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Worst Day Ever! (birthday Ruined)
~2.7 mins read
Ever had a mixed feeling of anger and frustration?
Yeah right? ...I just know everyone gets that Feels atleast once in a while.
I don't know if it's fate or a bad omen which has taking a solace on my poor self!😫.
As usual,I was having a very bad day,this day it was just too much, it's just a day off my birthday anniversary,I have been running around to get my pictures ready,You know in this place where we all come from, birthday celebration are always backed by posting of fine pictures and all.
My boss got me upset at work,as if that wasn't enough, everyone else seemed to be pissing me off,I was angry for no just course,first I lost my appetite, followed by an evil Migraine,gosh it was so unbearable,I had to take two doze of paracetamol,that didn't work instead it got more worse which resulted to a Mood swing...πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜­.

I was just in a high state,I was tired,weak and sleepy but can't sleep.

I had to leave the office at about 6pm and almost got into a fight with a passerby...can't really explain in details.😰

With rage I drove all the way home,before I got home I stopped by a nearby kiosk and got a caffeine,a sachet type(liquidised),I seldom take that to keep me fully awake anytime I want to stay up all night,I gulped it all right there and left for home.

On reaching home,I went straight to the parlor to greet Mom,it has become a tradition I do everyday once I'm back home from work,and anytime I missed that,it is always war..😏 
I bowed and greeted her and stood to leave but she called me back and instantly concluded I took alcohol, saying she's perceiving an offensive odour..πŸ™„

Ahhhh!.. Alcohol keh abeg oo.
I smiled and defended in a flash.

She stood facing me and still maintained,I took alcohol.
Omorr that was when I knew it wasn't a play.😳
I was already getting irritated,I had to defend myself even more but this time I was a bit loud.

"How can you claim I took alcohol just like that,how can u tell ?...πŸ™„πŸ˜­

I wish I never said that,she slapped me twice and it got me really pissed.

I was shouting and cursing at the same time,Big sis was already in the parlor after hearing our voice and immediately concluded that truly I was drunk and I am under the influence of Alcohol for having such a gut to talk back at Mom.

I was already fumed,I fired back at her and left the room.
"Am so disappointed and ashamed of you sis,thanks and God bless you".

I could hear Mom cursing and threatening brimstone and fire!.

"You will get out of my house this very moment,you fool...I cant stay in the same house with a drunk'..

Am out in the streets as the time of writing this memoir...πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”

Please talk to me guys,am loosing my mind,what did I really do wrong...huh!?

Am helpless πŸ˜₯.
tomorrow is my birthday and I have forgotten about it already,this is the worst day ever and the worst birthday to come,as I won't be celebrating with my family..
Am not even celebrating,am loosing my mind.
I can't think straightπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”..
Heart Affairs: What's The Secret Of Success?
~0.6 mins read
So today I woke up with so many questions of Life...βœ¨πŸ‘Œ
I couldn't provide concrete answers So I came here to seek answers.😣

"Why are some people more successful than others?? Huh?πŸ€”

"Why do some people Make more Money,Live happier Lives and even accomplish much more in the same number of years than the great majority??πŸ€”

"Why do Many people work so hard and yet achieve just so little?? πŸ˜©πŸ’”
"Is Life really unfair? Or... πŸ˜”

WHAT'S REALLY THE SECRET OF SUCCESS?? πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

What can you say about this painful facts and questions of Life??
Let's hear you!
Let's talk about this!
Drop your views and opinions in the comment section....

Min.of Heart Affairs 🀝

~0.7 mins read
Aliens as we know are a popular word for an extraterrestrial life-form, or a being from another planet. And myself being from this planet means ofcourse that being surrounded by aliens can be so terrifying, because we are not used to such creature here in planet Earth.
Now what I would do if I woke up and found myself surrounded by aliens is to at first become silent. Since i know they cannot hear the language I speak and as well I can't understand their language, therefore, it's of no use to talk, as any words said might be misinterpreted as me wanting to harm them. So, keeping mute will perhaps buy me more time! All through my silent period, i will keep looking at each creature in the order of how scary they are and then I'll tey to get a hold of myself so i don't get too shaky and scared to the extent of it passing a negative sign ahead to them and risk them pouncing on me. Lol
To be continued...!

