personal care

~3.9 mins read

Clothing is one of the necessaries in a person's life after food and shelter. It is simply the act of puting clothes on. Clothes are a wide variety of materials made with fabrics, animal hair or skin used to cover the human body for warmth, to preserve modesty and for fashion (according to English Dictionary version 2.1.2).

From the above definition, it is clear that clothes are of a great significance to human beings, as it's provides warmth for the human body, preserves modesty and also improves and displays taste of fashion of everyone. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we care for our clothes as much as we care for ourselves and always endeavor to keep them in a neat and long lasting state.

Taking good care of an item of clothing depends largely on the owner's ability(to repair and maintain) and willingness(to wear repeatedly) that particular item of clothing. Surely, good care and maintenance of clothes increases their lifespan in the owner's wardrobe.

Also, research has it that keeping clothes longers through good care and maintenance has positive effects to both the owner of the clothes and the environment. Keeping your clothes longer can help to dramatically reduce the emissions that occur during a piece of clothing’s life cycle; extending the active life of a piece of clothing by just nine months can significantly reduce its environmental impact, while the emissions of a piece of clothing can be reduced by 24% over the year by doubling its useful life from one to two years.

Taking good care of our clothes can not be overemphasized and below are THE SIX COOL WAYS of maintaining our clothes in a good shape.


 Washing garments frequently causes damage to the fibres therefore reducing the lifespan of the item of clothing. This is evidently seen in dry cleaning where both dirty and less dirty clothes are washed with heavy harmful chemicals which flatten the natural fibres in some of the fabrics.

The simple way of preventing frequent washing of clothes is to take good care of less dirty clothes. This means that if a garment is not dirty( after being worn), instead of sliding it into the dirty clothes basket/bin, it's should be freshened up. Freshening of less dirty clothes is done by hanging the clothes outside or in a steamy bathroom for it to breathe out the sweat and still be wearable with deodorant without washing.


 Different materials need different approaches to laundering. The different methods of laundry for fabrics are always prescribed on the care labels of an item of clothing. The written instructions advises one on how best to wash and care for that particular garment, either by prescribing the needed temperature for washing, storing the clothing material, style of Washing(hand wash or dry cleaning) etc.

For example, delicate materials like silk and cashmere are vulnerable to damage when washed with harsh chemicals, detergent or heat. Paying careful attention to care labels helps clothes owners to better care for their clothes and keep them in a long lasting state.


 This is a simple way of caring for clothes during laundry. Washing garments inside-out helps in squeezing out dirts and germs both on the inside of the material (which comes in contact directly with your body) and outside (which associates with external objects).


 There's nothing more refreshing for clothing materials than having them air dried on a washing line after laundry. Air drying does not just give a piece of clothing a great smell but it's also better for your clothes and planet than tumble drying which uses a lot of energy to run and can damage certain fibres.
Air drying of clothes can be done by hanging clothes outside after washing either on a washing line, drying rack or on hangers to air dry. Also, it is advisable to check care labels as some fabrics require a particular style of air drying. For example, wollen joggers is better dried flat.


 Proper storage of clothes can adequately increase the lifespan of the material. It is always advisable to store clothes in a cool and dry place to prevent it from damp, sunlight, heat which can damage the clothing materials. Most importantly, clothes should be properly washed and dried, air dried, before storage. If not, the storing of clothes( which are either dirty or wet) will attract moths thereby causing damage to your dresses.

It's also important that we do not overfull our wardrobe as clothes needs breathing space. Spacing between clothes in wardrobe helps in preventing wrinkling and colour loss of clothes. Also when hanging clothes, use wooden or padded hangers to further protect clothes from becoming misshapen.


 Always repair damage to a garment when first noticed. This will not only keep the item out of landfill and in a wearable state, but it's also increases the lifespan of the item as the damage will likely get worse over time if left unresolved.

