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Picture source: USMLE first aid. Please buy a copy to get more info on this Mnemonic
Anatomy Mnemonics For Innervation Of Extraocularmotor Muscles (Ophthalmology))
~1.0 mins read
The nerves that supply the extraocularmotor muscles are
1. Abducens nerve or Cranial nerve VI (6)
2. Trochlear nerve or Cranial nerve IV (4)
3. Oculomotor nerve or Cranial nerve III (3)
• LR6 (SO4) R3
Explanation of Mnemonics
• LR6 = Lateral Rectus muscle --> Innervated by CN6 (VI) Abducens
• SO4 = Superior Oblique muscle --> Innervated by CN4 (IV) Trochlear
• R3 = The Rest of the 4 eyeball movers --> Innervated by CN3 (III)
The muscles innervated by CN 3 (III) Oculomotor nerve are
1. Superior Rectus
2. Inferior Rectus
3. Medial Rectus
4. Inferior Oblique
The Oblique muscles take the eyeballs in the opposite direction. For example the Left Oblique is tested with the patient looking Right and .
Obliques go Opposite (Left SO and IO tested with patient looking right).
I O U: IO tested looking Up.

Picture source: USMLE first aid. Please buy a copy to get more info on this Mnemonic
Neurology: What Are Schwann Cells
~0.5 mins read
Schwann cells are structures that surround the Axons (See my last post for a short explanation of what Axons are) in the Peripheral Nervous System.
This is the structure that surrounds and provides Myelin to wrap and insulate axons
Schwann cells are derived from the Neural Crest cells
Functions of the Schwann cell
1. Promote regeneration of the axon after injury.
2. One Schwann cell myelinates (surrounds and provides myelin) for one Peripheral Nevous System (PNS) Axon.
Which disease condition can result from injury to the Schwann cells
1. Guillain-Barré syndrome.
See my next post to know what Guillain Barre syndrome is all about

Human Anatomy
Anatomy Mnemonics For The Cranial Nerves
~0.6 mins read
I - Optic nerve
II - Olfactory nerve
III - Oculomotor nerve
IV - Trochlear nerve
V - Trigeminal nerve
VI - Abducens nerve
VII - Facial nerve
VIII - Acoustic (vestibulocochlear) nerve
IX - Glossophrayngeal nerve
X - Vagus nerve
XI - Spinal accessory nerve
XII - Hypoglossal nerve
Remember the 12 nerves in the following order
On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops
If you confuse which comes first (Optic or Olfactory) remember:
• You have I nose. You have II eyes. (I - Olfactory; II -- Optic)