
~760.9 mins read

Hello Lovers of nature

Welcome to LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY PART 6. Today, I will be moving from GREEN BEAUTY to wonderful cloud formations. Clouds are simply the visible mass of liquid water or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Cloud formation plays a basic role in the water cycle of our ecosystem.

Water cycle is a natural process of evaporation of water from the water bodies (e.g oceans, rivers, lakes, etc) to the sky, thereby forming as clouds which leads to subsequent condensation and precipitation as rain or snow. The cloud in this natural cycle serves as a storage basin where all the water vapor leaving the earth(through the process of evaporation) can be stored before it's condenses(changing from gas to liquid) and pours down as rain or snow.

Clouds when formed in the sky, makes beautiful patterns displaying different shapes and colours in the atmosphere. Sometimes, the different colours in the cloud are influenced by the amount of dirt or dust in the atmosphere. 

Sunrise and sunset gives beauteous colouring to the cloud. It's gives me great joy gazing at the wonderfully made cloud patterns with lovely colours in the sky. The clouds apart from Playing a major role in water cycle, it's adds beauty to the sky . 

Today's display picture is an amazing cloud formation, a picture I took on my streets while going for evening rehearsals in church. The cloud pattern or shape in the picture is called a CUMULUS CLOUD. Cumulus cloud take the shape of a heap or come spreading vertically in the atmosphere.

LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. Postings is every Thursday.

Thanks for reading to the end. Share with me also your ideas about my snaps and your love for nature in the comment section.

Have You Been Worried About The Recent Coldness? Read This.
~1.0 mins read

Since August 22 this year, it has been colder than previous years. They call it Aphelion phenomenon.

What is this about?

"An apsis is the farthest or nearest point in the orbit of a planetary body about its primary body. The apsides of Earth's orbit of the Sun are two: the aphelion, where Earth is farthest from the sun, and the perihelion, where it is nearest."
Source: Wikipedia

Starting ffrom  05.27am, we have being experiencing the APHELION PHENOMENON, where the Earth will be very far from the Sun. We cannot see the phenomenon, but we can feel its impact.

This will last until August 22, 2022. We will experience cold weather more than the previous cold weather, which will have an impact on flu, cough, shortness of breath, etc.

Therefore, let's increase our intake of fruits, veggies, or supplements to build & strengthen our immunity. We should always ensure there's ginger, garlic, lemon etc at hand in our homes.
Taking warm water will be an added advantage.

The distance from Earth to the Sun is 5 light minutes or 90,000,000 km. The phenomenon of aphelion to 152,000,000 km. 66% further.

Pls like and remember to share to all family and friends.
Thanks for reading!

~1.2 mins read
Hello Lovers of nature
Every day and everything in it is always beautiful for a lover of nature like me to get wonderful pictures to share with my viewers. This is LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY PART 3.
In this very article, I will be displaying two beautiful pictures of cloud formation in sky. It's always a thing of joy staring at the amazing cloud patterns in the sky. Personally, I'm so in love with it that I happen to snap at the alightest opportunity i get.
The display picture of today is a picture i took in my compound on a beautiful monday morning before going to school I had to pause and take the picture before going out. I took the picture capturing some branches of the trees in my localty and it looks beautiful.
The picture above is one I took in school on a different day. I was on the second floor heading for a lecture and I couldn't help but gaze at the stunning cloud patterns at that time. I took the picture capturing the administrative block of my Faculty(of law).
Lovers of nature through photography is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. 
Everything God created for mankind is extremely beautiful and of great value to us. Always appreciate the beauty of nature and of ourselves as human beings(born of God to be His beloved children).
Let me know your ideas about my picture and your love for nature in the comment section.

