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Beyond The Usual Suspects For Healthy Resolutions
~4.3 mins read
10 often-overlooked, simple ideas for better health.
weight loss cessation programs
quit-smoking programs
free or reduced gym memberships.
Take some deep breaths each day. A few minutes of daily slow, deep breathing can help lower your blood pressure and ease stress.
Get a new pair of sunglasses if your old ones have worn lenses. Make sure the new pair has UV protection (a special coating) to block the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light, which can cause eye damage and lead to permanent vision loss.
Make a few lunch dates or phone dates with friends you haven't seen in a while. Being socially connected wards off loneliness and isolation, which can help lower certain health risks.
Do a deep cleaning on one room in your home per week. Dust and mold can trigger allergies, asthma, and even illness.

Early in the new year, promises to reboot your health typically focus on diet, exercise, and weight loss. And by now you may have begun making changes — or at least plans — to reach those goals. But consider going beyond the big three.
Below are 10 often-overlooked, simple ideas to step up personal health and safety. And most won't make you break a sweat.
Review your health portals
Your medical information is kept in electronic records. You have access to them through the patient portal associated with your doctor's office. Set aside time to update portal passwords and peruse recent records of appointments, test results, and notes your doctor took during your visits.
"Many studies have shown that when patients review the notes, they remember far better what went on during interactions with their clinicians, take their medicines more effectively, and pick up on errors — whether it's an appointment they forgot to make or something their doctor, nurse, or therapist got wrong in documenting an encounter," says Dr. Tom Delbanco, the John F. Keane & Family Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and cofounder of the OpenNotes initiative, which led shared clinician notes to become the new standard of care.
Doing this can help you become more engaged in your care. "We know from numerous studies that engaged patients who share decisions with those caring for them have better outcomes," he adds.
Ask about health insurance freebies
Your insurance plan may offer perks that can lead to better health, such as:
Some insurers even offer breastfeeding counseling and equipment. Call your insurance company or take a close look at their website to find out if there's anything that would help you.
Get rid of expired medications
Scour your cabinets for expired or unneeded drugs, which pose dangers for you and others. Look for prescription and over-the-counter medications (pills, potions, creams, lotions, droppers, or aerosol cans) as well as supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs).
Bring your finds to a drug take-back site, such as a drugstore or law enforcement office, or a medical waste collection site such as the local landfill.
As a last resort, toss medications into the trash, but only after mixing them with unappealing substances (such as cat litter or used coffee grounds) and placing the mixture in a sealable plastic bag or container.
Invest in new sneakers
The wrong equipment can sabotage any exercise routine, and for many people the culprit is a worn pair of sneakers. Inspect yours for holes, flattened arch support, and worn treads. New sneakers could motivate you to jazz up your walking or running routine.
For example, if it's in the budget, buy a new pair of walking shoes with a wide toe box, cushy insoles, good arch support, a sturdy heel counter (the part that goes around your heel), stretchy uppers, and the right length — at least half an inch longer than your longest toe.
Cue up a new health app
There are more than 350,000 health apps geared toward consumer health. They can help you with everything from managing your medications or chronic disease to providing instruction and prompts for improving diet, sleep, or exercise routines, enhancing mental health, easing stress, practicing mindfulness, and more.
Hunt for apps that are free or offer a free trial period for a test drive. Look for good reviews, strong privacy guardrails, apps that don't collect too much information from you, and those that are popular — with hundreds of thousands or millions of downloads.
Make a schedule for health screenings and visits
Is it time for a colonoscopy, mammogram, hearing test, prostate check, or comprehensive eye exam? Has it been a while since you had a dermatologist examine the skin on your whole body? Should you have a cholesterol test or other blood work — and when is a bone density test helpful?
If you're not sure, call your primary care provider or any specialists on your health team to get answers.
Four more simple healthy steps
The list of steps you can take this year to benefit your health can be as long as you'd like it to be. Jot down goals any time you think of them.
Here are four solid steps to start you off:
You don't have to do all of these activities at once. Just put them on your to-do list, along with the larger resolutions you're working on. Now you'll have a curated list of goals of varying sizes. The more goals you reach, the better you'll feel. And that will make for a very healthy year, indeed.