The above six ways are very helpful in caring for your clothes and also keeping them in a long lasting state. I suggest you all, try these ways out of better caring and maintaining our items of clothes.

Thanks for reading!!!


American Billionaire, Bill Gates Donates $6 Billion To Charity
~1.3 mins read
American Billionaire, Bill Gates Donates $6 Billion To Charity

American billionaire, Bill Gates has given a staggering $6 billion to charity.
A report by Business Insider revealed that the billionaire philanthropist gave $5.2 billion worth of his stock in Canadian National Railway Co. to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as stated in SEC filings.
He also went ahead to give $995 million worth of shares in Deere & Co, an American company that manufactures agricultural machinery and heavy equipment to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
According to the report, another $3 million set of shares was moved from the billionaire’s investment vehicle, Cascade Investment L.L.C to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Despite all his distribution of wealth, the billionaire is still among the top 5 billionaires in the world.
Last week in a post on Twitter, the billionaire pledged to give $20 billion to the charitable foundation this month alone and went further to say that he intends to give away virtually all of his wealth in the future.
In the tweet he stated:
“As I look to the future, I plan to give virtually all of my wealth to the foundation. I will move down and eventually off of the list of the world’s richest people.

“I have an obligation to return my resources to society in ways that have the greatest impact for reducing suffering and improving lives. And I hope others in positions of great wealth and privilege will step up in this moment too”.
The foundation also announced its intentions to increase the annual donations to $9 billion by 2026 and intimated the public about the contributions of fellow billionaire, Warren Buffet.
Aloe Vera For Massive Hair Growth
~2.4 mins read
For those with natural hair make use of aloe Vera gel and your hair will be full over night! 
  It works like magic 😊😉
Aloe vera is a plant that has thick leaves with a gel-like substance inside of them. It’s found all over the world, and many people even grow their own.

Aloe vera gel is cooling and soothing when applied to the skin, which is why it’s sometimes used to treat burns and skin wounds.

Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its healing properties. Some claim it has another application besides its skin benefits: It can actually strengthen your hair and make your scalp healthier.

While there’s no clinical evidence to support this claim, aloe vera is safe for most people and may be beneficial.

The best form of aloe vera to use on your hair is the raw gel of the plant. You can buy this gel in almost any pharmacy or scoop it out of leaves cut fresh from a live plant if you have one. The gel is clear in color and slightly watery.

Rubbing aloe vera into your scalp and hair and letting it penetrate your hair follicles could condition and improve damaged, dry hair. After letting it sit for an hour, rinse the gel off with a mild shampoo.

Aloe vera benefits for your hair
Calms an itchy scalp
Seborrheic dermatitis is the clinical term for the condition we call dandruff. The symptoms of an itchy scalp and flaking skin under your hair can be treated with aloe vera.

A 1998 study found that aloe vera helped resolve the scalp inflammation that dandruff causes. The fatty acids found in the aloe plant have anti-inflammatory properties.

Deep cleans oily hair
Aloe vera cleanses the hair shaft efficiently, stripping off extra sebumTrusted Source (oil) and residue from other hair products.

But aloe vera doesn’t hurt your hair strands while it cleans. Unlike other chemicals in hair products, aloe vera is gentle and preserves the integrity of your hair.

Using aloe vera is a great way to get hair that looks healthier, shinier, and softer.

Strengthens and repairs hair strands
Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All three of these vitamins contribute to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also contained in aloe vera gel. Both of these components can keep your hair from falling out.

However, there are no studies that confirm conclusively that aloe vera has any benefit in preventing hair loss.

Aloe vera is a popular product that people use on their skin after sun exposure. This is because of its high collagen content and cooling properties. The vitamin content in aloe vera suggests that it might work to repair sun damage to your hair, too.

May promote hair growth
When your scalp has been cleansed and your hair has been conditioned with aloe vera, you might see that hair breakage and loss slows down.

