How To Remove Stretch Marks: Top 5 Effective Natural Remedies

How To Remove Stretch Marks: Top 5 Effective Natural Remedies

3 years ago

~3.7 mins read

Stretch marks, also called striae, happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to growth or weight gain. They aren’t a sign that anything is wrong with your health. Both men and women can get stretch marks. Pregnancy and puberty are the two most common times in life to get stretch marks. At first, a stretch mark will appear as a thin red or purple line on your skin that takes on a different texture than the surrounding skin layer. Eventually, most stretch marks fade and take on a lighter or almost translucent coloring, and become shiny.


Getting rid of stretch marks in a completely natural way isn’t likely. They’re a type of scarring that rarely fades enough to become invisible. However, there are some remedies that can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and help them to fade more quickly.

1. Cocoa Butter

 The use of cocoa butter helpsreduce stretch marks and I have seen that if used during and after pregnancy it makes the stretch marks disappear completely. The best time to use cocoa butter is at night, so massage it well into the skin and over a period of time you will find the stretch marks reducing and fading away.

2. Lemon Juice

You probably know that lemon juice can stain your countertops and fabrics.


But these acidic fruits can also “bleach” stretch marks from pregnancy. How To Use: Soak a cotton ball in the juice of a lemon, then let it sit on your skin for about ten minutes. If you do this regularly, the natural acids of the lemon juice will lighten stretch marks.

3. Aloe vera

There’s little clinical evidence to support pure aloe vera as a stretch mark remedy. But a 2018 study found that aloe vera and sweet almond oil helped reduce itching caused by stretch marks unrelated to pregnancy.

Since scratching can make scarring worse, aloe vera could be a simple solution to soothe stretch marks and help skin heal faster. If you can’t get your hands on an aloe plant, make sure to choose a gel that’s 100 percent aloe vera.

4. Egg white

High in proteins and amino acids, egg white is a superfood for the skin.


When applied on stretch marks, the egg white will help lighten the marks while also tightening the skin.

1. Sugar

Sugar has been used for a long time to perform the microdermabrasion method. Microdermabrasion is a few clinically proven methods to fade stubborn stretch marks.

How to use it: Mix one cup of sugar with 1/4 cup of a softening agent, like almond oil or coconut oil. Add some lemon juice to it and scrub the mixture on your stretch marks. Repeat this process two-three times a week before taking a shower. Make sure you rub the mixture for 8-10 minutes.


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