The Lock Down Experience.


The Lock Down Experience.

4 years ago

~16.3 mins read

No doubt, Nnennia Ifepe's combination of beauty and brain speak volumes of her tenacity and diligence, even as a sound lawyer, who knows her onion.  On this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller, the eloquent lady shares her thought on the current Lock Down and lessons learnt, as she also gives helpful advise on how to manage the situation. You don't want to miss this!

E PLUS The Storyteller: Welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller exclusive chat interview segment.. Thanks for being our guest, Nnennia Ifepe..

Nnennia Ifepe': Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

E PLUS The Storyteller: We are simply glad to have you.

Nnennia Ifepe: The pleasure is mine.

E PLUS The Storyteller: So, it's been such a long Lock Down period, what has this translated to, for you?

 Nnennia Ifepe: It has been a learning period for me. I have learnt to appreciate the things that we term little, as human beings.

Nnennia Ifepe.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm..  can this also, be said about us, as a people, considering that no one saw this, coming?

Nnennia Ifepe': As a people, we didn't see this coming and even when the initial partial lockdown was enforced, we didn't know we will be  affected like this. I believe that as a people we have learnt to appreciate the things we term little e.g freedom of movement, our monthly salary which most of us complain about, the gift of a hug from a friend/stranger.

E PLUS The Storyteller:Interesting..

Now, let's look at the ripple effect of the entire scenario, more like looking at the flip side- who are the victors? Who are the victims?

Nnennia Ifepe': This is a tough one.

As a people we are the victims, because we are the  ones affected by this pandemic, and some people lost their loved ones to this deadly virus. For  those who lost their loved ones, they will never forget this moment in history.

Also, the economy of the world also felt this hit and can be rightly described as one of the  victims.

Trade and services has been suspended for over a month and it's effect is clear on the world's economy.


Some folks also lost their source of income and we can rightly describe them as victims.

 On the other flip side, we are the victors, also because after this pandemic we will learn that money is not everything and that the little things we deem inconsequential makes life worthwhile. In essence, we will learn to value those things.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm.. really insightful....So I guess, there is still light at the end if the tunnel?

 Nnennia Ifepe: Yes there is, and as Christians we know that nothing takes our God by surprise.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome👍

Now, what's your opinion(as a lawyer) on the role of the judiciary in times like this, when people are crying 'foul' in the distribution of palliatives?

 Nnennia Ifepe: The role of the judiciary is dispensation of justice and not sharing of palliatives.

I know some of the courts were in session to hear matters which require urgency e.g Bail application. Sharing of palliatives is the role of the government, but I also know that some organizations and individuals engaged in this charitable exercise.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Thank you. Do we now say, those who are short changed, can't have justice?

Nnennia Ifepe: Can you explain better?

E PLUS The Storyteller: Okay, if I'm entitled to get a palliative under the current sharing formula, and I'm denied, what can the judiciary do to grant me justice?

Nnennia Ifepe: The best the person should do is to report to the appropriate authority. If you want to sue the authority involved you will end up spending more than the palliative involved.

Filing of papers in court is not free and  getting a lawyer is not free.

For example, a bag of local rice worth 10,000, was shared and because you didn't get it, you want to sue the government.


The money for filing the papers, service of the process and getting a lawyer will be more than the 10,000.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Wow! Really interesting!

I guess we can only keep being hopeful🤷🏼‍♀️ So what would you advise those who seem to have given up completely. in the midst of the current situation?

 Nnennia Ifepe: I want to remind them that we serve a God who feeds the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. They should not give up hope.I want them to hold unto God's word, because his word is his bond and he will never disappoint us.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Great! What do we look forward to, from the brand  'Nnennia Ifepe'?

 Nnennia Ifepe': By God's grace I will publish books in the future and engage in more community development projects.

I also hope to have an expanded online platform where I can put up my write ups and win more souls for God's kingdom.

E PLUS The Storyteller: 'Nnennia Ifepe, it's been such an insightful chat interview with you, we look forward to more sessions.

  E PLUS The Storyteller and the entire Creative Team wish you all the best in your endeavours, and keep breaking more fonts!

Nnennia Ifepe: Thank you so much. I appreciate this wonderful opportunity. May God continue to bless you and the entire crew members.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Amen🙏🏻.


Get the story: MISS ROSE by E PLUS the Storyteller..

_"Okay..can this be done over dinner?"_ Tokunbo asked.

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_"Yes! Dinner. Even if it's not necessarily at the last restaurant I saw you and the guy you came in, with."_ Tokunbo said nonchalantly.

  _Then it dawned on me, that he actually saw me and Ben at the restaurant._ I froze immediately!

   In order not to leave anything to chance, I obliged Tokunbo's request.

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Just send a text message."_ I replied......

_Now, you can get the full story of *MISS ROSE* from Okadabooks or simply send a message to 09075005895_.

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_*MISS ROSE* has a lot of story to tell you._🙂

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...And it's finally here..

 TALES OF VERSES by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune(a.k.a E PLUS the Storyteller) is a collection of stories based on real life experiences which ranges from Rape, Domestic violence, child molestation, human trafficking, Vanity and Family challenges.

 Allthe silent voices who have been unable to speak out against these vices are well represented in these stories. Fictional names have been used to protect the image of the people in these stories.

Click the link to get your copy.

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 You get a free Audio-Visual Story from E PLUS the Storyteller when you get any of her stories, then you get two when you get all the stories😊


Christmas is in the air and she just watches how excited everyone is..

And just as she looses hope of celebrating, yet another Christmas.. something happens!

It's a brand new Audio-visual Story by E PLUS the Storyteller, titled: 

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It keeps getting better on every edition of this exclusive column tagged: MEET THE GUEST...hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller. To be on this exclusive program, you can send a message to 09075005895. We look forward to hearing from you!🤗

Stay tuned for more interesting editions.


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