Donald Trump Says At Lincoln Memorial Town Hall That He's 'treated Worse' Than Abe By The Press - As A Supporter Asks Him Why He Bullies, Rambles And Doesn't Answer Reporters' Questions

Donald Trump Says At Lincoln Memorial Town Hall That He's 'treated Worse' Than Abe By The Press - As A Supporter Asks Him Why He Bullies, Rambles And Doesn't Answer Reporters' Questions

4 years ago

~1.5 mins read


A woman who identified herself as Caroline Perkins asked the president at the Sunday night Fox News Channel town hall 'why do you not directly answer the questions asked by the press and instead speak of past success and generally ramble?' 

'Look, I am greeted with a hostile press the likes of which no president has ever seen.


The closest would be that gentleman right up there,' Trump said, pointing to the huge statue of Abraham Lincoln, as the town hall was being filmed at the Lincoln Memorial.


'I believe I am treated worse,' he stated. 


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