Relationship And Marriage

TRUE LOVE ; What TRUE Love Is A D What It Is Not 1(ONE)
~2.8 mins read

How to Make True Love Last

Many answers to why love fades can be found in understanding how and why we form a fantasy bond.  The fantasy bond is the ultimate defense against love. Even after we’ve dropped our guard and allowed ourselves to fall in love, as soon as we get scared, be it of losing our partner or differentiating from our old, familiar identity, we may turn to a fantasy bond to allow us to maintain an illusion that we are not alone, while preserving emotional distance from our partner. To avoid a fantasy bond, we should avoid the characteristics listed above but also take the following actions.
Actions to break a fantasy bond and become more loving:
  • what is true loveBe affectionate. Find even the smallest ways to make contact and show affection and attraction.
  • Slow down and be present. Make time to really talk and listen to your partner.
  • Make eye contact. It sounds simple, but we often forget to just look at our partner.
  • Try something old. Make time and don’t stop doing the activities you loved to do together.
  • Try something new. Don’t just fall into routine. Keep suggesting new activities and be open to ones your partner suggests.
  • Break routine. If doing the same thing is deadening your excitement, be open to breaking the habit and making space for spontaneity.
  • Avoid passivity and control. Strive for an equal exchange of ideas. Take responsibility for your own actions and don’t try to control your partner.
  • Talk as an “I” instead of a “we”. Remember you will always be two separate people and not to overstep boundaries which diminishes attraction.
  • Be aware of your critical inner voice. We all have an inner enemy that criticizes ourselves and our partner and undermines our closest relationships
  • Do something independently. Just because you’re a couple doesn’t mean you have to do everything together. Don’t give up friendships and activities you enjoy on your own and don’t aask you partner to either
  • Communicate what you feel. Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Saying what you want and feel directly helps you avoid passive-aggressive or nasty ways of relating. It also encourages your partner to do the same.
  • Avoid the “tit for tat” mentality. Love is an action each of us must choose for ourselves. When we start measuring what we do for each other, we create expectations and breed resentment instead of staying in touch with how good it feels to be loving toward someone else.
  • Support the things that light your partner up.  Never stop supporting and encouraging your partner to be the most alive and to do the things that make your partner feel the most like him/herself… even when those things aren’t what matter most to you.
  • Take actions your partner would perceive as loving. Make sure the things you do are things that matter specifically to your partner. You may love getting flowers, but is that something that would make your partner feel loved?
  • Don’t become closed off. It’s much too easy to shut down whenever we feel embarrassed, anxious, disappointed, or triggered by our partner, but we have to fight to not be closed off and push away the love that comes toward us.
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    After Dating Him For 7 Months, See What He Asked Me That Really Shocked Me - Lady Reveals
    ~1.2 mins read
    Relationship is meant to be an agreement between two people who have decided to  share their love together.
    Though some people tends to believe they are in a relationship when the other is not aware or does not have the same feelings and emotions for you.
    This is the story of a lady who has revealed what her boyfriend asked her after seven years of relationship.
    According to the post by @Debby on her  twitter handle, she said after 7 months of being in a relationship with a guy he now came back to ask her why she does not have a boyfriend. 
    Definitely the young man's question left her heartbroken, because for seven months now she thought she was in love only to realize that the young man was not actually in love with her.
    People reacted to the post, some asked her what brought about the question of from the young man, others said she should have asked the guy what they are together before she jumped into conclusion that they are dating.
    Below are screenshot of some comments on her post on twitter:
    In my opinion, I think before we conclude about anything we should at least try to seek the consent of the other person. Not just jumping into conclusion and then start acting like his girlfriend when he probably did not expect that from you at the moment.
    In your opinion what do you suggest the lady to do?
    Or was she right to jump into conclusion that both of them are dating without seeking the guy's consent?
    Leave a comment below, thanks for reading.

