How To Become The Hottest Version Of Yourself : 10 Tips That Work

How To Become The Hottest Version Of Yourself : 10 Tips That Work

4 years ago

~7.1 mins read


Imagine not having to walk around feeling terrible about yourself. Not having to deal with low self-esteem while being insanely attractive to yourself and to others. Imagine what you could accomplish. Which is why it's imperative you make an effort to learn how to become the hottest version yourself.

It's not just about how you look. On the contrary, it's about how you feel. Becoming the hottest version of yourself starts from the inside to the outside. 

The transformation you make starts with introspection which often leads to acceptance of your truest self.

Once you accept and understand yourself on a deeper level, that gives you the ability to harness your greatest gifts and talents.

That builds confidence. When you feel confident, you start to behave differently. Your behavior naturally starts to affect the way you walk, talk, and dress. 

By the end of this journey, everything good about yourself is maximized. 

Those changes all feed each other. Like gears, they are all interlocked and constantly help each other turn in perfect synchrony. 

That's a basic explanation of how to become the hottest version of yourself. It starts with introspection. 

Quiet your mind through meditation and mindfulness.


This may require you to step away from the noise of society and spend some time with yourself.

To truly discover yourself, you must open yourself up and be honest. Forget about everyone else and what society thinks is good or bad for you. 

Look at yourself with complete honesty and figure out what you need to improve as well as what you can maximize. 

With that being said, here's a list of the top 10 tips on how to become the hottest version of yourself. 

1. Wash and style your hair
Styling your hair can often be the one thing you need to do to complete a stylish look and tie everything together.

I would encourage you to visit a salon or barbershop regularly and invest in a shampoo that leaves your hair looking strong and shiny. 

If you're bald, embrace it completely. It can look great if you shave your head.

Get a hairstyle that suits your face shape.

If you have a very angular jaw, really long or short hair can look perfect on you. If you have a more rounded face, opt for longer hair that's pulled back or styled upwards to add shape and angles to your face and head. 

2. Clear up your skin or use makeup 
I used to battle with acne in my late teens and it annoyed the hell out of me. Clearing it up really made me feel good but, I also realized that regular skincare cream Is more than enough to look good.

Even if you're breaking out, make an effort to clean your skin. When using makeup, opt for colors and tones that match your skin tone as closely as possible.

Focus on highlighting your most attractive feature, whether this is your lips, nose, cheekbones, or eyes. 

3. Dress fashionably and trendy
Keeping up to date with the latest trends can set you apart from others. For one, society seems to be convinced that the trendiest looking people are considered the hottest or most glamorous. 

Updated fashion will reinvigorate the way you view yourself.

Choose colors that perfectly contrast and bring out your complexion. 

I think the most important part about dressing is being comfortable with what you wear.


It will show in your demeanor and how you carry off an outfit. 

4. Tailor your clothes to fit your body perfectly
While we're on the topic of clothing, it is imperative that we discuss the shape and form of your clothing. 

Look at people who barely stand out or look unkempt and you'll pick up something common between all of them – their clothes are too baggy, too long, or too tight. 

It's not attractive.

Wearing clothes that are too baggy drowns you out. Clothes that are too tight are overshadowed by your body or appear too obscene. 

5. Get fit by exercising
Despite the many misconceptions on the net, you don't need six-pack abs or a perfectly curvaceous body to look hot and sexy. 

On the contrary, a fit and relatively toned body is considered ideal and attractive for the majority of people.

Even though my goal was to get an athletic body, I really started looking my best as soon as I started to look fit.

My clothes looked great on me and I looked great in them. 

An exercise is a natural tool for detoxification.

So, if you want to get rid of excess toxins in your body to get healthier skin, nails and hair, exercise regularly and for at least 30 minutes at a time. 

The goal is to work up a great sweat. 

Thereafter, shower and slap on a breathtaking cologne or scent.

6. Walk with proper posture
When you look at people who drown themselves within a crowd, they often are hunched over, staring at the ground and walking at a very fast pace.

To me, this often screams insecurity, social anxiety, or lack of confidence.

And I sympathize with them.

This was me and that's why I was able to identify how posture while walking affects your image. 

Stand up straight, keep both hands by your side or in your pocket and walk with purpose.

7. Fix your body language
Let's expand on body language because I really believe it's an overlooked feature in a physical attraction that makes a significant difference in how hot you look.

Whether you're sitting, standing, or walking, you need to proper posture and good body language. 

Your body language says a lot about you as a person to other people.

The body language of a confident and energetic person is often inviting.

They stand assertively – shoulders back and chest out.

They're always looking ahead, not down at the ground. So much so that their nose is slightly tipping upwards. 

Also, they avoid folding their arms when interacting with people, specifically around people they are interested in. This makes them look afraid, closed off, or defensive. 

Take these tips into consideration and apply them to your life.

It may require some effort on your part with constant reminders to fix your posture. But, with time it will become natural and effortless. 

8. Smile with confidence
Remember how we talked about expression influencing attraction, well smiling is the top facial expression.

Happy people are so hot, don't you agree? Their energy is infectious and it feels good to be in their presence. 

Having a smile on your face is often a sign of happiness.


But, apart from that, it's attractive. It's vindicating and validating. It's inviting and comforting. 

Don't be shy to show off your teeth. I want you to smile like you mean it because it's guaranteed to make you look hotter. 

A quick tip: Oral health is quite important. Make sure to brush, floss, and clean your teeth daily.

If you're self-conscious about your teeth being crooked, try to get braces or just focus on making them look as clean and white as possible. 

9. Sleep more to reduce fatigue and dull eyes 
As we age, sleepless, and take on more responsibilities, it tends to take a toll on our eyes.

This is probably why Botox has become so popular. I think that's ridiculous because there are enough natural ways to improve the freshness of your under-eye marks and bags to look better. 

Start by sleeping earlier and getting at least 6 – 8 hours of sleep. 

Don't start at screens for too many hours at a time because eye strain can affect your eye health. 

Use rosewater to lighten and reduce the appearances of dark circles and eye bags. Anything cool can instantly freshen up your eyes and make you look hotter. 

10. Speak clearly and eloquently
Naturally, most of us sound a specific way but, we can do things to improve our ability to speak.

For instance, speaking clearly makes you sound and appear assertive and confident which we know are traits of someone who is hot. 

Secondly, having mastery of the language you speak and being eloquent makes you sound intelligent, smart, and composed.

If you speak fast like me and often sound as if you have a hot potato in your mouth, practice slowing down and properly pronouncing your words.  

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