
The Importance Of School Library
~1.5 mins read
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Importance of School Library are given below:
Library is the heart of a schools academic activities. The instructional programme of a school is tremendously influenced by the quality of its library. The teaching-learning process will be lack-lustre without a good library
Library is indispensable for student-centred teaching and learning processes such as project method, dalton plan, self-learning or seminars.
According to the Secondary Education Commission, library will be the hub and centre of all the intellectual activity in the literary life of the recognized school and play the same part vis-a-vis all the other subjects as the laboratory plays for science subjects or the workshop for technical subjects.
In fact even in case of science and technical subjects it will have a very important role. A library provides stimulation and inspiration to both students and teachers, develops interest in subjects and widens the horizon of students.
It is not only the nerve centre of academic learning but also a good place to spend ones leisure-time. Books provide us with the best company when we are idle, lonely, free or bored
A library exposes a student to ones culture as well as makes him aware of other cultures, provides him/her with latest knowledge, introduces a students to new literature, thoughts and ideas, intakes him aware of the history and geography of the near and far areas.
Today, when there is a tremendous explosion in knowledge at a very fast pace, textbooks no longer provide students with required information. In such a situation, library provides a student with requisite supplementary material and extra reading.
A library is an essential instrument of developing desirable study habits in students. A library also plays an important role in enhancing a teachers effectiveness and classroom performance.
It promotes individual and group learning, helps in developing students vocabulary, enhancing comprehension, developing the habit of silent reading and developing problem-solving attitude among students

Romantic Message To Send To Her 1
~1.3 mins read
#1: I long for the first night we will spend together. I hope you think about us as much as I do. Always keep in mind that I love you till the end of time. Sleep well, dear one.
#2: My sweet lady, I presume your day has been as lovely as you are. Sleep and rest well, so you can wake up younger and energetic for the big day tomorrow. Goodnight.
#3: Words cannot describe how much I love and adore you. We have had one of the best days of our lives and it is my prayer we will have such days for the rest of our lives. Goodnight, fair lady
#4: Hey, pretty face. I hope today has been good for you. I have been thinking about you and how much impact you have on me. I will be lying next to you when you wake up. Goodnight.
#5: Good Night, my love. I hope you sleep well and have the best dreams. I love you so much. I cant wait to see you in the morning.
#6: Hello, sweetie. I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you all day. Have a wonderful night and pleasant dreams. I love you.
#7: It is so hard to be away from you. I miss you so much. I cannot wait to be home and see you again. Good Night. Sending hugs and kisses.
#8: Good Night, darling. Sleep well and may all your dreams be beautiful. Remember how much I love you. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
#9: I had such a wonderful time with you tonight. You looked so beautiful, and I enjoyed our conversation over dinner. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.
#10: I am so sorry for having to work late tonight. I wish I could be with you. Sleep well my love and have sweet dreams.

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