
How Well Do You Worry About Your Health?
~3.9 mins read

Overlapping, crowded emojis looking worried, suprised, uncertain, upset, happy, etc, in bright yellow, black, & shades of red

Don't worry. It's good advice if you can take it. Of course that's not always easy, especially for health concerns.

The truth is: it's impossible (and ill-advised) to never worry about your health. But are you worrying about the right things? Let's compare a sampling of common worries to the most common conditions that actually shorten lives. Then we can think about preventing the biggest health threats.

Dangerous but rare health threats

The comedian John Mulaney says the cartoons he watched as a child gave him the impression that quicksand, anvils falling from the sky, and lit sticks of dynamite represented major health risks. For him (as is true for most of us), none of these turned out to be worth worrying about.

While harm can befall us in many ways, some of our worries are not very likely to occur:

  • Harm by lightning: In the US, lightning strikes kill about 25 people each year. Annually, the risk for the average person less than one in a million. There are also several hundred injuries due to nonfatal lightning strikes. Even though lightning strikes the earth millions of times each year, the chances you'll be struck are quite low.
  • Dying in a plane crash: The yearly risk of being killed in a plane crash for the average American is about one in 11 million. Of course, the risk is even lower if you never fly, and higher if you regularly fly on small planes in bad weather with inexperienced pilots. By comparison, the average yearly risk of dying in a car accident is approximately 1 in 5,000.
  • Snakebite injuries and deaths: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bit by poisonous snakes each year in the US. Lasting injuries are uncommon, and deaths are quite rare (about five per year). In parts of the country where no poisonous snakes live, the risk is essentially zero.
  • Shark attacks: As long as people aren't initiating contact with sharks, attacks are fairly uncommon. Worldwide, about 70 unprovoked shark attacks occur in an average year, six of which are fatal. In 2022, 41 attacks occurred in the US, two of which were fatal.
  • Public toilet seats: They may appear unclean (or even filthy), but they pose little or no health risk to the average person. While it's reasonable to clean off the seat and line it with paper before touching down, health fears should not discourage you from using a public toilet.
  • I'm not suggesting that these pose no danger, especially if you're in situations of increased risk. If you're on a beach where sharks have been sighted and seals are nearby, it's best not to swim there. When in doubt, it's a good idea to apply common sense and err on the side of safety.

    What do Google and TikTok tell us about health concerns?

    Analyzing online search topics can tell us a lot about our health worries.

    The top Google health searches in 2023 were:

  • How long is strep throat contagious?
  • How contagious is strep throat?
  • How to lower cholesterol?
  • What helps with bloating?
  • What causes low blood pressure?
  • Really? Cancer, heart disease and stroke, or COVID didn't reach the top five? High blood pressure didn't make the list, but low blood pressure did?

    Meanwhile, on TikTok the most common topics searched were exercise, diet, and sexual health, according to one study. Again, no top-of-the-list searches on the most common and deadly diseases.

    How do our worries compare with the top causes of death?

    In the US, these five conditions took the greatest number of lives in 2022:

  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • unintentional injury (including motor vehicle accidents, drug overdoses, and falls)
  • COVID-19
  • stroke.
  • This list varies by age. For example, guns are the leading cause of death among children and teenagers (ages 1 to 19). For older teens (ages 15 to 19), the top three causes of death were accidents, homicide, and suicide.

    Perhaps the lack of overlap between leading causes of death and most common online health-related searches isn't surprising. Younger folks drive more searches and may not have heart disease, cancer, or stroke at top of mind. In addition, online searches might reflect day-to-day concerns (how soon can my child return to school after having strep throat?) rather than long-term conditions, such as heart disease or cancer. And death may not be the most immediate health outcome of interest.

    But the disconnect suggests to me that we may be worrying about the wrong things — and focusing too little on the biggest health threats.

    Transforming worry into action

    Most of us can safely worry less about catching something from a toilet seat or shark attacks. Instead, take steps to reduce the risks you face from our biggest health threats. Chipping away at these five goals could help you live longer and better while easing unnecessary worry:

  • Choose a heart-healthy diet.
  • Get routinely recommended health care, including blood pressure checks and cancer screens, such as screening for colorectal cancer.
  • Drive more safely. Obey the speed limit, drive defensively, always wear a seatbelt, and don't drive if you've been drinking.
  • Don't smoke. If you need to quit, find help.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • The bottom line

    Try not to focus too much on health risks that are unlikely to affect you. Instead, think about common causes of poor health. Then take measures to reduce your risk. Moving more and adding healthy foods to your meals is a great start.

