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Wants to meet A Boyfriend : I Need A Change Please!

Easy Ways To Support And Uplift Your Wife When She's Struggling
~0.8 mins read
1. Self-Reflection:
Consider if you might be contributing to her challenges. Encourage open communication.

2. Acknowledge Her Responsibilities:
Understand her workload and daily tasks.

3. Show Appreciation:
Recognize her efforts and sacrifices.

4. Be Proactive:
Don't wait for her to break down; offer help early.

5. Equip Her:
Provide necessary appliances and tools for household tasks.

6. Active Participation:
Be fully engaged in parenting and family life.

7. Physical Affection:
Hold her, touch her, and let her feel your presence.

8. Listen Actively:
Sometimes, she just needs someone to listen without interruption.

9. Be a Partner, Not a Teacher:
Show love and empathy; avoid blame.

10. Instill Hope:
Encourage her, focus on positives, and lift her up.

11. Be Attuned:
Understand her mood and needs; take initiative.

12. Pray for Her:
Seek divine guidance and appreciate her.

13. Pray Together:
Share moments of prayer and connection.

14. Ask How You Can Help:
She knows best; inquire sincerely.

15. Assist Around the House:
Give her a break from chores.

16. Quality Time:
Take her out and enjoy activities she loves.

17. Allow Emotional Release:
Let her cry if needed; provide comfort.

18. Plan a Holiday:
A getaway can rejuvenate her spirit.
Remember, small gestures can make a significant difference in her well-being.
How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You By Using Your Common Sense.
~5.0 mins read
As a single mother who re-entered the dating scene in my early 30s, I encountered my fair share of men who wanted me to like them, and on paper, I should have. They were good-looking and could correctly punctuate a sentence. Some were even doctors, lawyers, or businessmen.
But whether it be through messages or in person, I started to notice patterns of why some guys didn’t hold my interest and why they probably weren’t holding the interest of other available women either.
Here are some things you can employ to make a woman crazy for you instead of all those other guys who may be filling up her inbox.

1. Compliment things outside of her looks.

You’re out with a pretty woman, and she looks hot, so you tell her so. Unfortunately for you, people probably tell her that all the time. You’ve just told her the exact same thing some creep yelled at her from a moving vehicle when she went for a jog this morning.
Compliments that focus just on a woman’s appearance aren’t going to carry as much weight as a compliment she hasn’t heard as often. She’s going to be used to having her surface complimented, but to make a woman truly notice you, find a way to compliment something deeper about her.
Think about it: anyone can see that the woman sitting in front of you is beautiful, but can everyone else see that she’s Beyoncé-fierce, or that she’s funny or a great listener?
I personally was much more willing to see again the guy who complimented me for my strong work-ethic than the one who told me at least fifteen times in one night that I looked great.
If you’ve given up having goals or dreams or trying to improve yourself or your life, she’s probably going to give up on you too.

2. Pay attention to the details.

Women want to know that we are heard.
If I tell you I won’t eat anywhere that has sneeze guards, I’m going to hope that, for our next date, you don’t take me to Panda China Buffet. If you do, not only will I not eat anything, I won’t be likely to go on another date with you since you obviously didn’t listen to me.
Listening to the little things women say they like and don’t like and capitalizing on those is an easy way to score points with a woman. Say she tells you she really really loves sloths. Well, surprise her with a trip to the zoo, or send her a cute sloth photo just to show her you’ve been thinking of her.

3. Be the chill one.

We often match the energy levels of the ones around us, but instead of matching your woman’s stress level, try bringing it down.
“Hey, how’s your day going?” you ask.
“Rough,” she says. “Several people got laid off today and things are tennnnsssseee.”
Instead of saying, “That’s so awful. Do you think you’ll get laid off too?” you could help chill her out. The key is being empathic and genuine. You never want to come off as fake.
You could say something like, “Take a deep breath. You haven’t been laid off, and it might not happen. Want to grab a drink later and talk about it?” This would not only score you some points with her, but also nail a next date.

4. Dress to impress.

A guy arranged to meet me for coffee one day. I was wearing slacks and a button-up blouse since I’d just gotten off work, as he knew. Thirty minutes before we were scheduled to meet, he texted me, “I’m wearing my jammies. I think you’ll like them.”
“Haha,” I texted back, thinking he was joking.
He wasn’t joking. He was, in fact, wearing a full set of pajamas and slippers.
He’d left his house wearing that. He’d had the opportunity to change into anything, especially knowing that I was leaving my professional job, but he hadn’t.
I could have understood if he’d been at work, and it was a fun…pajama-themed day or something and we’d planned this outing last minute, etc. etc. But none of those things were true.
If it’s a date, treat it like one. This doesn’t mean you have to really really dress up, but at least try to match how your date is dressing up or, if you don’t know, wear your best. Your date deserves that.

