Zeekron Money

Zeekron Money

4 years ago

~1.6 mins read


3 Types Of Friends Successful People Have In Their Circle
A lot of people are familiar with the phrase "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are". This is much more than a saying, it is the obvious fact of life and successful people understand this fact very well. That is why they are intentional about the type of friends they make and keep in their circle.


There are different types of friends and they actually play different roles and serve different purposes in our lives but the type of friends you keep will determine to a large extent whether you will auccesuor not. Here are three types of friends successful people keep in their circle:
1]: The Encouragers- Everybody needs encouragement in life and to be successful you need to have friends that will always encourage you to go after your dreams and achieve them. The truth is that your dreams are valid but most times you need constant encouragement from the right set of friends to be able to chase your dreams and that is why successful people keep encouragers close to themselves.
2]: The Optimists- These are the very hopeful friends that see possibility in every seeming difficulty.


Successful people understand the need to have friends who despite the many challenges we face, always have a way of seeing the good side, the workability of ideas and the vital need to take more risk.
3]: The Informants- These are the types of friends that are akwayaprivy to beneficial information and they are willing to share it to help you move forward in life. To be successful you need people who have access to beneficial information that will improve your life, business, finance and even relationship and they bring it to you so that you can capitalize on it.
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