
It's Never Too Late To Dream...
~1.5 mins read
At age 5 his Father died.
At age 16 he quit school.
At age 17 he had already lost four jobs.
At age 18 he got married.
Between ages 18 and 22, he was a railroad conductor and failed.
He joined the army and washed out there.
He applied for law school he was rejected.
He became an insurance sales man and failed again.
At age 19 he became a father.
At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby daughter.
He became a cook and dishwasher in a small cafe.
He failed in an attempt to kidnap his own daughter, and eventually he convinced his wife to return home.
At age 65 he retired.
On the 1st day of retirement he received a cheque from the Government for $105.
He felt that the Government was saying that he couldn’t provide for himself.
He decided to commit suicide, it wasn’t worth living anymore; he had failed so much.
He sat under a tree writing his will, but instead, he wrote what he would have accomplished with his life. He realised there was much more that he hadn’t done. There was one thing he could do better than anyone he knew. And that was how to cook.
So he borrowed $87 against his cheque and bought and fried up some chicken using his recipe, and went door to door to sell them to his neighbours in Kentucky.
Remember at age 65 he was ready to commit suicide.
But at age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire.

*Moral of the story:*

It's never too late to start all over.

*You have what it takes to be successful!*

Go for it and make a difference!

*No guts, no glory! 
*It's never too late to dream...*
Think About It
~0.9 mins read
*HEADMASTER:* how much is passport photograph for children?
*PHOTOGRAPHER:* the price for the passport is N100 per child
*HEADMASTER:* No, the pupils are 500 in number, so we are paying N50
*PHOTOGRAPHER:* ok no problem sir, you can pay N50 each since they are many
*HEADMASTER:* class teacher go & inform the pupils that they should bring N150 each tomorrow for the passports.
*CLASS-TEACHER:* ok sir, i will inform them right away
*CLASS-TEACHER:* Good day pupils, you are all to come with N200 tomorrow for passports.
*PUPIL:* Mummy we were asked to bring N300 for passport at school
*MUMMY*: Father, your son was asked to come to sch with N500 passport fee tomorrow.
*FATHER:* OOH My God. BUHARI make things costly day by day, including education. We have said it, this man is wicked.
```Moral lesson: 'LET THE CHANGE BEGIN WITH YOU AND I'. Honesty and be sincere to all that we need to make this country a better place!
Pls forward this to all your friends, colleagues, groups & all Nigerians. Think about it. Change begin with YOU, Change your motives and ur thought. Everything Buhari, Buhari, Buhari.
_*Thanks for being a good Nigerians......🙏🏻🙏🏻
How To Easily Detect A Fack Phone Charger
~2.0 mins read

We all have a mobile phone and to keep this device working properly, you need a charger. The Issue today is knowing if you're actually using the original or the fake charger.

Using an uncertified charger actually kills the life of the battery and that is why sometimes even if you charge your phone for hours, you still find it charging really slow. I'll be showing you how you can be able to identify an original charger from a fake one.

See How You Can Differentiate Fake Phone Charger

1. Make sure to Always check the USB mouth because the Imitative ones are mostly longer than the real ones.

2. Check the USB terminal of the charger and the link, the real ones normally accompany a gold shading while the imitative ones are a sparkling or sometimes a silver shading.

3. Always check for the security marks and the sequential number of the charger, you'll see that the number of the link and the one of the charger are not the same.

4. See if the composing is on the side, in the case where you find it on the side, it's phony. Unique chargers always have their composed by the side or at the top.

5. Original chargers are always expensive, but you really need it to keep your mobile device from damage.

6. Counterfeit chargers and the link are consistently lighter than the real ones because of the helpless several parts that are utilized to make them. The first charger is supposed to weigh at any rate 40g.


Road To Success
~1.0 mins read
*If success is cheap, everyone would have been successful ; If the road to success was straight many would have been enjoying success long ago.* 

*But am sorry, it is not !  If you are expecting your dreams to come through cheaply, then you need a change of mind*

*Success is not for people who give up easily, it is not for lazy people, it is not for people who give excuses.*

*Success comes to men and women who are dedicated.*

It is only *success* that can turn your mockers into your *workers*

Show me a man who never takes *risks* and i will show you a man who never *accomplishes* a thing.

*Poverty* does not die by fire. It dies by a *calculated hardwork*

It takes the *rolling* of a *dice* to cast  a *six*

Nothing is worst than missing an *opportunity* that would have *changed your life*

Don't be a *poor* man who *P* ass *O* ver *O* opportunity *R* egularly. 

When you see people who are making money *genuinely* join them 

Too much of *analysis* leads to *paralysis* 
The more *excuses* you make the *lesser* money in your *pocket.*
Be wise 

Be part of the opportunity 

#RoadToSuccess is full of obstacles, but never give up!!!💪
5 Things You Should Stop Doing To Your Phone If You Want The Battery To Last Long
~1.6 mins read

Our Phones has become a very important part of us. It has so many advantage that we sometimes think the battery is not enough for the activities it should perform.

Today I'll be sharing with you the reasons why your phone battery doesn't last long and why you should stop doing it.

Below Are Things You Should Stop Doing

1. The very important one is too stop charging and using the phone at the same time. If you want you your battery to last longer, allow the phone to charge before using.

2. One mistake we all make sonetimes is always charging our phones and making sure its always at 100%. Don't always leave your phone at 100 percent, allow the phone to drain sometimes before charging it again.

3. Switch off your phone once in a while, not necessarily when its low but make sure you turn it off sometimes.

Someone once told me to turn off my phone for about 15-20 minutes before turning it on again. The reason for this is to allow the phone to rest for a while. Don't forget, Even humans rest before they continue with work.

4. Turn off your mobile data, Wi-Fi or Hotspot when you're not using your phone

5. Over charging your phone also drains your battery really fast. Charging your phone all night also drains it. Some mobile phones do disconnect automatically when fully charged while some do not. If you know your phone is like that make sure to unplug it before going to bed.

2 Reason Why You Shouldn't Be Hurry To Achieve Success In Life
~2.5 mins read

One of the conditions which everybody is working tirelessly to escape is "poverty". This condition is very bad because it makes one unable to cater for everyday needs as a poor person is usually seen as a nobody in the society. This mentality has given rise to desire for quick wealth among people (especially the youths). They fail to understand that success does not happen overnight, it requires patience and hard work for one to make it in life.

There is a time for everything in life and as a young person, your main focus should be getting educated or acquiring a skill because young age is a period of building. It is so sad how youths are chasing money nowadays, most of them even go to the extent of engaging in unhealthy practices all in the quest for achieving success. I want you to understand that success is a positive achievement and any other thing aside that, should not be considered as success.

In this article, I will be telling you some reasons why you should not be in a hurry to achieve success.

Destiny is not the same.

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This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't be influenced by the lifestyle of others. I want you to understand that destiny varies and what worked for others may not work for you. You are advised to embrace patience and hope because it takes time for success to manifest. You should celebrate and rejoice with others when they achieve success bearing it in mind that your time is coming.

Everybody has his/her own time.

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Anybody who wants to achieve success should get ready to go all the way because it has no shortcuts, everything in life works with time likewise success and when your time comes you will know. I want you to embrace patience and optimism, also don't forget to involve God in all your endeavors.

Lastly, this article was written to encourage you to always remain patient and run away from crime as much as you can.

Remain blessed!

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