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Death Penalty Throwback
~1.7 mins read

 On June 25, 1996, we rendered our decision in the instant case affirming the conviction of the accused-appellant for the crime of raping his ten-year old daughter. The crime having been committed sometime in April, 1994, during which time Republic Act (R.A) No. 7659, commonly known as the Death Penalty Law, was already in effect, accused-appellant was inevitably meted out the supreme penalty of death. 

G.R. No. 117472 February 7, 1997 

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

vs. LEO ECHEGARAY y PILO, accused-appellant.


• It is a rudimentary principle of law that matters neither alleged in the pleadings nor raised during the proceedings below cannot be ventilated for the first time on appeal before the Supreme Court. 

• An affidavit of desistance is merely an additional ground to buttress the accused's defenses, not the sole consideration that can result in acquittal. There must be other circumstances which, when coupled with the retraction or desistance, create doubts as to the truth of the testimony given by the witnesses at the trial and accepted by the judge. 

• [Rape is heinous crime] At any rate, this court has no doubts as to the innate heinousness of the crime of rape, as we have held in the case of People v. Cristobal:

"Rape is the forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person. It does injury to justice and charity. Rape deeply wounds the respect, Freedom, and physical and moral integrity to which every person has a right. It causes grave damage that can mark the victim for life. It is always an intrinsically evil act . . . an outrage upon decency and dignity that hurts not only the victim but the society itself." 

Full text of the case



What happens if you eat too much onion?

~1.0 mins read
What happens if you eat too much onion? 
The onion is the vegetable that is grown the most all over the world, and because of its high nutritional value, it is known as the "Queen of Vegetables." 
In addition to offering the body essential nutrients, onions also have a wide range of medicinal benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-virus, and antioxidant properties. 
It should be noted that while most vegetables lack fructans, onions do. 
A carbohydrate known as fructan has anti-cancer properties that can lower the production of substances linked to tumors and improve the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases. 
Because fructan is a nutrient for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, it can increase their population. 
However, if you consume too much onion, there might be some unfavorable effects. 
Fructans cannot be digested or absorbed by the body because the gut lacks the enzymes necessary to break them down. 
Fructans accumulate in the gut in large quantities, which can result in bloating, cramping, gas, and abdominal pain. 
As a result, it's impossible to eat too much onion; the ideal daily intake is between 50 and 80 grams.
Courtesy of Lucia Garcia



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