    And in case you're curious, the average number of annual deaths due to quicksand is zero in the US. Still a bit worried? Fine, here's a video that shows you how to save yourself from quicksand even though you'll almost certainly never need it.

    Source: Harvard Health Publishing

    Trapped In A Toxic Marriage, Tempted By A Lost Love – Ejiro’s Story Will Leave You Speechless!
    ~0.8 mins read

    A Complicated Triangle: Ejiro, Ejike, and Louis – A Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Escape
    In a gripping new drama "BYE BABY" on Uche Jombo TV, viewers follow the tumultuous journey of Ejiro, a woman trapped in an abusive marriage with her husband Ejike for five years. Life takes an unexpected twist when her ex-lover, Louis, suddenly moves in next door, stirring up unresolved emotions. As Ejiro struggles to free herself from the grip of her toxic marriage, Louis fights tirelessly to rekindle the flame they once shared.
    Caught between the past and the present, Ejiro’s story explores themes of resilience, love, betrayal, and self-liberation. Will she find the courage to break free from Ejike’s control, or will she be drawn back into the familiarity of old love? This suspenseful drama promises emotional highs and lows that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
    Catch the full drama now on Uche Jombo TV on YouTube and discover how Ejiro’s story unfolds
    *Watch the Full Movie here:*
    *Watch the highlight here:*


    Do Parasocial Relationships Fill A Loneliness Gap?
    ~3.8 mins read

    illustration showing multiple overlapping silhouettes of people using smartphones, in bright colors against a dark blue background

    Do you follow certain social media creators, music artists, actors, athletes, or other famous people? Are you a huge fan of particular fictional characters from a book, TV show, or movie? Perhaps you check in with them daily because you feel a connection, care about them, or just love keeping up with the minutiae of their lives.

    These one-sided emotional ties to people you don't actually know (or those who don't actually exist) are called parasocial relationships. Like all relationships, they come with risks and benefits, says Arthur C. Brooks, a social scientist, best-selling author, and professor at both the Harvard Kennedy School and the Harvard Business School.

    Why do we develop parasocial relationships?

    Parasocial relationships tend to occur because of our natural tendency to link to others.

    "Humans have evolved to thrive in groups, probably because 250,000 years ago you needed to rely on other people to survive by building social relationships. And so we become attracted to and care about people if we have a regular enough exposure to them," says Brooks.

    We are all exposed regularly to tiny details about celebrities and fictional characters, watching their days unfold on social media or learning about them from a TV show or book. What hooks us is the emotional connection, especially if the person is exciting or compelling.

    "That's the secret to the success of the Harry Potter book series and the TV show Breaking Bad. The writing is supposed to engage you emotionally," Brooks says. "People can form a bond even if the characters are psychopaths."

    The upsides of parasocial relationships

    Parasocial relationships can be a nice complement to your life. They might entertain you, inspire you, educate you, or bring you comfort. You might feel less lonely or like you're part of a tight group or a cultural moment, a feeling the shows Friends and Game of Thrones fostered for many people.

    Bonding emotionally with famous or fictional people might also shape people's values. For example, children might learn lessons about right and wrong from characters they connect with on shows such as Sesame Street or Bluey. Teens or adults might feel moved to work harder if they're attached to champion athletes, or do good deeds if they admire selfless leaders.

    One study of more than 300 people ages 18 to 35 even found that parasocial relationships might help reduce the stigma of mental health conditions. All participants watched one video of someone who shared personal information aimed at creating a social bond. Then, some participants also watched a video of the content creator sharing his challenges with bipolar disorder. Those who saw both videos scored lower on measures of prejudice about mental health conditions than those who only saw the first video.

    The downsides of parasocial relationships

    While parasocial relationships can enrich your life, these one-sided affairs can also hurt you.

