

Wants to meet Marketers

~1.8 mins read

Content creation is one of the most valued skills in this digital world. Just as water and air is to humans, so also is content creation to our technological world today! 

  Everything one does is integrated with content creation. To make graphics for your brand, you need to integrate contents along with it. If you are creating a sales copy, that's content creation on it's own though in the written format. Whatever you do now is all integrated with content creation.
   You can now see the value of content in our world today. 

Therefore, since this valued digital skill is very important, don't you think you can be making much money through it as a content creator no matter what form of contents you create either written or graphical. 

How can you as a Content creator begin earning much? 

Most of us don't know the exact value of contents that's why we settle for less. 
Do you know some expert creators earn $1000 and above for a single content created? Exactly what I mean! 
However, take note of the expert adjective there if you're not an expert. 
As a beginner creator, there's nothing bad starting out with $5/content created. But there's everything bad about it if you continue like that especially if you're dedicated to it! 
Without much noise, how do you start creating contents to earn huge? 
1. Continue building portfolio. 
The first step is to build portfolio first. For example, Pejoweb pays little for a content created. Don't feel bad about it! Keep on creating quality contents and build up your portfolio. After doing that, begin to seek out top notch companies that pay their content creators much. Send your application to such companies and back your application with your portfolio. The chances of getting jobs are high now. 
2. Create original contents. 
After getting that job that pays you fairly for your skill. You have to keep on creating quality, original contents that are free of plagiarism. Most creators give up on crafting quality contents after getting that good job that pays fairly. You shouldn't do that! It can hamper your growth as a creator. 
3. Network with people. 
After getting that good job, don't take that as a ceiling to your income. In fact, it just started! 
Begin to network with top clients and companies for higher projects with huge pay! 
Start using your network to generate more and more income for yourself. That's the simple way to play the game to the top. As for me, I'm on my way! How about you? 
~2.6 mins read

I want you to understand that there's a difference between work and productivity. You might be working yet unproductive!  
Are you an entrepreneur, businessman/woman, freelancer, digital nomad, or any online skill expert that is seeking ways to become more productive in that field?
Unproductivity doesn't just creep to your face and shouts Yeepee! It comes with little steps of procrastination, laziness, irresponsibility and others. 
I won't waste your time, so before we move into business we'll be doing a little exercise. 
         Get a pen and paper, write down your goal or the income you want to have and be specific about it! Then write all the things you do in a day which are not helping you reach your goal. Also write down the things that you do that takes you to that goal. Add those things that takes you to your goal to your to - do list while you stop doing that which does not help you achieve that dream. 
We all have 86 400 seconds in a day given to all humans but what makes people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy and all the top successful men and women different from us? They've all programmed themselves to be more productive! 
When we talk about being productive, people think of time management. But there's no such thing as time management. Let me ask, can you slow the pace of time or increase it to suit your pace? Or can you save some time today and get it back tomorrow? We've all been given the same 86 400 seconds as others which you cannot get back tomorrow. Some use it well others mismanage it well. So instead of the idea if time management, I think self management should be the real idea. 
Are you now ready to stop being unproductive and start achieving much? I'm sure you do. 
1. Create a to - do list. 
If you actually carried out the exercise above, creating a to - do list won't be stressful again. But if you haven't don't worry. To create a daily list of what you need to do to achieve that goal first write your goal boldy and specifically. After doing that write down a maximum list of about ten to twenty activities to be performed to reach that goal. Having done that you've gotten your to - do list, you only have to limit it to 7 activities each day. Once an activity is done always tick it to inspire you to do the rest. 
2. Write a not to - do list. 
Write down a list of activities you do that doesn't lead you to the path of achieving your goal and place it somewhere we can easily see it. Once you've done that anytime you get to see yourself doing any of those your brain sends a signal immediately that you're in the wrong zone. 
3. Get rid of the 3 anti - productivity agents. 
After setting your goal, you need to focus your attention on anti - productivity agents which are; Fear, Laziness, Procrastination. 
Fear stops you from doing that task in your to - do list that you've never done before. As you let fear hold you down you send signals to your brain that such activity can be done much later then Procrastination takes it over from there. And from there Laziness creep in too. You see, they all work hand - in - hand! 
Make conscious efforts not to let fear hold you down from taking any step in reaching your goal. If you do, be sure to have the rest agents work together against you. 
Don't give these three agents a place on your life, work and other things. 
Don't forget to set specific and achievable goals. 
See you at the top! 

