4 Reason Most People Find It Hard To Leave Someone That They Love.

4 Reason Most People Find It Hard To Leave Someone That They Love.

2 years ago

~1.4 mins read
There can be many reasons:

1. They don’t want to be left alone. Although, in most cases, we aren’t. And there’s always scope to meet new people; even if it is for a minute, a day, a month, we don’t want loneliness. Because it is not healthy, right? The feeling of being lonely? It makes us feel we are unfortunate and triggers self-doubt.

2. The person has a control over us.


Whether it is through love or intimidation, this is always about power. This person has a control over us, and in someway he or she has linked our self-esteem with their presence in our lives. If we leave them, we lose our self-worth.

3. They love too deeply. But more than that, we have spent a lot of time with them- a year, two years, six years, ten years- or whatever counts as ‘too long’ in our own minds. It looks like the biggest investment we have ever made and we don’t want it to go ‘waste’.



They are amazing people. There are some amazing people out there who may have unbearable flaws like they maybe clumsy, incompetent for all the ‘normal’ things; but they maybe extraordinary that one thing or multiple things. They may have a great sense of humour, etc. They may get bouts of lows and highs, when we feel like we want to run away. This feeling maybe temporary if their amazingness weighs more than a few fallouts. And vice versa.

It is understandable that none of these things would workout as logically when we actually are in those situations.


It’s okay to make mistakes. But eventually, it’s great to sort of knock somewhere within, to ask what we truly want, and what we find ‘worth it’.

The distance from within to outside is too much, hence it is understandable. Use a journal or a diary or Evernote if you can’t easily hear the narration of your inner self. See a friend, relative, parent, or therapist (non-medication prescribing) one if you need to talk. Whatever works for you.

Source: Opera News.

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