"They Are Hungry" – Man Catches Two Female Teachers Eating Swallow While Little Pupils Watched

"They Are Hungry" – Man Catches Two Female Teachers Eating Swallow While Little Pupils Watched

2 years ago

~0.7 mins read


People have reacted to a trending video of two teachers eating swallow in the presence of their little pupils.
The two female teachers didn't mind that the children were watching them with keen interest as they moulds big swallow and dipped them inside the soup before driving it into their mouths.
A young man who filmed them from the top of a building found it very funny and laughed at the way they ate the swallow in front of the students.
He captioned the video with "Swallow on the way...


Last last na only A B C D them go teach the kids today."
While reacting to the video, someone said, "Those teachers are really hungry."
See the video snapshot below:

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