~1.8 mins read

Who is an entrepreneur? 
An entrepreneur is someone who has decided to not depend on employer's salary alone and seeks to generate more funds for himself or herself by using their skills or area of expertise. 
One good thing about entrepreneurs is that they choose to have financial independence! They don't have to care if there'll be downsizing later on. They also don't have a limit in their financial income as they have the opportunity to grow their income to whatever amount they like. Entrepreneurs decide when and where to work, no more under the supervision of that boss. 
So you see that being an entrepreneur opens you to a world of opportunities. 
However despite the good of being an entrepreneur, without developing certain skills and characters to run that business, such an entrepreneur will get to fail woefully in the future if not now! 
But all thanks to successful people who have laid down footsteps for us to follow to be successful as well. 
 In our world today, there's one major and important thing most entrepreneur lack which I'll be discussing below. Are you ready to know? There you go. 
Patience is one essential quality most entrepreneur lack in our today's world. Most entrepreneur set up their business and expects it to start generating the $10000/month immediately. This is actually wrong. They expect to start generating $1000 on the first month of having a skill. This is not how it works! 
Interviews with successful people around the world portrays two things in general; Hardworking and Patience. 
To begin earning huge incomes you need to build it up and while you do so add patience to it because you'll experience alot of failures which might discourage you to give up. 
It's in this aspect that entrepreneurs fail. When they experience discouraging failures after trying once or twice more, they give up! 
As entrepreneurs we should rather develop the mindset that failure brings us two steps more to our goal when our hardwork takes us just a step. 
I encourage entrepreneurs to emulate the likes of Albert Einstein who didn't give up after many failures. Most of these all - time world's successful humans were once faced with difficulties that required them to make tough decision but that didn't stop them from going for what they really want to achieve! 
I advice entrepreneurs to start seeing difficulties as a sign that they're doing the right thing. They're should also never allow such difficulties to sway them and pursue their goals with PATIENCE. 
~3.6 mins read

