Personal Care And Beauty

~3.7 mins read

7 retinoid myths debunked
“You can’t use retinoids during the day! Are you crazy?! You’re gonna get wrinkles!”

“Of course you can use them during the day. Just pile on your sunscreen.”

“You don’t need to exfoliate if you use retinoids. They do that for you.”

“Since when do retinoids exfoliate skin? Nonsense!”

“I’d never use retinoids. They thin skin, you know.”

“I thought retinoids made skin thicker?…”

Argh. Retinoids are the gold standards of anti-aging. They kick wrinkles in the butt, fade your dark spots away and even rid you of acne! You can’t do without them.

But doing with them ain’t easy either. With so many myths and misconceptions around retinoids, it’s hard to know what to believe and how to use them.

Fret not. I’ve done the research and debunked the craziest, most common retinoid myths for you:

MYTH 1. Retinoic Acid, Retinol, Retinaldehyde, And Other “Retin” Ingredients Are All The Same Thing
All these “retin” ingredients have one thing in common: they’re all forms of Vitamin A. This means they all have the same properties BUT not the same potency.

Retinoid acid is the pure form of vitamin A. It’s the most powerful (and most irritating). That’s why you’ll find it only in prescription products, like Retin A.

All other OTC forms of retinoids (think retinol, retinaldehyde or retinyl palmitate) must be converted to retinoid acid to work their magic. The more steps this conversion takes, the weaker vitamin A is:

Retinyl palmitate > Retinol > Retinaldehyde > Retinoic acid

In other words, the further away a form is from retionoic acid, the less effective but more gentler it is. That’s why retinyl palmitate is recommended only to super sensitive skin that can’t tolerate any other form of vitamin A. It’ll take longer to see results but your skin won’t be irritated all the time.

MYTH 2. You Can’t Use Retinoids During The Day: 

I’m the first to recommend you use retinoids at night because they make skin more prone to sun damage during the initial few weeks of use. Plus, sunlight degrades retinoids, making them less effective.

But, if you prefer to use them in the morning, you still can. I’ve found a study that shows that, when used with sunscreen, retinoids are still both effective and safe.

The catch? You need to reapply that sunscreen regularly.

MYTH 3. Retinoids Exfoliate Skin
Retinols are smart. 
They tell cells to speed up cellular turnover, i.e. the skin’s natural exfoliating process. But that’s not the same as exfoliating skin. They don’t dissolve the “glue” that holds skin cells together like acids, or dislodge them manually like scrubs.

Another red herring? The redness and flaking retinoids cause when you first start using them. The flakiness can easily be mistake for exfoliation. But it’s not. It’s irritation.

If you’re experiencing it, cut back to two or three times a week and moisturise well afterwards.

MYTH 4. Retinoids Thin The Skin
If retinoids exfoliated skin, this myth may have some truth in it. But they don’t.

In fact, the opposite is true. Retinoids boost collagen production, which makes skin THICKER and firmer overtime.

MYTH 5. You Shouldn’t Use Retinoids Around Your Eye: 

Not only you should. You MUST!

It’s true the skin around the eyes is super delicate. But that’s why it get damaged more easily. If you want to keep those crow’s feet away, you do need retinoids’ help. 

If your undereye area gets all flaked and irritated, then use a lower concentration of retinoids or cut back to once or twice a week.

MYTH 6. Retinoids Work Immediately
I wish!

Listen, gorgeous. Retinoids are anti-ageing superstars but they take their sweet time to work. We’re talking months here. If you’ve been using retinol for a few weeks and see no improvement, it’s because it’s too early.

Stick with them for six months, at least. You’ll reap their benefits eventually. I promise.

MYTH 7. You Can’t Apply Retinoids To Wet Skin: 
Do you ever bother to read the instructions on the box? If you do, you’ll know they usually say you need to wait until your skin is completely dry before applying retinoids.

I do. But if you’re the impatient type, you can go ahead and apply them on wet skin. Nothing bad will happen. 
Hope this helps someone out there.

Temmy cares!
~5.0 mins read
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Makeup is an art,people have said if you don't know how to draw you wouldn't know how to do makeup. Ladies have struggled on getting their makeup done by themselves and end up paying a make up artist to do it,if you are one of them this article is definitely for you. I will make it clear and simple as possible for better understanding.

Let's check out the materials needed:
– Face and eye primer
– Foundation
– Eye pencil
– Concealer
– Eye shadow
– Bronze
– Blush
– Nude lip stick
– Eye liner 
– Makeup brushes
– Setting spray
– Lip gloss
– Beauty blenders
– Mascara or eye lashes (you can pick one)

So before you get started you have to prepare your face, wash and moisturize your face,you wouldn't want your makeup on a dirty face
– So the first step is applying a face primer. It minimizes the appearance of pores and makes the makeup last long
– Apply your foundation,this acts as the base of your makeup. For this particular step most ladies are used to drawing their brows before applying the foundation, applying your foundation first makes your brows even easier to draw.
Note: When applying foundation and concealer make sure to use the beauty blender,do not rub but dab into the make up to make it blend evenly
– Apply a concealer,use the concealer on where you have blemishes or dark circles to cover it up for an even look.
– Apply the foundation powder,bronze and highlighter as a finishing touch on the face
–Apply the eye primer. When applying eye shadow it depends on the colour of dress you are putting on or the look you want. Start by applying a lighter shade of colour before a darker shade.

 After you have achieved the kind of look you want,you can move on to applying the eye liner for a more elegant look

– It's time now for your brows,use the eye pencil to draw out your brow and fill it in with brow powder. Use a little bit of foundation to create an arch and give it a neat look

– Now for the lips,gently rub the nude lip stick all around your lip and use a lip gloss to make it shiny and noticeable
– You can use the mascara or wear an eyelash 
– Finally, you can use a setting
spray it helps to keep your makeup intact all day long
I hope this was very clear and you enjoyed reading this article,
Don't leave this article without hitting that like button, drop your comments and share to your friends and family

~0.9 mins read


Colgate toothpaste,

Mix toothpaste and juice of half lemon.
Remedy to lighten dark skin is ready for use now.

How to Use:
Apply it on your face at night before sleeping and rub in a circular motion for two to three minutes. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. Use it thrice in a week for the best results.

Benefits You Will Get:
This home remedy is natural and thus, it does not have any skin-damaging effects.

For your skin, the use of lemon is very effective. Lemon has citric acid and thus, it helps in whitening and lightening your skin.

Rubbing the mixture on your skin also helps to remove dark spots from your skin and it adds a natural shine to your face.

This remedy is easy to make and also, it does not cost you much. Invite your friends 🙂

