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In simple words Fgm is the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia and it is also called female circumcision due to the fact that it involves the removal of the skin cover of the genitalia. It is also called female circumcision. It is mostly done at an early age or in childhood. The removal of the external genitalia in female usually results to lots of impairement and difficulties, that are just not physical, but are sexual, psychological, emotional and medical. Female genitalia mutilation has been proven to be as a result of cultural beliefs and tradition of people from different societies. The reasons according to the beliefs are to prevent promiscuity and waywardness of girls or women in their society, protect family honor and reputation from being crushed, protect virginity and sexual beauty of their daughters. To ensure social and cultural control of womens sexuality in that society, secure the marital future of their daughters, promote male attraction rate and sexual pleasure. All these are misconception mostly due to ignorance that must be addressed if fgm is to be eradicated. Estimated 150 million women living today have undergone this ritual (2-3 million girls per year), widely practiced in Africa. Which is alarming.
Fgm is performed mostly in local villages, where the instruments used are are not sterilized. Infant and mortality rates are generally higher in those communities. FGM has no health benefits but many side effects like excessive bleeding, urinary infection, septicemia, tetanus, acute urinary retention, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases are transmitted due to the fact that the instruments used in performing the procedure are not sterilized. It has been noted that the risks and complications of FGM are adverse to an extent of high death rate, infertility and so many long term effects.
The short term effects or immediate complications are , Severe pain which can lead to shock during and after procedure, loss of blood, inflammation of tissues beneath the skin can occur, Infections on the wounds can lead to tetanus, Urinary dysfunction, damage of adjoining organs can occur as a result of the use of blunt tools by amateur operators.
On the long run, Painful intercourse as a result of tight vaginal opening, Impaired sexual response , Inability to undergo pelvic examinations, Psychological and psychosexual sequelae ranging from anxiety to severe depression and psychosomatic illnesses, painful and blocked menstruation, Increased risk of maternal and child morbidity and mortality due to obstructed labor. However, Women who have undergone FGM are twice as likely to die during childbirth and are more likely to give birth to a stillborn child than other women. Obstructed labor can also cause brain damage to the infant and complications for the mother (including fistula formation, an abnormal opening between the vagina and the bladder or the vagina and the rectum, which can lead to incontinence).
Finally, It has been observed that women who have undergone female genitalia mutilation have psychosocial problems, emotional issues and impairment in sexual behavior, they lack sexual enjoyment as a result of certain physical complications. They tend to have difficult or impossible penetration and painful intercourse due to lacerations and loss of skin elasticity.
there is possible solution to suppress fgm, and I will like to take this opportunity to ask everyone of you here present to contribute to the fight.
Governmental and non governmental agencies, which I am willing to work with have in various ways been trying to suppress the practice of female genitalia mutilations done in different places and parts of the world. Community leadership is the key to decreasing the prevalence of FGM, However, provision of education in the remote areas where there is lack of civilization can also be a method to suppress the practice of female genitalia mutilation as suggested by the World Health Organization.
Sensitization must be done in those communities on the complications, the disadvantages or the risks involved in the practice of female genitalia mutilation and this especially should not exclude the men because it has also been observed that the men of such tradition and custom want their wives and children to be victims or partakers of FGM. The essence of sensitizing the men also is to ensure the change of their mentality towards female circumcision. Moreover, the heads of those communities, customs and culture should be prioritized during the sensitization process in order to ensure that when the head is cut off, the rest of the body dies as well. The government should pass a law against the practice of FGM which will guarantee the fear of community heads and leaders who engage in the practice not to get into trouble with the government and get punished. Campaign road sign against female genital mutilation. Its a cost effective yet efficient method of sensitizing communities.
In conclusion, Female genitalia mutilation is one that has so many effects on the girls and women that has gone through the process. It tends to change their personality and mindset about many issues of life and it creates a vague image of life in their mind presenting them the wrong ideas to believe it is a norm that should continue generations upon generations.
This practice is not medically related and has no medical benefits as a support to its barbarism other than custom, culture and tradition which is the reason it needs to be discouraged and eradicated to ensure the freedom of these girls and women who think it be a practice of pride in ignorance. Hence, enlightening the victims of female genitalia mutilation is one of the steps to achieving their freedom from such callous act of ungodliness rather than remaining silent and this procedure continues to spread building firm roots and mobilizing generations or more people to its support which will make it extremely difficult to suppress if its backup becomes hard and unyielding.
Ladies and gentlemen, talk about this topic with your friends and family, in order to spread the message and point out that urgent action must be taken. Lets join hands and eradicate this barbaric act.Thank you.
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Shakau, these are the two basic facts about you and Boko HARAM
1. SHEKAU YOU ARE A COWARD- If you are man enough, you should attack high profile points where the rulers of this nation, the powerful and the rich, are always found;
If you are man enough, you should attack the Defence Headquarters, Aso Rock, the National Assembly, the National Confab, and ther high profile places, like Osama Bin Laden did against the Americans whom he clearly identified as his targeted enemies.
2. SHEKAU YOU HAVE NO BRAINS & NO DIRECTION- If you have any brains and direction then Boko Haram literally means 'Education is Sin', but what 'educational sin' did those people commit; the poor pure water hawkers, the poor traders, the town service drivers and conductors, the low level civil servants, who you have bombed and slaughtered in Nyanya, Kano, Jos and all over the country?
Shakau, why are you killing the poor innocent Nigerians who are suffering so much just to be able to put a meal in their stomachs and those of their poor children?
Shakau, you are just a cheap criminal and a coward , and you are a pagan who has no knowledge of Allah .
For Allah is peace , compassion and justice , and you do not stand for any of the attributes of Allah .