Are you a small business owner, or an entrepreneur actively involved in generating more cash flows or stream incomes and your business is having a hard time growing as it ought to? Or maybe it's even FAILING capitally. What do you do next? 
This is something every entrepreneur must do since we all are bound to experience failure, Tough, Rigid failures that would shake us to the bone and wear us out. 
In such a case, the average entrepreneur might think such business is not to be ventured by him or is not the right business for him and would just give up! 
This content would groom you as an entrepreneur on what next to do when you have tried all you can to make the business work out but it's just still not working out. 
Before I take you deep, I want to be FULLY aware that everyone of us experience failure, it's just how each of us handle such failure that determines who will or will not be successful. Also remember that quitting at the point of failure is just like pouring water into a basket. It'd in no way solve that money problem! 
       So you've tried, tried, tried and failed,what must you do next? Check it out! 
1. Give up! 
Give up?! "What do you mean give up?" you might be asking... 
What I mean is give up trying and trying. Retreat yourself for sometime. 
This is the first and the best strategy to make that business work again. When you retreat, spend some time alone with yourself and your team ( if you've got a team) if possible. 
         The time of retreat is not the time to go about spending moments with friends to forget your failures neither is it the time to totally forget about that business failure and go about doing other things. Note that it's a time for renewal. It's a time for isolating yourself and beckoning on your top thinking creatives! 
2. Review yourself. 
What this segment means is to check up on yourself, your methods, your strategy, your ideas. Carefully examine the business right from the day you started it up and see all the methods, creatives, ideas, opportunities, solutions, strategies, attitudes, inspirations etc used in your business and start noting them down in a book. Make sure they're all noted down so you could find the best way to solve each and very problem. 
The review method is the best way to crosscheck loopholes in your business. 
3. Self improvement. 
To make your business work again, you'll have to do alot of thinking. No one reigns without the use of the brain, it is the use of the brain that establishes the reign of man! 
T. Harv Eker said that your money only grows to the extent you do. You need to improve on yourself. You need to begin learning and re-learning till you yourself have grown in financial literacy. 
You have to start taking courses about business growth, success tips etc, read books by Brian Tracy, Robert Allen and a whole lot of others. I would focus a whole lot on this aspect because this aspect determines how far your business goes and grows. 
You'll have to subscribe to webinars on business growth, subscribe to newsletters on business and related topics. 
          Some of the books I recommend to you are; 
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber. 
Start Small, Finish Big: Fifteen Key Lessons to Start and Run Your Own Successful Business by Fred Deluca. 
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish.
4. Strategize! 
To make the most adventure of your time you need to strategize and how do you strategize? By deep thinking of course! It is brain work that make things work! Be committed to brain work which is also strategic thinking. One common characteristics of highly successful people is reading and thinking. 
Why didn't I say after writing down all the problems your business is facing, start thinking of ways to work it out? That's absolutely wrong! Where do you gather solutions from when you're still have the same old level of thinking. You'll obviously still gather vague solutions which will not work out at the end. That's why I recommend that you put down the old ways of running your business first, then improve yourself maximally to the full then come back and start strategizing solutions to those problems. 
Every information you've gathered from the books, webinars newsletters and others, you take them to your engine room and start analyzing, diagnosing and dissecting until you can draw maximum value in addressing your situation if you really want to have a change of position. 
Great things work with the help of brain work. Life is practical not mystical, so we need to give a practical approach to challenges we face! 
No one can think for you! Make the decision to start strategized thinking, only then would your situation begin to work out for the better. 
For those yet to follow me, you're really missing much. 
~2.3 mins read
Are you looking for ways to change your financial income? You're in the right place! 
After realizing that you're not to depend on a single income most especially from employers, what next are we to do? We are sure in need of the best ways to change that your financial situation and that's exactly what I bring to do. 
     Guys, in no time, the top 5 ways to change your financial income; 
1. Take 100% responsibility for your life. 
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself - Jim Rohn ( America's foremost business philosopher) 
The truth is that if you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life. Most of us have been conditioned to blame others for whatever bad happens to us. But that has to change with immediate effect if we want to be successful. 
2. Set powerful goals. 
Most of us haven't realized the power of goals setting. Whatever goal you give to your subconscious mind, it'll work day and night to achieve! To ensure that you put the power of goal setting to maximum effect, make sure that your goals have just two basic features; be specific about the goal and a time frame in achieving that goal. 
For example, I will make $2500 on July 31st by 8pm. This is a perfect example of a goal! 
3. Take action. 
After putting down your goals, the next thing to do is to begin taking action and not relenting on your efforts. Work towards realizing your goals. You don't set goals and expect it to come into right place without working for it. The world doesn't pay you for what you know, it rather pays you for what you do. When you take actions, you trigger all kinds of things that will inevitably carry you to success. Are you taking action? 
4. Practice persistence. 
 It's not always going easy. When you start taking action, the universe brings obstacles and difficulties to test your determination in achieving your goal. But when you practice persistence and the world sees your zeal in achieving your goal, it then sends what you need to really win. 
5. Associate with successful people. 
If you want to be a successful businessman, entrepreneur, writer etc associate with people who have done that which you want to do. It is so important that you spend time with the people you want to become like. If you want to be more successful, you need to start hanging out with more successful people. When you spend most of your time with them before you realise it you begin to act like them, talk like them and carry yourself like them. While doing this, make sure you reduce drastically the number of hours you spend with less productive people, you really don't need to be with less successful people else you know the case. 
These above are simple but powerful steps to achieve much in life and become more and more successful. They have been used and practiced by top successful humans around the world today. 
Try it and see its powerful effect! Remember always that action beats inaction, so take action now! 