    ~4.0 mins read

    Is it possible for a wife or a husband to ask for divorce from the other party without any logical reason for that? The answer is yes! I just got another confirmation today from a very dear servant of God. Someone is saying, "Hey, no woman in her right senses will just leave her husband. The husband must have done something". That is because you don't know the dynamics and complexities of marriages, and particularly, the spiritual forces against Christian marriages. Many years back, the wife of a notable pastor in America filed for divorce, and eventually left the man of God. It was Kenneth E. Hagin that told this story. The man of God did nothing wrong. The ministry was moving in the right direction. The woman was supporting the man and things were going on well. This woman was really beautiful, someone that attracted the attention of a lot of men. 

    One day, she was standing in front of the mirror in her home, and according to Kenneth E. Hagin, whose eyes were opened, a demon stood on her shoulder (the woman didn't see anything). She only stood before the mirror to dress up for church on Sunday. The demon whispered into her ears, "You are a beautiful woman. Why are you wasting this beauty with a pastor? You will make so much money in Hollywood as a model". Immediately, the woman said, "i reject that in Jesus name", and instantly, according to Kenneth E. Hagin, the demon left. Few days later, she was standing in front of the mirror again, and the same demon stood on her shoulders and repeated his lines, "you are a beautiful woman. why are you wasting your time in the church, and with a pastor? You will make so much money in the world as a model". The woman, once again, recognized that this was an evil thought, and rebuked the though, and the demon disappeared. Few days later, she stood before the mirror again to fix her face, and the demon came back and sat on her shoulder again, whispering, "you are beautiful woman, you would have made so much money out there using your beautify.. Why are you wasting your life with this pastor? 

    Suddenly, the woman took a second look at herself, and in the spirit realm, Kenneth E. Hagin said he saw the thought move like a spirit into her mind, and and she began to admire herself, and the thought of her beauty entered her head. Thereafter, trouble started in the marriage. She would not follow the man to church. She began to pick up fights and quarrels with the man. She began to rant and nag the man, "why are you wasting my time" I abandoned my career to marry you, i am no longer fulfilled. The man begged and begged, but there was no solution in sight. Few months later, the woman filed for divorce, and messed up the ministry of the man of God. She eventually went into modelling, dancing in big night clubs and parties, and really messed up the image of the man of God. In the vision Kenneth E. Hagin had, Jesus told him, "the demon was actually sent by Satan to bring down the husband's ministry, but they couldn't until they got him through the wife". 

    Brethren, time will fail me to you many practical stories of divorce that had nothing to do with the woman, but still, the man filed for divorce, or that had nothing to do with the man, but the woman still filed for divorce. Marriage is too spiritual an institution to be toyed with. Unfortunately, a lot of christian couples don't understand the spiritual dynamics of marriages. Aside from taking your wife to the Bahamas for vacation, men please make your wife your permanent prayer point. Take her on a daily visit to the throne of heaven. If the devil cannot get you, he will come through your wife or through your husband as the case might be. No pain is as severe as the one coming from the person closest to you. Women, rather than complaining and nagging out the life in the man, pray for him every day, and men, rather than comparing your wife to all the ladies on Facebook (whom you don't even know), make her your permanent prayer point. Satan knows that marriage is a strategic tool for societal and national transformation. Dysfunctional families will produce dysfunctional societies. You have complained about your wife too much. Start praying for her. Pray that God will soak her heart in the love of God. Same applies to the women too. 

    Satan hates christian marriages with passion. Why? Godly marriages produce Godly children, and Godly children will produce Godly societies. I have seen too many marriage crises and collapse among Christians, most of which were caused by demonic manipulation. Satan will manipulate the mind of either couple and they will just develop hatred for each other, and before you say jack, one of them is filing for divorce. Not all divorce cases were the product of infidelity, abuse or neglect. Friends, the people that have divorced didn't plan to divorce. Nobody plans to fail. Aside from buying a range rover sport for your wife, pray range rover prayers for her. Ask God to ground her heart in his love, enlarge her capacity to love God and to love you. Pray regularly and rebuke every form of spiritual manipulation of the devil in him/her. Make it a permanent assignment. Before the enemy strikes, you've already put them at bay. The devil will have no foothold in your home in the mighty name of Jesus!

