

~1.5 mins read

1. Play with her br茅asts, don't play with her heart.

2. Open up her heart, don't open her old wounds.

3. Keep her secrets, don't keep secrets from her.

4. B茅at up her problems, don't b茅at her up.

5. Help her to make good judgements, don't judge her.

6. Spread her legs alone, don't spread sexual diseases to her.

7. Fool around with her, don't make a fool out of her.

8. Laugh with her, don't laugh at her.

9. S没ck her n卯pples, don't s没ck life and joy out of her.

10. Make her scream in bed when making love, don't make her scream out of frustration and depressi么n.

11. Silence her storms and battles, don't silence her voice and opinions.

12. Make her m酶an in pleasure, don't make her mourn the death of your love.

13. Relieve her stress, don't give her stress.

14. Sp谩nk her b没tt cheek, don't slap her face cheek.

15. Surprise her with gifts, don't surprise her with lies.

16. Make her wet between her legs, don't make her eyes wet with tears.

17. Be by her side, don't sideline her.

18. Make love to her doggie style, don't be a d贸g that cheats on her like a community pen卯s.

19. Make other women jealous of her by how you love her, don't make her jealous.

20. Keep a record of all the good she deliberately does daily, not the wrong she unintentionally does occasionally.

21. Don't insult her stretchmarks, stretch her vision so that she leaves a positive mark on Earth.


Reno Omokri: A Champion Of Critical Thinking
~2.3 mins read
_Reno Omokri: A Champion of Critical Thinking_

Reno Omokri, a Nigerian author, politician, and social commentator, has established himself as a champion of critical thinking in a country where conformity and groupthink often reign supreme. Through his writings, public statements, and social media engagements, Omokri has consistently demonstrated a commitment to critical thinking, intellectual honesty, and evidence-based reasoning.

_Challenging Assumptions_

One of the hallmarks of critical thinking is the ability to challenge assumptions and question prevailing narratives. Omokri has shown a willingness to do so, even when it means going against the grain. He has challenged the assumptions of both the government and the opposition, urging Nigerians to think critically about the information they receive and the leaders they support.

_Encouraging Evidence-Based Reasoning_

Omokri is a strong advocate for evidence-based reasoning. He consistently cites credible sources to support his arguments and encourages others to do the same. This approach has helped to promote a culture of critical thinking in Nigeria, where facts and figures are often distorted or ignored.

_Promoting Intellectual Honesty_

Intellectual honesty is a key component of critical thinking. Omokri has demonstrated a commitment to intellectual honesty by acknowledging when he is wrong and willing to change his mind based on new evidence. This approach has earned him respect from his peers and followers.

_Fostering Constructive Debate_

Critical thinking involves engaging in constructive debate and listening to opposing viewpoints. Omokri has created a platform for constructive debate through his social media engagements and public lectures. He encourages his followers to engage in respectful discussions, even when they disagree.

_Inspiring a New Generation of Critical Thinkers_

Omokri's commitment to critical thinking has inspired a new generation of Nigerians to think critically and challenge the status quo. His writings and public statements have motivated many young Nigerians to engage in politics and social issues, using evidence-based reasoning and critical thinking.


Reno Omokri's commitment to critical thinking has made him a champion of intellectual honesty and evidence-based reasoning in Nigeria. His willingness to challenge assumptions, encourage evidence-based reasoning, promote intellectual honesty, foster constructive debate, and inspire a new generation of critical thinkers has earned him a reputation as a leading voice of reason in the country.


1. *Cultivate Critical Thinking*: Encourage critical thinking by questioning assumptions and evaluating evidence.
2. *Promote Intellectual Honesty*: Acknowledge when you are wrong and be willing to change your mind based on new evidence.
3. *Engage in Constructive Debate*: Listen to opposing viewpoints and engage in respectful discussions.
4. *Inspire Others*: Share your knowledge and experience with others to inspire critical thinking.
5. *Lead by Example*: Demonstrate critical thinking in your own life and encourage others to do the same.


- Omokri, R. (2020). *The Great Pretender: How Buhari Fooled Nigeria*.
- Omokri, R. (2019). *Buharism: The Ideology of the Most Powerful Man in Nigeria*.
- Omokri, R. (2018). *Why I Believe in Nigeria*.


5 Facts About Single Ladies
~0.8 mins read
Here are five facts about single ladies based on various studies and research:

1. *Increased independence*: Single ladies are more likely to prioritize their own needs and goals, leading to increased independence and self-reliance.

2. *Improved mental health*: Studies have shown that single women tend to have better mental health and lower rates of depression compared to their married counterparts.

3. *Financial empowerment*: Single ladies are more likely to take control of their finances, invest in themselves, and build wealth.

4. *Stronger social connections*: Single women often develop stronger social connections with friends, family, and community, leading to a more supportive network.

5. *Increased self-awareness*: Single ladies tend to have a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their desires, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Remember, these facts are generalizations and may not apply to every individual. Single ladies are a diverse group, and their experiences can vary greatly. However, these facts highlight some common themes and benefits associated with being a single lady.

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