~2.8 mins read
Top 10 poverty habits and mentality. 
How do you know if your habits portrays that of a poor mindset? 
First I want you to note that thoughts brew actions, actions brew habit and habit brew character. Do your thoughts generate productive ideas? Do you seek to add to your knowledge on a daily basis? 
I'll be be highlighting some poor habits and mentality that makes people poor. In case you find any area where you may be lacking, ensure you make conscious effort to correct such areas and continue self development. 
Below are some poverty causing habits and mentality: 
1. Poor people believe "life happens to me". They're are not moved by whatever life brings to them. However, Rich people believe" I create my life". Do you accept whatever life brings to your face and do nothing? Or do you accept it and fight back to make a change and create a world of opportunities for yourself? 
2. Poor people play the money game not to lose. They save money and use it to pay up debts when savings are to be invested to generate more income in the actual sense. Rich people rather save money and invest their savings to make more money. 
3. Poor people think small. They have self limiting goals. Rich people rather think big. They rather create goals that stretch them to the core. 
4. Poor people are easily dissuaded by obstacles and challenges that they face when working towards their goals and they give up! Rich people have a focused, never - give - up attitude and they face their obstacles with courage, knowledge and expertise, effort as well. 
5. Poor people mostly resent rich and successful people. This is the most exhibited habits of poor people. When they see rich and wealthy people, there's this resentment that crops up in a corner of their heart towards that rich individual and are driven by envy and jealousy. Since they resent that rich person, how can they become something they resent? Absolutely impossible! 
6. Poor people associate with negative and fellow unsuccessful people. People that will drive them out of that goal they've set and want to accomplish. This is opposite of Rich people. They associate and mingle with positive and successful people. 
7. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. They're oblivious of the fact that everyone everyone in this world sells something. The lawyer sells his skills to clients in need of his services and get money in return, the doctor sells his expertise and earns money as a reward, the footballer also sells that his football skills to gain money in return and so on like that. So tell me, if you don't promote yourself, skills, services etc to be noticed how else do you want to sell that skill you've got? 
8. Poor people mismanage their money well. They earn their income, buy all they've long desired leaving little or no room for savings and investment. They spend most of their money buying luxuries, the luxuries need maintenance funds, their income is not enough, then they're deeply in debt! Poor mismanagement of money! 
9. Poor people work hard for money. Rich people on the other hand makes money work hard for them. This is possible by investment. Look investing goes a long way to generate more income for you. But first, learn the ropes of investing before starting out. 
10. Poor people let fear stop them from achieving their goal. They're are scared if it'll work out. We all face these fears but Rich people act in spite of that fear. They feel the fear that poor people feel but they don't let the fear stop them from achieving, winning and succeeding. 
            Having gone through all this habits, check within you whether you carry any of the habits of the Poor and begin to make conscious efforts to change that habit. 
Don't forget that Wealth and Poverty is all about the mindset! Change those poor habits and acquire the Rich habits now! Take action!. 
~3.3 mins read

Depending on a single income can be very frustrating aside the doom to come on those in such category. To know more about it, follow me to get updated on financial articles now! 


From my previous content, I promised to share how to start generating various sources of income to be free of the financial crash to come of which I'll be highlighting some ways. But first I want you to note that whichever means you choose to generate more income, it won't be effective if you don't take time to learn the in and out of such medium. So I advice that whichever medium you choose to generate more income for yourself make sure you take your time to learn the trends of such medium. 


To start making money, think of the what you like doing best, what you enjoy doing the most without much effort. After you've done that, comment on this article on that thing you love doing best. When you do that, I'll be able to tell you how to make money with your special gift/ability. 

However, I will be sharing general ways to make money. But I recommended that you discover what you love doing best so as to excel so much in your money making adventure. 


1. Content writing. 

                   Do you have a flair for writing? Are you good at crafting write-ups? Do you delight in penning down your ideas and opinions? Then content writing is for you! 

You can actually begin to make $100 a month writing contents for sites, blogs, companies etc.. However, as a starter, you need to develop that skill so much so as to increase your price. Want to find out how to make hundreds of Dollars writing contents? Message me to find out how! 


2. Investing. 

           A lot of people see investment as a technical field where people lose or win money, or other ways, are afraid of losing money. This people are misinformed about investing. Some individuals rush into investing their money on a stock without much knowledge about investments but after they lose their money they come back and twist the idea of investments to make it look technical to those wanting to start out as good investors. Investment is easy if you know all about the game! 

Before you start investing in stocks, seek out knowledge about investments before putting that your money. You can also look for people around you who are into investing to guide you on that or better still, follow Robert Kiyosaki on Facebook and other social media handles to access his free master classes as he breaks down investment. 


3. Freelancing. 

              Freelancing is the process of working from the comfort of your home without having to leave the four corners of your house. You can be in Ghana and be employed in Australia. You also decide on the amount if hours you work. Isn't that good news?! 

 However, to be a freelancer what must you own? Just a skill and a mobile phone. That's all! 