There are plenty of people who claim that aloe vera actually causes hair to grow much faster. But as of now, there’s little clinical evidence to prove or disprove those claims.


AVOCADO OIL:all You Need To Know
~1.2 mins read
Avocado oil is very good for the skin as it is loaded with omega -3 fatty acids and vitamins A,D and E. it's benfits are:
Apart from vitamin E, avocado oil contains lecithin, potassium and many other nutrients that can nourish and moisturize the skin. The epidermis ( the outer layer of the skin) easily absorbs these nutrients and it helps to form new skin.
The antioxidants and vitamins in avocado oil may help to heal the dry, irritated and flaky skin associated with eczema and psoriasis
Avocado oil also has antiinflammatory effects which can help to reduce the redness and inflammation with acne.
Avocado oil contains oleic acid and essential fatty acids which can promote collagen synthesis, which is the process of creating new connective tissue.
There are antioxidants contained in avocado oil that help to ease the symptoms of a sunburn. It contains vitamin E,beta carotene,vitamin D, protein, lecithin that support healing and soothe the skin.
Avocados help to retain the skin elasticity there by reducing aging
Avocado oil help to heal dry, brittle nails and it leaves the nails hydrated there by reducing breakage.
Applying avocado oil to the scalp as a hot oil mask can help to reduce dandruff and other problems caused by a dry,flaky scalp 

Avocado oil can also be used in:
_ as a facial and body moisturizer.
_ treating inflamed skin.
_ for scalp care.
_ in the bath.
Three Everyday Habits That Harm Your Eyes.
~1.7 mins read
The habits we maintain on a daily basis have a significant impact on the state of our health. These days, a great number of individuals are afflicted with mysterious diseases as a direct result of their ignorance and their failure to maintain good lifestyle patterns. Any damage to the human eye, which is an organ that processes visual information, can lead to impaired vision, blindness, and other eye-related issues. In this essay, I will show you several typical behaviors that have been shown to have a detrimental effect on the eyes, as well as some natural beverages that may be used to help enhance your eyesight.

1. Constantly rubbing your eyes with your fingers.

Because the eye is such a delicate organ in the body, you should try to avoid touching it too much or rubbing it too vigorously in order to take the best possible care of it. This is due to the fact that the eye is susceptible to infection if it is rubbed with an unclean hand. If you feel excessive scratching in your eyes, you should make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible and stay away from touching them.

2. Staring for an extended period of time at light screens

This is a widespread practice that is harmful to one's eyes and should be avoided. The practice of staring at the screen of a mobile device for an excessively long period of time, which is harmful to the eyes, has become common among many people. According to webmd, The eyes become fatigued when they are forced to stare on bright screens for an extended period of time, which can impair their ability to do so. Because of this, you can experience itching, dryness, or double vision. It is recommended that you cut down on the amount of time that you spend staring at light screens in order to protect your eyes from potential damage.

3. Failing to wear eye protection.

Because extended exposure to sunlight has a tendency to cause damage to the eyes, it is recommended that sunglasses be worn while going outside on days when the sun is shining. This is because sunglasses help to reflect light away from your eyes. Consuming foods that are high in nutritious elements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and zinc are some of the ways that a person can take care of their eyes in a way that is both healthy and beneficial. 
Homemade Polish
~0.7 mins read


1. Candle ( shredded)

2. Bar soap (shredded)

3. Palm Oil or vegetable oil

4. Kerosene


1. Shred the candle and shred the bar soap

2. Bleach Palm oil ( if vegetable oil boil it)

3. Add the shredded candle into the hot oil and stir it with a piece of wood. 

4. Add the shredded bar soap and stir it until they have combined together

5. Cool the mixture and then add your kerosene to prevent fire accident

6. Turn the polish into an empty containers and allow it to cool and got hard.

Note: if you want to make black shoe polish you can add ground charcoal into it, when you are mixing the candle and bar soap. 


