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In my article today, I will be showing you Top 10 countries with the strongest Military forces in the World.
10. Japan
Japan increased its military spending the first time in 11 years to $49.1 billion dollars. Japan has over 247,000 active personnel and almost 60,000 reserved. The army is also equipped with 1,5967 aircraft, and over 161 war ships.
9. South Korea
South Korea has an extremely powerful army at its disposal. The country has over 640,000 active personnel and 2,900,000 additional personnel in reserve, alongside 1,393 aircraft. Japan has about 15,000 land weapons, including 2,346 tanks.
8. Turkey
7. Germany
6. France
France has over 220,000 regular forces combines with reservists to form a force of about 500,000. It has over 1,000 aircraft, with 9,000 ground vehicles. France also have a total of 290 nuclear weapons.
5. The United Kingdom
United Kingdom has a regular force of about 205,000, along with a small air force of 908 aircraft. However, the UK army force have over 160 nuclear weapons, and 66 navy ships.
4. India
India has one of the highest man force in the world. They have about 16,000 land vehicles, 3,500 tanks, as well as 1,785 aircraft, alongside nuclear weapons.
3. China
China has over 25,000 land vehicles, 2,800 aircraft and about 300 nuclear weapons. Apart from that, there have over 180 different method of deployment.
2. Russia
Russia has 766,000 active frontline personnel and almost 2.5 million on reserved force. It is also backed up by 15,500 tanks, and 8,500 active nuclear warheads, Making Russia the largest tank force in the World.
1. The United States
The United States has about 1.4 millions soldiers, and 800,000 reservists. The U.S army has 7,500 nuclear warheads, with a fleet of 19 aircraft carriers.
Credit: Princeking55dwriter

f you have a BVN and it is linked to any mobile network, please read this for your own good.
The world today is now digitalized and many things are now easy, you can withdraw your money from a nearby POS machine without any stress of going to the bank and waiting in huge lines.
Now many people have BVN (Bank Verification Number) which is been giving to you by the Banks in order for you to be identified because there are many Bank account owners out there.
As the world digitalization grows the knowledge in many Fraudsters and scammers upgrade.
Fraudsters are now into Banks such as UBA, GTB, FCMB, FIRST BANK and many other as they intend to fraud Bank account owners of their money. Most of these Fraudsters use peoples BVN to withdraw money from their accounts.It's now likely that if your BVN is linked to any mobile network sim card, don't disclose it to anyone.
These Fraudsters often create fake and fraudulent website and ask you to fill your account details and phone number linked to your BVN.
The sad truth is that you don't need to give them your BVN before they get it, just only getting the sim card linked to your BVN they will get almost all the numbers of your BVN and maybe 2 or 1 number wrong and then call you saying they are from your Bank and they want to make a verification which requires your BVN so you should call the last two digits of your BVN.Upon hearing this cut off the call immediately and go to your Bank and confirm to sort out any issues there and not from the phone.
Please if you find this article helpful share with us your thoughts in the comments below and please follow us for more updates

Iran is an Islamic Nation which has held it popularity and glory in the middle East since long time ago. It is formally known as Persia. One of the major significant reason why this nation is still known till today is because of its military power.
The Iranian Armed Forces can boost of its large numbers of active military personnel and reserve military personnel plus it's intimidating weapon arsenal.
It is estimated that the IAF personnel sums up to about 650,000 active personnel (not including the police) and 1,050,000
reserve and trained personnel that could be mobilized when needed. That makes a total of 2,010,000 military personnel that Iran could mobilize.
In terms of overall military strength, the Iranian armed forces rank 14th in the world out of 137 countries that are ranked in 2019 by Global Firepower and Business Insider.
While it's Forces might not be able to boost of having numerous fleets of air fighters or a strong air force weapons, it made up for this aspect with its fearful possession of projectile missiles which can travel longer ranges.
This is a chart describing the military power of Iran in comparison to America and some other countries
Below are some pictures of some Iranian weapons, these would certainly intimidate many countries from going into fight with them.
Below is a chart showing the power of the missiles that Iran has in possession and the range they can travel.

Power is one thing that must be transferred, regardless or how well it is wielded. It is something every one desires whether conciosly or unconsciously. Thats why we all work harder by the day because inasmuch as no one wants to be opressed or be under someone, every one wants a level of control over some kinds of things.
As we all know civilization began from ancient Egypt and Egypt was the first world power at a point it was the vast Roman empire but we are more concerned with country that was world power before the Americans and that country is the Union Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) or better put as the Soviet Union.
What does it really mean to be a world power or a super power? This is simply a situation where by a state or nation poseses a level of influence that makes it possible for her to effect changes on a global scale. This is done through economic and millitary might as well as technological advancements and the application of soft power.
Formed on December 30 1922 (Exactly 98 years ago today) the Soviet Union was the largest country in the world a status that is still retained by Russia today. The Soviet Union was made up of 15 countries namely Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and of course Russia it's official Language and capital. The Union was a successor of the Russian Empire and the first state to ba bases on Marxist Socialism.
it attained hights and controlled events on a global scale but was eventually dissolved on December 26th 1991. The reason for the dissolution is due to political unrests within them. The dissolution comes after a failed August Coup attempt to overthrow President Mikhail Goberchev who at that point allowed 'a parade of sovereignties' which was a series of declarations of sovereignty of various degree by the constituents of the Soviet Union. On December 25th 1991 President Mikhail Goberchev resign from his office and declared his office extinct. He then handed over the powers Nuclear lunch codes to Boris Yeltsin who became the first president of Russia. That same day the Soviet Union flag was lowered at the Kremlin and replaced with the Russian National flag.
The dissolution was a major factor that marked the end of the cold war.
Should you desire a full or detailed insight into the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, simply search for 'USSR' on Wikipedia.
Credit: 360prospect.

Most guys today think that girls only want money from a guy which isn't true because there are other things ladies value when given to them by a guy the like. I always advice men to know the type of lady they are with or they want because this will save you alot of problems that may arise in the cause of your relationship.
In this article, I will be sharing my opinion on 5 things ladies wants from a guy apart from money. See them below;
1. Ladies loves when you give them time and attention. As a man, your girlfriend wants your time and attention because it can serve as a proof that you are in love with her.
2. Ladies wants care and affection, if you have a girlfriend you should learn how to care and be there for her when she needs you.
3. Women wants integrity and honesty from a man. Most men do not know this, if you want a girl to like try as much as possible to be truthful and honest.
4. Women wants a man that can make them feel heard, a man that is very good at listening anytime she talks.

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