
Steps That Should Be Taken By Parents To Stop Children From Stealing
~1.4 mins read
Stealing is now rampant in society. Often times when these criminals are caught, the consequences are dire and often fatal. Some times mobs take justice in their own hands and decide to brutalise these criminals. In the worst circumstances alleged thieves are being lynched. It will be painful when a mother witness her child's death and cannot do anything about it.
Stealing is not just a ‘day behavior’ meaning that one don't just start stealing a day. It takes months, years to grow deeper. It is a gradual process and can be stopped at early age. If it enters late stage it may take another dimension.
Let's look at how parents/ guardians can stop these bad behavior (Stealing) before it develops
1. Mind what you give your child: Most parents are the cost of their children stealing. Anytime the child needs something they will just provide it. This makes the child go into stealing that thing when the daddy and mommy cannot provide it. So I advice parents to check the things they give their children anything you don't want to and the child distrub much, use the Cane.
2. Correct the behavior at early stage:  Stealing is a gradual process. From stealing of pencil to pen from pen to picking of ten Naria from ten Naria to fifty, fifty to bank robbery. Parents should take measures correcting that child anytime they steal anything no matter how small it is.
3. Never spare the rod so you won't spoil the child: Some parents hates correcting their children with Cane. The truth is that most children fear the Cane. Cane helps in correcting children's bad attitude. The Bible also states “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” If you hate correcting your child with Cane anytime they do wrong, don't be ashamed when they show such behavior in public.
Though some stealing
cases today are spiritual and need strong deliverance.
~0.9 mins read

Making mistakes isn’t something new. Everyone on earth makes mistake, the question is after making mistakes what next. This is when most fall to the mistake trap which leads grave concequences later.

 Here are three steps to take whenever you make a mistake.


1 Admitting you did it: This is the first step to take whenever you make a mistake. Admit you made the mistake. By doing this people will still trust you. No one is above mistake. They will understand that it was just a mistake. If you choose to deny it and keep it to yourself, remember the wall have ears, someone might have seen you doing it.

2. Learn from the mistake: The next is learning from that mistake, don’t just admit you did it, learn from it. Know what made you do it and correct yourself. 

3. Never repeat such Mistake again:

 While learning from that mistake make sure you don’t repeat it again. Constant repetition of a mistake will make you look like a failure. Learn from that mistake, find out why you commit that mistake and finally, never allow such mistake repeat itself.
Again, ASUU Extends Strike
~0.8 mins read
After a series of heated discussions, the Academic Staff Union of Universities has decided to extend its ongoing strike, The PUNCH reliably learnt.
The decision was taken after the National Executive Council meeting at the union’s headquarters at the University of Abuja on Monday morning.
ASUU had declared the commencement of a strike on Monday, February 14, 2022, at the University of Lagos.
Meanwhile, in an interview with The PUNCH, the spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Education, Ben Goong, explained that the government had taken all possible steps to end the strike.
He said, “As regards the next steps, the government has already inaugurated a committee to harmonise the IPPIS, UTAS, and UP3. This will ensure that the government will pay with only one payment platform that will harmonise all the technical peculiarities.
“If you bring some demands and almost 80% have been attended to, there is no need to drag the strike anymore.


Study Abroad Scholarship
~1.4 mins read
Many of the top universities and colleges in Canada provide scholarships to foreign students in order to help them pay for their studies there.
Make sure you thoroughly review the eligibility requirements for any partial scholarships offered in Canada before applying, and be aware of the application process and deadline.

A strong academic record is typically the most significant need for partial scholarships, but other variables, such as your preferred destination, subject, and level, may also be taken into consideration. Extracurricular activities and volunteer work might also be advantageous in some partial scholarships.

Remember that each partial scholarship has its own requirements for qualifying. A simple application may be sufficient in certain cases, but you may need to meet additional requirements in others. You might be required to complete written assignments, for example, in programs that emphasize research. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to contact the university admissions center.