  • They won't love you back. "They're like fake food. They taste good, but they have no nutritional content and won't meet your needs. You need to love and be loved in return to thrive," Brooks says.
  • They might contribute to loneliness and isolation if you rely on them too much. Loneliness and isolation are linked to increased risks of many chronic health problems such as depression, anxiety, dementia, and heart disease, and even premature death.
  • They might have a negative influence on you. Are you picking up unhealthy ideas from the people you follow? Brooks says this should be a special concern for parents whose kids have parasocial relationships: The messages kids glean might be at odds with your values — perhaps because they are controversial political or adult themes.
  • Navigating parasocial relationships

    A dollop of parasocial relationships in your life is fine as long as they don't crowd out real-life bonds or warp your thinking and values. But how would you know if this was becoming an issue?

    Two red alerts:

  • Ask yourself if you're too attached. For example, are you skipping dinner with friends because you prefer watching a TV show with a character you care about and want to connect with?
  • Be wary. "If someone is trying to brainwash you, saying, 'I'm your friend, you can trust me,' that person is using a personal social bond to get you to do something — like vote a certain way," Brooks says. He points out that social media stars try to establish parasocial relationships with followers to get more clicks and make money. "That's what the new economy is all about — monetizing parasocial relationships on a mass scale," Brooks says.
  • Shifting from parasocial relationship to deeper connections

    Parasocial relationships fill a need. Social scrolling, streaming shows, or following celebs may tamp down loneliness or offer curated moments of joy and connection. But if you're leaning too hard on these one-sided relationships, Brooks advises taking a hard look at what's missing from your life.

    Forging warm connections in real life is worthwhile, though it isn't always easy. "It's a tall order for people who are shut-ins or introverted or don't have social skills, but you can start small. Have dinner with a friend. Spend more time with your family. Get more human eye contact. Touch, such as a hug, releases the bonding hormone oxytocin in the brain," Brooks suggests. "You'll care less about the characters and get what you really need."

    Source: Harvard Health Publishing

    Ready To Give Up The Lead Vest?
    ~3.7 mins read

    Man with black hair seated with x-ray machine pointed toward his jaw wearing lead protective vest; screen with xrays of teeth in backgroundvest

    At a dental appointment last month, I spotted a lead vest hanging unassumingly on the wall of the exam room as soon as I walked in. "Still there, but now obsolete," I thought.

    I'd just learned about new guidelines from the American Dental Association (ADA) saying lead vests and thyroid collars that cover the neck are no longer needed during dental x-rays. But they'd been a fixture of my dental experiences — including many cavities, four root canals, a tooth extraction, and two crowns — for my entire life. What changed, and could I feel safe without the vest?

    Why were lead vests used in past years?

    Lead vests and thyroid collars have been worn by countless Americans during dental x-rays over the years. They've been in use for far longer than my lifetime — about 100 years. The heavy apron-like shields are placed over sensitive areas, including the chest and neck, before the x-rays are taken.

    "I haven't worn a lead apron in the last 10 or 15 years — unless a dentist insists I put it on — because I know it isn't needed," says Dr. Bernard Friedland, an associate professor of oral medicine, infection, and immunity at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

    What has changed about dental x-rays?

    When lead vests and thyroid collars were first recommended, x-ray technology was much less precise. But the technology has evolved significantly over the last few decades in ways that dramatically improve patient safety:

  • Digital x-rays enable far smaller radiation doses, reducing radiation exposure and the risks associated with higher doses, such as cancer. "The doses used in dental radiology are negligibly small now. If you go to the dentist today for a full series of mouth x-rays that are taken with a digital sensor, the total exposure time is just over five seconds," explains Dr. Friedland, an expert in oral radiology. "A hundred or so years ago, that exposure time would have been many minutes."
  • The small size of today's x-ray beam significantly reduces radiation "scatter" and restricts the beam size to only the area needing to be imaged. This protects patients from radiation exposure to other parts of the body.
  • A less-recognized strike against using lead vests and thyroid collars is their ability to get in the way. They may block the primary x-ray beam, preventing dentists from capturing needed images. This quirk can lead to repeat imaging and unnecessary exposure to additional radiation. This is more likely to occur with panoramic x-rays.

    The gear may also spread germs, Dr. Friedland notes. Although disinfected, it's not sterilized between uses. "There's a risk of spreading bacteria and viruses," he says. "To me, that's also an issue and another reason I don't want to use one on myself."

    Who no longer needs the shields?

    No one does — even children, who presumably have a long life of dental x-rays in front of them. The new recommendations apply to all patients regardless of age, health status, or pregnancy, the ADA says.