New Surgery For Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Provides Long-lasting Benefits
~3.5 mins read
Treated patients report significantly improved symptoms and quality of life with no impact on sexual functioning.

Most men over 50 will develop an enlarged prostate. Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), this bothersome condition makes it hard to urinate and can eventually lead to other problems, such as infections, kidney stones, and bladder damage, if left untreated. Many different BPH therapies are available, including medications and various types of surgery.
One of the newer surgical options, called aquablation, trims excess prostate tissues with highly pressurized jets of saline. Doctors perform aquablation in the operating room while looking at the prostate gland on an ultrasound machine. Patients are put under general anesthesia, so they don't feel any pain during the procedure.
Men typically have to urinate through a catheter for about 24 hours after surgery until swelling of the urethra (the tube through which urine flows out of the bladder) subsides. Aquablation is gaining in popularity — in part because, unlike other more traditional BPH treatments, it can preserve normal ejaculation.
In September, researchers published a study showing that improvements in urinary function from aquablation were still holding up after five years.
Results of data analysis
The study assessed long-term data from two clinical trials. The first, called the WATER trial (for Waterjet Ablation Therapy for Endoscopic Resection of Prostate Tissue) launched in 2015 and enrolled 116 men with prostates ranging up to 80 cubic centimeters. The second trial, WATER II, launched in 2017 and enrolled 101 men with prostates ranging between 80 and 150 cubic centimeters. (Normal prostates range from 25 to 30 cubic centimeters in size.) Enrolled patients had a median age of 66 in the WATER study and 68 in WATER II. In addition, 92% of men in the WATER trial were sexually active, as were 75% of the men in WATER II.
Both clinical trials used the so-called International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) to measure treatment-related improvements in urinary functioning and quality of life. Calculated based on how patients rate their symptoms on a standardized questionnaire, IPSS scores fall into three categories: mild symptom scores range from 1 to 7; intermediate symptom scores range from 8 to 18; and scores greater than 19 indicate severe symptoms.
When they first enrolled in the trials, men in the WATER and WATER II studies reported average IPSS scores of 22.9 and 23.3 respectively. Five years later, the average respective scores were much lower: 7.0 and 6.8. The average length of hospital stay was 1.4 days in the WATER group and 1.6 days for the WATER II group. Only 1% of men were taking BPH medications after five years, and fewer than 5% had been surgically re-treated.
Another randomized control trial, WATER III, is currently underway in Europe. That trial compares aquablation with a more established type of BPH surgery, prostate enucleation, which uses a laser to remove obstructing tissues. Six-month data reported in 2023 showed that men in either group had comparable symptom improvements.
However, 98% of men in the prostate enucleation group had ejaculatory dysfunction. That side effect is caused by damage to delicate tissues around the bladder neck that propel semen out of the body. Semen therefore flows back into the bladder, a condition called retrograde ejaculation. None of the men in the aquablation group reported ejaculatory problems.
A word of caution
Aquablation can result in extended bleeding, cautions Dr. Heidi Rayala, an assistant professor of urology at Harvard Medical School and a member of the Harvard Medical School Guide to Prostate Diseases advisory board. That's because unlike other types of surgery for BPH, including prostate enucleation, aquablation doesn't cauterize tissues with heat. "I tell my patients to expect some blood in the urine for about four to six weeks after the procedure," Dr. Rayala said.
Moreover, aquablation may be unsuitable for some men who take blood thinners to prevent blood from clotting, according to Dr. Rayala. Appropriate candidates for the surgery must be able to "safely discontinue anticoagulant medications during post-operative healing, given the bleeding risk," Dr. Rayala said. Still, aquablation is an excellent option for most men, Dr. Rayala said, especially those with medium to large prostates "who want a durable solution with a lower risk of sexual side effects."
"These early results are encouraging, but limited by a relatively small number of patients," said Dr. Marc Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of the Harvard Medical School Guide to Prostate Diseases. "Further evidence with a significantly larger number of patients and longer follow-up will help to support this new method of reducing prostate tissue as an important treatment option."