Each institution has a different prize structure and money available. Because receiving a scholarship is competitive, it’s crucial to submit your application well in advance. It is advised that you begin the process 8–12 months before the preferred intake period.

Documents required to apply for scholarships in Canada
Check the website of the scholarship-granting organization before submitting your application to be sure you have all the required paperwork. However, the majority of the institutions want certain common documentation from applicants for scholarships, including:

Completed scholarship application form
Copy of your academic transcripts/diplomas
Copy of your passport/ID
Statement of purpose or letter of motivation
Recommendation letter
Test score (like IELTS, SAT, ACT, GRE, GPA)
Proof of your language proficiency, like an IELTS test
Some institutions may also require some additional documents, such as an essay and medical report.
Now you know all what you need, Ae You Ready to apply? – NM01
~1.7 mins read
Emmanuel Osodeke, ASUU president, spoke on Monday during an interview with Channels Television.

ASUU has been on strike since February 14 over government’s failure to implement its demands on salaries and allowances of lecturers, improved funding for universities as well as the adoption of UTAS against the federal government’s preferred payment platform — Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS).

As of Tuesday, the strike embarked by ASUU has entered 183 days – a development that has led to frustration for students, parents and other stakeholders.

Speaking on Monday, the ASUU president said the federal government invited the union for a meeting on Tuesday on the issue of renegotiation.

Osodeke said ASUU will suspend the strike, if the federal government agrees to its demands at today’s meeting.

“We have not had any serious communication though they have invited us for a meeting on one issue, tomorrow (referring to Tuesday), which is the issue of renegotiation,” he said.

“You know that there are seven issues why we are on strike. They are inviting for discussion on issue of renegotiation, tomorrow, which is renegotiation of the 2009 agreement.

“The issues of IPPIS and UTAS has been put to rest because the test has been done and it has been agreed with the chief of staff, UTAS will be implemented to cover the university.

“Two, if this government is serious, this strike will not last more than two weeks. If you recall we were going to suppose to go on strike in November, we didn’t start it because NIREC came in and intervened. We conceded to them.

‘’They met with the president, he set up a committee headed by the chief of staff that should resolve this quickly, the world saw it in the press, they did nothing. The president set up the Munzali committee, we met them , nothing, they didn’t come back.

“They set up the Nimi Briggs committee, it’s now more than three months, two months we finished negotiating with them, they didn’t come back. The president directed the Ministry of Education to finish within two weeks, two weeks has passed, they didn’t come back.

“If we go into that meeting tomorrow and government say what we have negotiated, we are willing to sign, the strike will be called off.”
Feynman's learning technique
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗲𝘆𝗻𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲.
~1.0 mins read
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗲𝘆𝗻𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲.

The Feynman technique is named after the physicist Richard Feynman, who was, in his own right, a great scientist. In 1965 he won a Nobel Prize for his work in quantum electrodynamics, which is something I had to practice thing a couple of different times. He was famous for tirelessly working through equations until the concept he was wrangling with was intuitively easy to understand. Simon Tisdale's The Fireman Technique is a four-step process of explaining an idea to someone else. No special skills are required to use it; you can do it in plain English or French or whatever language you speak.

It can improve your grasp of a subject, test your understanding, and challenge your assumptions. In the example I filmed here, we're going to use the Pythagorean theorem as an example. The key here is simplicity, the act of explaining a topic as if you were teaching it to somebody who didn't have the same base assumptions and base knowledge that you do. Step forward is to look at your explanation and identify areas where you've resorted to technical terms or complex language. Then, challenge yourself to break down those terms and explain them in simplified, easy-to-understand words. Why does the Pythagorean theorem hold proof for all right triangles and yeah?

Maybe you can bust out the prosecution rearrangement, but perhaps you can't. Maybe there was a bit too simple of an example for you, and you'd. Complex or something that has nothing to do with math at all.