    The recommendation to discontinue lead vests has been a long time in the making. In fact, the ADA isn't the first professional organization to propose it. The American Association of Physicists in Medicine did so in 2019, followed by the American College of Radiology in 2021 and the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in 2023.

    Are some people confused or concerned about the no-lead-vest policy?

    Yes. The new guidelines are bound to draw confusion and fear, Dr. Friedland says. Some people may even insist on continuing to wear a lead vest during x-rays.

    "A big problem is that people's perception of risk is very skewed," he says. "Some people, you'll never convince."

    People are likely to feel more comfortable if the practice is uniformly adopted by dentists. However, the ability to implement this change may hinge partly on public response. And it could take a while to fully adopt.

    "I think the public is going to have more say on this than dentists," Dr. Friedland says. "It might take a generation to make this change, maybe longer."

    Still concerned about the new recommendations?

    If you have lingering concerns about the new recommendations, talk to your dentist.

    And ask if dental x-rays are necessary to proceed with your diagnosis or treatment plan. Sometimes it's possible to take fewer x-rays — such as bitewing x-rays of the upper and lower back teeth only — or to use certain types of imaging less frequently. Even with far safer x-ray conditions, dentists should be able to justify that the information from images is integral to diagnose problems or improve care, Dr. Friedland says.

    It's worth noting that the dose of radiation, while far lower than in the past, varies with the type of imaging and which parts of the jaw are being imaged. For example, the digital dental x-rays mentioned above involve less radiation than conventional dental x-rays. Either panoramic dental x-rays, or 3-D dental x-rays taken with a CBCT system that rotates around the head, typically involve more radiation than conventional dental x-rays.

    Whenever possible, dentists should use images taken during previous dental exams, according to the ADA. "If I don't need an x-ray, I don't get one," says Dr. Friedland. "I'm not cavalier about it. I also use technical parameters that keep the x-ray dose as low as reasonably possible."

    Source: Harvard Health Publishing

    Top Stock Movers Now: Enphase Energy, AT&T, Coca-Cola, And More
    ~1.2 mins read

    U.S. equities fell at midday as several weak corporate earnings reports weighed on stocks. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq all declined.

    Shares of solar power companies slumped when Enphase Energy (ENPH) missed profit and sales estimates and gave weak guidance on soft European demand.

    Shares of Coca-Cola (KO) dropped after the soft drink maker reported a surprising dip in unit case volumes.

    McDonald's (MCD) shares tumbled as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said it was investigating a rash of sicknesses caused by E. coli in people who ate the restaurant chain's Quarter Pounder burgers. 

    AT&T (T) shares were higher after the telecom firm posted better-than-expected postpaid phone net adds. 

    Shares of Northern Trust (NTRS) gained after the bank reported strong results as it benefited from higher fees.

    Packaging Corporation of America (PKG) shares rose as price hikes helped the manufacturer of packaging products beat profit and sales estimates. 

    Oil futures slid. Gold prices came down from record highs. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note advanced. The U.S. dollar was up on the euro, pound, and yen. Most major cryptocurrencies traded lower. 

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    Get Ready To Be Intrigued: Reno Omokri Unveils 20 Characteristics Of An Ideal Wife Material
    ~1.2 mins read

    Reno Omokri has unveiled 20 characteristics of an ideal wife material.

    The list included;

    1. She is Godly, not necessarily religious.She has morals.

    2. You have tried to have interc%urse with her, and she always refuses, even if you offer her money.

    3. You know her HIV status and have bl%%d type compatibility.

    4. You know the income source behind every expensive item she has.

    5. She is lovely, not s£xy.

    6. She is physically attractive to you. As in, she is your spec.

    7. She shares the same faith as you. Marriage outside your religion proves you do not believe your beliefs.

    8. She gives you love, not romance.

    9. She had never asked you to support her parents or siblings financially.

    10. She does not need you for finance or anything else. She is with you because she want you.

    11. You can argue with her without the argument becoming a fight.

    12. She has high relevance and is not high-maintenance.

    13. She has her own independent, legal and provable source of income.

    14. She is submissive without being docile.

    15. Her relationship does not break when you are broke.

    16. Her human hair weave-on is not her most expensive asset.

    17. She encourages you to save instead of taking her out to eat all the time.

    18. She is not insecure and does not check your phone. If she has issues, she confronts you directly.

    19. She makes an effort to get along with your mother.

    20. She knows how to pray, play, slay and stay.

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