5. Have some passions.

If a woman has attracted your interest, it’s likely because, on top of being someone you really really like to look at, she has some qualities that interest you.
She’s currently a secretary, but she dreams of being an artist. Her faith is important to her, so she attends church every Sunday and volunteers regularly. She’s juggling a side hustle because she wants to pay off her student loans faster, or fitness is really important to her, so she’s at the gym at 5am every day.
If you’ve given up having goals or dreams or trying to improve yourself or your life, she’s probably going to give up on you too. Get a side-hustle yourself. Dream of where you want to be in five or ten years. Go back to school. Commit to a fitness regimen. Figure out your passion, and go after it.

6. Be vulnerable.

I’m not telling you to start sobbing on your first date as you explain how your mother abandoned your family when you were ten, but you have to acknowledge that this is the 21st century.
For thousands of years, women had to be dependent on men. The men hunted, so their families didn’t starve. Then as societies developed, women had to depend on men to financially provide for them because, without them, they had few ways to make money themselves.
Today, a woman needs to depend on you neither to kill food for her or financially provide for her, so you need to focus on connecting with her on an emotional level.
Share some of those bits of yourself that are soft, whether it be how much you love your daughter or how it was rough when your best friend passed away when you were in college. Those things will matter to her way more than how much is in your bank account.
To a woman, these tips seem like common sense, but, based on my own experience and those of the women I know, they need to be said. Ladies want these things from you, gentlemen, and you’ll stand out to a very special lady if you do them.

Author: Tara Blair Ball


Does Money Buy Happiness?
~0.2 mins read
Money does indeed buy happiness, as it provides various benefits, including better healthcare, more time for family and friends, opportunities for knowledge and travel, peace of mind, improved appearance, satisfaction in providing for loved ones, the ability to help others in need, enhanced comfort, safety, and the opportunity for physical and mental well-being through sports and other activities.

Original author: Celia

How To Make A Black Man Fall In Love With You
~1.2 mins read
Before you continue reading, please note that it is not appropriate to make assumptions about an individual's race and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

Additionally, love is a complex emotion that cannot be forced or manipulated, and it is important to respect others' autonomy and agency in matters of romantic attraction. 

Instead of trying to force someone to love you, I would suggest focusing on developing genuine connections with individuals based on mutual respect, shared interests, and open communication.

But if you decide on forcing a connection, then continue reading....

It is not possible to make someone fall in love with you, as love is a complex emotion that involves individual preferences, chemistry, and circumstances. 

However, there are some things you can do to increase the likelihood of developing a deeper connection with someone you are interested in:

1 Be yourself
Authenticity is key to building a strong relationship. Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not or hide your true feelings or interests.

2 Show interest
Ask questions, listen attentively, and show genuine curiosity about their life and experiences. This can help establish a connection and build a sense of rapport.

3 Be kind and supportive 
Show empathy, kindness, and support in their life. This can create a sense of trust and comfort, which can deepen a connection.

4 Communicate effectively
Be open and honest in your communication, and express your feelings clearly and respectfully. Good communication is essential to building a strong foundation for a relationship.

5 Build a sense of shared experiences
Participate in activities together that you both enjoy and create shared memories. This can create a sense of bond and a feeling of shared connection.

Remember, the most important thing is to focus on building a healthy, respectful relationship based on mutual trust, respect, and shared values.

The Advisory

Travel Advisory For Tinubus Campaign In Lagos Tomorrow
~0.0 mins read
Stay Safe out there please  

Let Us Talk About Business
~0.6 mins read
I will freestyle it, I hope you get it. On the surface there are many businesses, in reality there are mostly two types of businesses.

There is the long term business, and there is the short term business. Most people settle for the short term business without understanding what they are settling for.

Short term businesses lack innovation and this is a majority of businesses in the world. They instead rely on copying strategies and innovation from bigger companies. It's not a bad strategy, it just doesn't encourage continuity and these kinds of businesses are easy to fall to more innovative businesses.

I don't much time now, let's talk about long term businesses next time. I will also help you in choosing your type of business and show you how to start the long term kind of business.

I Wrote And Wrote And Wrote
~0.2 mins read

I wrote and wrote and wrote

Something happened to my former post and I m here to find out...

Yes after saving at first, I ll save again to see what I m testing.

Oh guys be patient with me okay...

Many Hong Kong Activists Changed Their Twitter Profile Pictures To Trump As A Way To Protest The Trump Twitter Ban.
~4.7 mins read

HONG KONG One by one, the Hong Kong democracy activists last weekend began switching their Twitter profile pictures to the instantly recognizable image of President Trump.

The man they view as their key ally in their fight against the Chinese Communist Party had been kicked off the platform hours earlier. They wanted to flood Twitter with his photo in solidarity.

Support from Hong Kong, wrote one supporter. We are Trump, said another.

Across Hong Kong, Taiwan and the globe-spanning Chinese dissident community, a significant number of activists have bought into the rhetoric and conspiracy theories promoted by Trump and some of his supporters, despite the presidents attempts to subvert U.S. democracy. As President-elect Joe Bidens inauguration nears, those who view Trump as dangerous and divisive are figuring out how to engage with Trump loyalists in their ranks, stop divisions from upending their mutual cause, and promote engagement with the new administration.

