock; and indeed, there are evidences that face yoga and massage do exactly that.
Although, the methods are similar in purpose, their execution and processes are quite different.
Face Yoga involves exercising the 57 different muscles within the face, scalp and neck. This is achieved through exaggerated facial expressions which works the muscle in the face. Over time, as with the bicep curls and squats, the muscles will strengthen, causing lift on the face and a more youthful appearance.
Sounds great right? But does it really work? There is evidence to support that it does. Research has shown that after 90 minutes training session, a group of women aged 40_65 engaged in facial exercise based on face yoga for the period of 20 weeks total(30 minutes a day for the first eight weeks and 30 minutes every other day for 12 weeks following).
At the end of the study, both women and dermatologist concluded that the exercises indeed made them look younger than their respective ages, especially in the cheek areas. The participants experienced fuller cheeks ( the muscles grew from the exercises). This counteracts dropping skin and gives a more youthful appearance.
Face massage centers mainly around the lymph nodes located on the neck areas and under the ear. it helps drains toxins when these areas becomes blocked. It is believed that, blocked lymph nodes makes the face looks dull and puffy, so draining them through massage will assist in a brighter look.
Similarly, the skin of the face is also manipulated and massaged, which increases blood flow in the face axis. This in turn increases oxygen and nutrients to the skin and stimulates collagen production. This results in: lifted skin, healthy glow, and release of muscle tension.
However, it is important to note that while face massage appears to be effective, the benefits don't last long without continual follow up massages. You will need to get involved into facial massages as a consistent routine, but they can either done at home or with a professional. A light massage each day is helpful, with a more in-depth home facial weekly or a monthly professional session.
Even though both systems appear to have lots of merits, there are some disadvantages tied to each.
FACE YOGA: It demands a significant time commitment, this may be out of reach to many people. Since it takes a lot of time and consistency in order to see results.
FACE MASSAGE: This of course has draw back as well, it also need to be done continuously to maintain results and if you do facial injections and fillers, you did need to be more careful with adverse reactions. Don't do face massage too soon after taking injection on the face, wait for about two(2) weeks after getting Botox and four(4) weeks after getting fillers.
Note also that, if you use injectables, the face massage may cause them to metabolize faster. Make sure you advise your facialist that you have injectables when you meet with them.
Interestingly, neither of those methods causes wrinkles. it seems somewhat counterintuitive that exaggerated facial expressions or manual skin manipulation wouldn't cause these concerns, but if anything, these methods can help reverse them.
As your facial muscles firm up you will notice fewer line and wrinkles. Face massage should not cause wrinkles on your face either. It should lead to improvement in lower eyelids, cheeks, and smile lines. Whichever method you choose, wrinkles should not be s concern.
There are several ways to go about face massage and there are other alternatives altogether.
For Face massage, you can schedule a massage at a spa or you can do them at home yourself. To avoid crowds, there are so many options too. You can use your fingers, a Jade roller or a tool called Gua Sha, a smooth stone made of crystal that you can scrape across your face to help massage the skin.
Of course,if face yoga or massage isn't your thing, you can use wonderful moisturizers, serums and exfoliators in the market. Though they will not impact the muscles as these two methods will, but you will still have a healthy younger looking skin.
There are also injections that will give your face a firmer look.
Finally, in a world where we continually seek the answer to younger looking skin and a healthy glow, face yoga and massage appears to be two different things but having similar possibilities with comparable benefits and disadvantages too.
Both methods gave very little risks with plenty of rewards. Whether you choose to see a facialist, use an at home tool, or learn a face Yoga workout, chances are good that it will change your face for better.
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