Stepping Up Activity If Winter Slowed You Down
~4.7 mins read
Better health, better mood, better balance, and a multitude of other benefits await.
heart disease
brain shrinkage
muscle loss
weight gain
poor posture
poor balance
back pain
and even premature death.
If it's cold outside: It's generally safe to exercise when the mercury is above 32° F and the ground is dry. The right gear for cold doesn't need to be fancy. A warm jacket, a hat, gloves, heavy socks, and nonslip shoes are a great start. Layers of athletic clothing that wick away moisture while keeping you warm can help, too. Consider going for a brisk walk or hike, taking part in an orienteering event, or working out with battle ropes ($25 and up) that you attach to a tree.
If you have mobility issues: Most workouts can be modified. For example, it might be easier to do an aerobics or weights workout in a pool, where buoyancy makes it easier to move and there's little fear of falling. Or try a seated workout at home, such as chair yoga, tai chi, Pilates, or strength training. You'll find an endless array of free seated workout videos on YouTube, but look for those created by a reliable source such as Silver Sneakers, or a physical therapist, certified personal trainer, or certified exercise instructor. Another option is an adaptive sports program in your community, such as adaptive basketball.
If you can't stand formal exercise: Skip a structured workout and just be more active throughout the day. Do some vigorous housework (like scrubbing a bathtub or vacuuming) or yard work, climb stairs, jog to the mailbox, jog from the parking lot to the grocery store, or do any activity that gets your heart and lungs working. Track your activity minutes with a smartphone (most devices come with built-in fitness apps) or wearable fitness tracker ($20 and up).
If you're stuck indoors: The pandemic showed us there are lots of indoor exercise options. If you're looking for free options, do a body-weight workout, with exercises like planks and squats; follow a free exercise video online; practice yoga or tai chi; turn on music and dance; stretch; or do a resistance band workout. Or if it's in the budget, get a treadmill, take an online exercise class, or work online with a personal trainer. The American Council on Exercise has a tool on its website to locate certified trainers in your area.

If you've been cocooning due to winter's cold, who can blame you? But a lack of activity isn't good for body or mind during any season. And whether you're deep in the grip of winter or fortunate to be basking in signs of spring, today is a good day to start exercising. If you're not sure where to start — or why you should — we've shared tips and answers below.
Moving more: What's in it for all of us?
We're all supposed to strengthen our muscles at least twice a week and get a total at least 150 minutes of weekly aerobic activity (the kind that gets your heart and lungs working). But fewer than 18% of U.S. adults meet those weekly recommendations, according to the CDC.
How can choosing to become more active help? A brighter mood is one benefit: physical activity helps ease depression and anxiety, for example. And being sufficiently active — whether in short or longer chunks of time — also lowers your risk for health problems like
What are your exercise obstacles?
Even when we understand these benefits, a range of obstacles may keep us on the couch.
Don't like the cold? Have trouble standing, walking, or moving around easily? Just don't like exercise? Don't let obstacles like these stop you anymore. Try some workarounds.
Is it hard to find time to exercise?
The good news is that any amount of physical activity is great for health. For example, a 2022 study found that racking up 15 to 20 minutes of weekly vigorous exercise (less than three minutes per day) was tied to lower risks of heart disease, cancer, and early death.
"We don't quite understand how it works, but we do know the body's metabolic machinery that imparts health benefits can be turned on by short bouts of movement spread across days or weeks," says Dr. Aaron Baggish, founder of Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital's Cardiovascular Performance Program and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
And the more you exercise, Dr. Baggish says, the more benefits you accrue, such as better mood, better balance, and reduced risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cognitive decline.
What's the next step to take?
For most people, increasing activity is doable. If you have a heart condition, poor balance, muscle weakness, or you're easily winded, talk to your doctor or get an evaluation from a physical therapist.
And no matter which activity you select, ease into it. When you've been inactive for a while, your muscles are vulnerable to injury if you do too much too soon.
"Your muscles may be sore initially if they are being asked to do more," says Dr. Sarah Eby, a sports medicine specialist at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. "That's normal. Just be sure to start low, and slowly increase your duration and intensity over time. Pick activities you enjoy and set small, measurable, and attainable goals, even if it's as simple as walking five minutes every day this week."
Remember: the aim is simply exercising more than you have been. And the more you move, the better.