Biologist : Am Ishaya Lar Moses Aka Sanity The Poet. I Was Born In Awe, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. My Ancestral Home Is In Langtang, Plateau State. Am A Graduate Of Zoology, University Of Jos Plateau, But I Love Literature The Most. Am A Poet, Writter And Philanthropist.
Wants to meet Just Friends

World malaria day
World Malaria Day
~0.4 mins read

World Malaria Day 2023 will be marked under the theme Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement. Within this theme, WHO will focus on the third i implement and notably the critical importance of reaching marginalized populations with the tools and strategies that are available today.
Each year about 290 millions people are infected and over 400,000 deads.
Donating a single mosquito net can save multiple lives from the bites of mosquitoes. Two infants died in every minutes due to malaria infection.
Donate mosquito nets.
Donates blood.
Clear the breeding sites.
Sleep under treated mosquito nets.
Share this to reach more people who might be willing to donate mosquito nets to the less previllege.

They're Real Kings
Ants The Jungle Kings?
~0.5 mins read
The Jungle King?
The true king of the jungle aren't elephants because they have a large bodys. Tigers are the best hunters in the jungle, yet it's not them. Lions have the strength and powerful mind. These made many to think of Lions as kings of the jungles. But rationally, It's Ants that really deserve the title of the jungle king. Ant's Union is the most powerful union in the jungle. They can live in any community and niche. They can build both suspended bridge, floating bridge, underwater road, etc. Ants can also do away with any species that disturb them in a community or niche.
Therefore, your collective ideas about an intended goal(s) can remove any check points of your life without making you to sacrifice your last strength. Be rational and differentiates diffrently.
The Most Evil Empire In History
~0.7 mins read
1. Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
How evil was Nazi Germany?
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The National Socialist party transformed Germany and much of Europe into a fascist totalitarian state, responsible for World War 2 and the extermination of 6 million Jews. To incarcerate their racial opponents, the Nazis created 20,000 concentration camps. By 1941, up to 6,000 prisoners a day were sent to gas chambers in Auschwitz, which were disguised as shower rooms. There, a highly toxic insecticide called Zyklon B was unleashed, asphyxiating the prisoners within minutes. Guards would then remove the dead prisoners’ hair and gold fillings. The hair was used to make rope, and the gold was deposited in an SS bank account. German physicians also carried out deadly human experiments at the camps. Prisoners were submerged in icy waters for 5 hours until they froze to death, injected with tuberculosis and malaria, sterilized, and they also underwent nerve and limb transplants without anesthetic.
How evil was Nazi Germany?
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The 2nd Most Evil Empire In History
~0.6 mins read
2. The British Empire (1783 1997)
The British Empire caused as many as 150 million deaths across Asia, Africa, and Europe. British Imperialists hoarded rice and grain from India. They also dramatically increased harvest taxation, which caused widespread famines that killed a cumulative 29 million people. Without any support from the Empire, Indian civilians were forced to eat grass and human flesh to survive. Britain also resorted to the use of concentration camps to defeat South Africas Boer population at the turn of the 20th century. 10% of the entire Boer population were killed in these camps, including 22,000 children, who were starved and beaten to death. One of their most ruthless conquests, however, came in the 1800s, when British colonists annihilated Tasmanias indigenous population. They forced aborigine wives to carry the heads of their dead husbands around their necks.

The 3rd Most Evil Empire In History
~0.6 mins read
3. Belgian Empire (1885 1962)
King Leopold II of Belgium bought the Congo and enslaved its people, brutally exploiting the country for its rubber and ivory supplies. An estimated 10 million people died in just 50 years. Using a terrifying army called the Force Publique, Leopold made the villagers work to death to in order to make a profit. Those who failed to meet their resource collection quotas were shot, kidnapped, or had their limbs cut off. Colonists also systematically sexually assaulted Congolese women. It can even be argued that Belgiums colonial policies contributed to the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s. During their colonial rule there, Belgians classified the native Hutu group as racially inferior to their neighbors, the Tutsi. This caused huge ethnic tensions between the two communities, which tragically boiled over and led to the deaths of 800,000 Tutsi. They were massacred by the previously marginalized

The 4th Most Evil Empire In History
~0.5 mins read
4. The French Empire (1534 to 1980)
The French Empire caused the deaths of up to 10 million people throughout Africa, Europe,
the Americas, and Asia. One of the worst incidents occurred under the rule of Napoleon on the French colony of Haiti. Starving slaves were forced to collect sugar from the island, while wearing tin muzzles to stop them from eating the sugar cane. Those who disobeyed the French colonists were slowly roasted over fires as punishment, or filled with gunpowder and then blown to pieces. Another 100,000 slaves were massacred in the holds of ships with sulfur dioxide that was extracted from Haitis volcanoes. Others were ripped apart by dogs in amphitheaters to terrify the slaves in revolt.

The 5th Most Evil Empire In History
~0.6 mins read
5. Imperial Japan (1868-1945)
The Japanese military regime murdered around 8 million people on its mission to become the supreme Asian state. In December 1937 the Japanese Imperial Army marched into Chinas then-capital, Nanking, and slaughtered 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians. An estimated 80,000 women as old as 70 and as young as 8 were dragged off and sexually assaulted by groups of Japanese soldiers. They were then stabbed to death with bayonets so they couldnt testify about the attacks. Generals encouraged young Japanese soldiers to inflict as much pain as possible on their captives; victims were soaked in gasoline and then burned alive. Japans secret biochemical warfare research center, Unit 731, killed 3,000 people with lethal human experimentation. Prisoners were subjected to vivisection without anesthetic, essentially being dissected while they were still alive. Others experiments saw people locked in pressure chambers until their eyes popped out, and others having their limbs frozen and then thawed out in red hot water.

The 6th Most Evil Empire In History
~0.5 mins read
6. The Mongols (1206-1368)
The Mongols slaughtered 11% of the worlds population - around 40 to 60 million people - to build an empire that covered nearly a quarter of the Earths surface. Among the dead were innocent civilians, including pregnant women. Citadels like Samarkand were laid waste in just 5 days. And when the Mongol army plundered the Khwarezmid Empire in Persia, they punished rebels by pouring molten silver into their eyes for challenging the invasion. They may even have created bio warfare, as historians have traced the deadly Black Death pandemic of the Middle Ages to the siege of Kaffa. The Mongols weaponized the newly found bubonic plague by catapulting diseased corpses over city walls, infecting entire populations.

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