So if you're good at designing, coding, blogging, developing softwares, and any other skill (you name it), you can be a freelancer. There are many sites where you can freelance such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer.com and many other sites. Before you start out, have a skill first. 


4. Affiliate marketing. 

                Affiliate marketing is all about promoting products and services through your social media handle, website or blog to customers and clients who need such products and services out there. Affiliate marketing have been researched to generate millions for affiliates monthly! Those who are not on affiliate marketing are missing out. I'm a witness of affiliate marketing. Its a very lucrative online job to do. There are many free and paid sites to start out as an affiliate such as Konga, Fiverr, Jumia, Melodybiz etc.. While paid sites are Expertnaire, Selar, Affiliate ng and a host of others. What do you need to become an affiliate marketer? You just need a strong online followers or a website/blog to promote products or services to. 


I'll just stop here for now but I'll be bringing many more ways to make huge incomes to you. Make do with the available ones for now and always remember to take your time to learn the trends of whichever money making medium you choose because it'll help you excel better than those who didn't.

To get access to my upcoming financial contents, don't forget to follow me and share whatever you feel about this content as well. 

~3.2 mins read


What is poverty first of all? 

Poverty is not being unable to provide funds for projects or inability to cater for your pressing needs. Rather, the true meaning of poverty is inability to source out creative ideas to cure your limited financial state. That's the true meaning of poverty! 


One basic thing about poor people is that they don't seek knowledge on basic things that matter to move their financial status to the next level. Poor people rather focus their attention on trivial things of less financial value. Why are they like that? It's because they're programmed to be that way or rather they've programmed their selves that way! 


Poverty on a high focus research is as a result of mentality so also is wealth. It's all about your mentality, the things you focus on, the knowledge you absorb daily, the beliefs about making money! That's exactly what makes poor people poor! 

A quick look at the life of a poor man. 

He wakes up early in the morning, prays for daily rain of money and blessings, takes all hygiene practices to effect, checks the news on what's trending, discusses and agitates on that political issue that's disturbing him with his fellow poor man, goes out looking for job and quickly retires to his house because such exercise is draining him, feels devastated for not finding a job for the 5th time, sets out to play a game to relief him of such devastation, comes back home and the exercise keeps going on and on. Or let's say he has a job, he receives his salary, budgets for a car that he so much desire and purchases it, buys the clothes, expensive shoes, phones and all those he has so much desired. He does not save nor invest. That sucks him out! His car is in need of funds for maintenance, his phone needs repairs, those shoes are worn out and now the children's school fees are due. His income is not enough for that, he goes out borrowing money, before he knew it he's landed in great debt! What has he gotten into? 


It was his poverty habits that led to that situation! 

Rich people are committed to being rich while poor people want to be rich ( no commitments!). 


So back to the main causes of poverty which are categorized into two; 


1. FEAR. 

One quality of rich people is that they act irrespective of fear. Poor people on the other hand let that fear stop them. They are scared of applying for that job position because they think they can't get it. They're scared of closing that sales. They're scared of facing that problem squarely. They're scared of breaking out of their comfort zones. They're scared of approaching that person. They're scared of asking for help. They're scared of associating with so much people. They're scared of rejection. They're scared of starting out that business. 

             The remedy for this is simple! See that your fear as a prison you live in. A cage for limiting an elephant that you're. See yourself breaking out of such cage now! Believe it and work towards it! In no time, you'd have gotten over that fear. 



 Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know. 

It is said that knowledge is not determined by how much you know but fast you learn. 

Rich people are constantly updated on how to better their business, ways to close sales faster, stocks to invest in to yield millions. However, poor people are updated on latest pouch in town, that trending song or the killer dance that captivates attention. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's bad but if that's the major knowledge you gather daily, I'm sorry! 

A simple remedy for this! 


Begin taking courses on that new skill you want to learn. Start following the likes of Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki and other successful people on social media and leave those less important groups for now. Start looking for ways to start that business. Start setting goals and work towards reaching them. Start asking for guidelines on how to carry out that task easily. Start reading books on finance. Look for a coach to always check up on you. 


Now that you're aware of poverty causing actions, I ask you, do your actions signify poverty or otherwise?. Are there areas where you're lacking or failing to take action?

Now is the time to breakthrough! Take action now! 

For more info follow me or message me. 


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