

Intellectual Jokes For The Smart. Part Three
~1.0 mins read
Q: What do you call a pig that does karate?
A: A pork chop.

Q: Why was six afraid of seven?
A: Because seven eight nine.

Q: What do you call a fish with no eye?
A: A fsh.

Q: What do gymnasts, acrobats, and bananas all have in common?
A: They can all do splits.

Q: What’s a frog’s favorite game?
A: Hopscotch.

Q: What dies but never lives?
A: A battery.

Q: What day of the week does the potato look forward to the least?
A: Fry-day.

Q: What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay?
A: A bagel.

Q: What is Dracula’s favorite fruit?
A: Neck-tarines.

Q: What is Dracula’s favorite fruit?
A: Neck-tarines.

Q: What does a skeleton order for dinner?
A: Spare ribs.

Hey did you smile? don't laugh alone. Share this post with your friends and loved ones to keep everyone smiling

Culled from 200 kid-friendly Joke from the classroom

Intellectual Jokes For The Smart. Part Sixteen
~1.1 mins read
Q: Why do eggs hate jokes?
A: Because they crack up.

Q: What type of dog loves going to the groomer?
A: A shampoodle.

Q: What did the doctor diagnose the horse with when he wasn’t feeling well?
A: Hay fever.

Q: Why do birds fly south for the winter?
A: Because it’s too far to walk.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Nobel who?
There’s nobel, that’s why I’m knocking.

Q: What lies at the bottom of the ocean and worries?
A: A nervous wreck.

Q: What’s the smartest insect around?
A: The spelling bee.

Q: Why did the cabbage beat the carrot in a race?
A: Because it was a-head.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Leaf who?
Leaf me alone please, I’m thinking.

Q: Why don’t ducks tell jokes when they fly?
A: They would quack up!

Did you smile? don't laugh alone. Share this post with your friends and loved ones to keep everyone smiling.

Culled from 200 kid-friendly Joke from the classroom


Image source: KindPng

Intellectual Jokes For The Smart. Part Four
~1.0 mins read
Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?
A: Ice Scream.

Q: How do monsters tell their fortunes?
A: They read their horror-scopes.

Q: Where does the witch park her vehicle?
A: In the broom closet.

Q: What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?
A: Spelling.

Q: Why couldn’t the ghost see his parents?
A: Because they were trans-parents.

Q: What do you do if you’re a fan of Dracula’s?
A: You join his fang club.

Q: Where do ghosts go for a swim?
A: The Dead Sea.

Q: Whom did the monster ask to kiss his boo-boos after he fell?
A: His mummy.

Q: What makes a skeleton laugh?
A: When something tickles his funny bone.

Q: What would you get if you crossed a teacher with a vampire?
A: Lots of blood tests.

Hey did you smile? don't laugh alone. Share this post with your friends and loved ones to keep everyone smiling.

Culled from 200 kid-friendly Joke from the classroom

