Moringa Tea Cures Over 300 Diseases, Here's How To Make Moringa Tea

Moringa Tea Cures Over 300 Diseases, Here's How To Make Moringa Tea

3 years ago

~0.9 mins read
Moringa has alot of benefits to the human body system. 
       They are natural cure for various types of diseases because the contain properties which aids in the treatment of such diseases. 
.      Moringa can be eaten both raw and cooked. Its seeds can also be eaten raw and can be added to meals. 

   Here's how to make moringa tea to cure illness and remove toxins in the body; 

1. Get your moringa leaves 

2. Wash them thoroughly to remove dirt from it

3. Boil hot water and put the moringa leaves to boil with the water 

4. After 15-20 minutes, remove it from the fire and allow to cool 

5.  Store in the refridgerator and drink on a daily basis . 

     When you do this regularly , you'll notice alot if changes in your body system. Share this to many others and like this article for more updates on this, use the comment section in case of questions.

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