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Stories And Poems

I Caught My Guy's Fiancee In Another Man's House
~4.2 mins read
It's a bit lenghty so bear with me.I'm in my late 30's very very eligible for marriage but still single.Alot of friends in my circle are married but up close and personal stories coming out of their camp and experience av had in d past isn't encouraging ,so i just wanna have a baby mama(These lady's arnt loyal).Pressure from Family n friends to settle but am not giving in. so this particular friend of mine(now a true definition of born again- i wont mention name) changed my mindset and promised to help me get a 'good wife material' through his fiancee.I yielded and i reluctantly gave him d permission . I'v never met his fiancee one on one bc she stays in a different city and each time she comes visiting her guy am always busy but we speak on phone.She gave my number to her friend (my hookup) we got talking but i told her point blank that am a christian but not a born again like ur friend fiance -i club i drink socially but i dont smoke,to my surprise she told me same here! (hmmm red flag bc i was expecting otherwise since her friend was a born again). I told her no problem.This week my guy's babe visited town ,i was very busy still but was able to meet them at d park when she was travelling back. she was already inside d bus when i drove in.she came down from d bus to greet me since passengers were still boarding ,she's beautiful i must confess with nice curves but was wearing all those long born again gown and holding a bible .I told my guy despite leaving 'd world' for us he still got good eyes,we laughed and joked she told me her friend(my hookup) is prettier i said wow cant wait to meet her.Something strange happened,i noticed an old time friend in d bus which this babe was boarding we shared pleasantries and exchanged number he asked if my babe was travelling with them i told him she's my guy's fiancee not my babe he complimented her beauty also.A minute later she said she doesn't wanna travel with this bus which they have already paid for again, she will rather wait for d next bus that her spirit isn't in line with d bus ..I was confused and asked her to explain she said she doesn't want to go wit this one bc she's having a strange feeling concerning d bus but i should allow my friend inside d bus already to travel with them its fine -It didn't make sense to me,if u think this bus will have an accident i should at least alert my friend to come down too she said i shouldn't worry.My guy waited for her fiancee to catch d next bus while i left for work.The next day was weekend and i decided to go visit another friend(lets call him guy B) of mine so we could hangout . It's a big compound with plenty room n parlour self contain.when we were about leaving the compound together i saw an eye catching figure come out from another apartment wearing bump short,transparent shirt that was revealing all her breast going to dry clothes on d ropes...Behold it was my friend's fiancee!!!.I was shocked bc yesterday nite i called my friend to confirm if his fiancee finally got a bus and had arrived her destination he told me yes and thanked me for showing up and for my concern. Someone that was suppose to b in another part of Nigeria was in another part of d city ? . Immediately she turned and saw me,she was shocked n her clothes fell off her hands. I didn't say a word i just walked straight with my guy B to my car .She ran towards me and drew me privately and said i should keep it privately she will explain on phone .my guyB confirmed to me that she came in last nite and that's her boyfriend apartment i refused to tell him anything tho.The reason why she left that initial bus begin to make sense to me now.I need advise please ,ordinarily i will look the other way but the guy in question is my very good guy and a born again christian engaged to her,weeding is two months away. The lady also according to him is supposedly a born again but this dressing stated otherwise... tho i didn't catch dem 'doing' oh.

Who Is To Blame?
~1.1 mins read
Indeed sad things happen in life. But in the end, everything that happens around us is as a result of the choices we made at different points in our life. Below is a true life story of a husband and wife. I hope you learn from it.
Irrespective of who you may want to blame, it is important to learn from their story.
1. Do not make people's life difficult simply because you helped them at some point.
2. Learn to be considerate
3. Don't always try to prove difficult
4. Walk away from abuse. It would have been better if the wife had left the man, than killing both of them.
5. Talk to someone when you are having a hard time.
This and more are lessons that can be derived from the story.
Source: Twitter

I Dn't Know What I Was Missing
~2.5 mins read
I got married when i was 20 to a man that by all accounts wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good for me. Long story short, I was married to a loser. He didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, he just didn’t do anything at all. Now, I am not a “typical woman†if there even is such a thing. I love myself. Sure, there are things I want to improve, but I don’t have a problem with my age, or intelligence, or what my body looks like, or my personality- those things that seem to stereotypically plague women just don’t bother me for whatever reason. I have a career where I make more than enough money on my own to live comfortably. I know how to use power tools, fix my own car, and google the shit out of anything else that needs to be done. I say what I mean, and expect others to do the same, none of this passive-aggressive nonsense. But I’m stubborn as a mule, and marriages are supposed to last, so even though I was the primary breadwinner, and did most of the things around the house, and raised my kids mostly on my own, I still spent 13 years in that worthless marriage. At the end of the day, my husband felt like I didn’t need him, because I am very capable. But he was wrong. I needed support. I needed a partner, a friend. Even someone who would see how hard I was working to just keep my head above water. I couldn’t manage EVERYTHING on my own; and I still can’t.
For some perspective at how emotionally isolated I was, I struggled with infertility for three years; I had to take tons of medications & shots that made me sick, tired, have hot flashes, body aches, and migraines for those years; not to mention the emotional drain of every month without fail seeing a single pink line on that damn stick. The emotion of going through a bulk pack of pregnancy tests, or taking photos of your cousin’s child’s first birthday (for the child they conceived after you started trying), is just… a lot to bear; I was very open with my struggles, because i think it helped other people too. Somehow, my husband wasn’t even aware this was a thing that i was needing support in. he had no idea. and it’s not because i didn’t tell him or directly ask him. he just was that thick and lost. he was a five year old trapped as an adult- lacking the ability to give support in that way.
And once I had kids, he was actually more of a burden than a help. I spent most of my time walking on eggshells, trying to balance being exhausted from a high-demand job, making dinner, and praying the kids (who are all-around good kids) didn’t do anything to “poke the bear†while my husband played games on his phone and mostly ignored them. I spent more time trying to keep them from upsetting him than anything else.
When i finally asked him to please leave, everything improved immediately. I could breathe again. I was free of so much dead weight. I was so, so happy to just not-have-him around. It was so much better, I never looked back, and I was ok on my own. Sure, I crawled in to bed every night, feeling ready to collapse at the end of the day. Kids are demanding, after all. But I was free. And I was happy.
But it wears on you.