We are trying hard to see where they are coming from, what exactly is at play that motivates people to support Trump, said Sharon Yam, an academic at the University of Kentucky who is from Hong Kong. This moment of reckoning for the U.S. has also become one for the Hong Kong movement, where we have to confront how right-wing we have become.

'The plastic left'

For many Hong Kong activists, their entry point into U.S. politics came in 2019 during anti-government protests that were fueled by fears that Beijing was moving swiftly to end the territorys autonomy and long-held freedoms. By the time the protests broke out, Trump was defined by his tough-on-China rhetoric, and the relationship between Beijing and Washington was plumbing depths unseen in decades.

Exploiting the tensions, Hong Kong protesters made overt appeals to the United States to intervene. Protests resembled Fourth of July parades, with people singing the Star-Spangled Banner.

The demonstrators embraced the idea of Trump as a strongman ally, in particular for signing a bill in support of their movement that fundamentally changed Washingtons relationship with Hong Kong and created a pathway for sanctions. But Trump had initially demurred, saying Chinese leader Xi Jinping was a friend.

Ahead of the November U.S. elections, popular broadsheets like Apple Daily, whose influential founder Jimmy Lai is a stalwart Trump supporter, began publishing op-eds endorsing the president. Through disinformation, including articles published in the Epoch Times newspaper and other outlets that oppose the Communist Party, some Hong Kong activists started parroting the language of the alt-right. (The Epoch Times has repeatedly pushed back against charges of disinformation, saying it stands for honest and accurate journalism.)

Trump didnt try to subvert democracy in his own country. He wasnt the one who cheated in the election, said a popular Hong Kong YouTuber who goes by the name Stormtrooper. Everything he did was within the system, he did not incite people to be violent.

Stormtrooper, who comments frequently on U.S. politics, added that Beijing will have a chance to breathe under Biden echoing the Republican view that Biden will be soft on the Communist Party.

Debates between the Hong Kong camps have become so heated that those urging people to give Biden a chance often get attacked online, tarred with the same language as the president-elect. Hong Kongers who defend Biden have been called leftards or the plastic left, a term implying they are unrealistic and rigid. Lee Cheuk-yan, an activist who questioned Trumps claim of election fraud in November, was vilified by people who said he had received money from the Democratic Party.

Right-wing factions have even coined new phrases in Cantonese, Hong Kongs native language, such as sam chang gwok ga meaning deep state and are advocating for gun rights.

It is quite difficult to cultivate a collective space in which we can talk and hash out these differences, said Yam, who studies rhetoric and political emotion.

'Thank you Lord Trump'

In Taiwan, which Beijing routinely threatens to invade, Trump is perhaps even more popular. Taiwan has been lavished with official visits and statements of support by the Trump administration, part of its campaign to confront Beijing but which has had the effect of making the island more diplomatically engaged with Washington and globally relevant. A YouGov poll in October found Taiwan to be the only one of 15 European and Asian states that favored Trump over Biden.

Facebook and Twitter accounts that extol Trump and lambaste Democrats as soft on China are highly influential there. In a typical post this past week, Meme Power, a Facebook page that supports the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, celebrated Secretary of State Mike Pompeos lifting of restrictions on U.S. diplomats interactions with Taiwanese counterparts.

Thank you Lord Trump for your great love of Taiwan, said the post. The shackles of bondage that Lord Trump finally unraveled for Taiwan will be placed upon Taiwan again after Biden takes power.

Lev Nachman, a Taipei-based Ph.D. student at the University of California at Irvine who studies political sentiment, said support for Trump is one of the few issues Taiwans deeply polarized media can agree on. Outlets supporting both leading parties in Taiwan were filled in late October with negative reports about the business and sex life of Hunter Biden, the president-elects son.

Theres a logic of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Nachman said. A lot of people in Taiwan and Hong Kong feel theyre not in a position of power and are thankful for Trumps help.

In December, hundreds gathered outside Taiwans tallest skyscraper, Taipei 101, at a rally organized by the Epoch Times, where they held signs that read Stop the Steal and Taiwan, Fight for Trump.

Sang Pu, a lawyer and media commentator in Taipei, said he was one of many who believed the results of the November election were suspicious. As in Hong Kong, many in Taiwan are distraught over what they see as a Chinese-style effort by social media companies such as Twitter and YouTube to censor their hero, Trump, said Sang.

Charting a way forward

As the inauguration nears, activists who understand how damaging Trump has been for democratic movements are urging civility. Beijing has stepped up its repression and threats, and bipartisan support for Hong Kong and Taiwan has never been more important, activists say.

Our work remains the same, and our work is to raise awareness on Hong Kong issues, no matter who is in the administration, said Joey Siu, a Hong Kong-American activist. Sunny Cheung, another Hong Kong activist in exile, says he urges Hong Kongers not to copy and paste jargon into different political contexts, to accept the result of the election, and to focus on policies favorable to us.

Yam, the academic, worries that all this bickering simply benefits Chinas Communist Party.

This is the collective moment in which we need to be finding new strategies during this time of heightened repression, she said. But instead we are all fighting each other over the U.S. presidential election.


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