A Church Inside An Hotel...!

A Church Inside An Hotel...!

2 years ago

~0.9 mins read


Last week, I was invited to a church program for this particular Sunday...
I had the intentions to attend but what turned me off was the Venue which happens to be one of the bubbling Hotel in the Vicinity...

And i was like why will i attend a church that is located in an Hotel where all sort of immortality takes place? undecided

Though i ain't a saint but i don't understand why a so called house of God should be in an unholy ground..

From what I was able to dig out in the bible, both old and the new testaments; the house of God is a sacrilegious place sanctified to the worship of God. 
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”

Mathew 21:13 also says "my house is called the house of prayer but you have turned it to den of thieves".

To me it doesn't make sense,,,

Brethrens what are your opinions about this? Many have argued that it doesn't matter but I need a concrete assurance to that.



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