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~1.1 mins read
Values are cherished by every well meaning society. it is said that you are address how you dress, this dress goes beyond just putting fabric on your body as attitude is the invisible dress we put on that can not be see.
You are your attitude, you are how you talk , smile, think, dress , laugh , eat, associate. Because this are the different areas attitude is expressed.
I am not up 30 years old but I can tell that I have met people who by maintaining the right attitude they got somewhere and I have also met people who kept the wrong attitude and got no where.
Charity they say begins at home and so does bad character, bad attitude, they all begin at home until the child is thought to be of good character He/ She will continue in that character until it destroys him.
Most people agree that bad attitude is a function of your tribe but I don't believe so, it involves training, you could come from any tribe but as long as you didn't adapt the right attitude from you will have bad attitude.
So therefore Location does not have Bad attitude, offices / titles does not have Bad attitude, tribe doesn't have bad attitude but people can have bad attitude.
Bad attitude is like a flat tire that won't take you anywhere. The good thing is we can always check out attitude and make a change.
~1.2 mins read
Jesus came to end darkness forever and He will only return when light takes over. Remember John chapter number 1: 5 says and the Life that was the light of men shined in darkness and darkness could not comprehend it , could not absorb it.
Jesus as the head of the church has done his part and has declared it is finished. the second coming will only be happening on the condition that God's Glory covers the whole earth as the waters covers the sea according to Habakkuk 2:14 .
That means plaques/ sickness, terrorism on the earth will not be the reason the world will end but light the gospel covering everywhere is the Major sign of the end.
Read Matthew 24 verse number 14 . "This good news of the kingdom [the gospel] will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end [of the age] will come."
So from the above scripture it is clear that what will course the end to come is that the Gospel which is good news of Christ is preached to the ends of the earth.
We have seen people working in fear and trebling because of the alarming circumstances sorrounding the world today and some people even predicting world end but am clear on the truth that darkness will not course the end but light.
At the end Satan will not be the headline but the church, for every mountain standing before Zoin shall be made Law. it is time to walk in the victory of what Jesus has done. At the end it will be light everywhere and not darkness.
~1.3 mins read
Hi everyone today I just want to let know about the power of administration and like my title goes nothing works without proper administration.
Administration firstly begins from the family and that is why the father is given the position of a breadwinner and the mother is given the position of the bread maker.
Administration firstly started with God and our created , because of Administration which speaks of orderliness God didn't create the whole world in one day. Even after creating the world God delegated some assignments to Man and some major assignment to his angels. This is the power of administration, it enforcement brings about Discipline and Growth in any organization.
Any area of an organization that is not working in an organization it is because administration is lacking.
So administration is seen in every arm of government and in every arm of the church. Yes the church is the most administrative body upon the face of the earth. Without administration the church will be a mess today but the administration started by the 12 and Apostle Paul has indeed kept the church and will continue to keep the church.
Most lazy people hate administration because it is the rules that check the activity of the people hence administration chases out Lazy members of every organization. It reveals the strength and weakness of any organization and helps it to achieve it goals.
Am sure today you have know why your business is not working or firm , it is because you don't know you need to set proper administrative measures.
~2.0 mins read
The woman is the strongest being upon the face of the earth , this is because the strongest man you think is the strongest being upon the face of the earth came out from a woman.
Without a woman we will all not be here today , womanhood is the center of life and productivity, the strongest Man can not give birth to even a fly given a thousand opportunity.
A man was made from the dust of the ground but a woman was created from a bone , dust and bone which is stronger? Obviously a born is stronger and this is why the men are always intimidated when it comes to the strength of a woman. God Adorns a woman , God loves the woman creature such that even after eating from the wrong tree the woman was not found naked until the weakness of the Man found expression.
The best leaders we have in every part of the world today are women, this is proven in Nigeria and diaspora. As feminist we seek to lead , we seek to be in charge , we seek to stop being ordered around as though a woman is a mistake .
This was how my class mate sounded in a debate back then in the university, and with the above points she claimed feminism was an ideology from God that will never stop . As I speak she is yet to be married till date and most of her friends who think like her who got married are all divorce or seeking divorce.
This is because you can never become better than how you think, for it is as a man thinks in his heart so is He.
It is a big error to say that the ideology feminism is from God. Because feminism is a 21st century ideology, from the beginning man came first came before the woman. This means Man is to lead the woman that why God never spoke to eve when He came to the garden but he spoke to Adam . Feminism seeks to shift away from the instructions of God and embrace the Global Civilization also known as political correctness.
God created the woman to be a help meet and the moment you lose focus on your assignment you lose beauty. The beauty of every woman is in her original place of assignment serving as a help meet.
Remember scriptures says wife's submit to your husband, it is not bad for a woman to lead a country but it bad to think you should be the head of the house and the family. it wrong for the woman to think of equality with the man.
Please feel free to drop your opinion if feminism is from God.
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~0.0 mins read
Coming soon
MISPLACED PRIORITIES! Number One Will Shock You . READ! .
~2.0 mins read
Priority can be simply defined as putting one thing before the other in a way of showing more concern and interest for one thing against another thing.
Most times when you prioritize something you give it your time, money , emotions, and everything within your space.
So we could also say priority is loving one thing more than the other , or loving one person or organization more than another. This is because the people/ things you give your time , space, emotions and other resources are the people you prioritize.
Now this article is Targeted at identifying some of the things we give our time , emotions and money too even if they don't really change our Lives as they should.
1) Phone verses Life:
The priority most people place on their phone is even worth more than their lives. This days the last thing people look at before they sleep is their phone. Guess what , the first thing people still look at when they wake up is their phone.Even when they wake up at midnight they phone is now the latest clock and torch light . The regular torch light is already going into extinction with the pronounce usage of phones torch light.
Today most people value their phones more than their spouse, yes because they are always looking at the phone neglecting everything around them.
Am not saying phone is bad but when it becomes an obsession and takes the place of our lives it becomes a misplaced priority.
2) Church and School:
yes the church is the school of the spirit, it is in the church you are being thought to be like you creator and work in purpose and fulfillment. The school is a place of training for a career you choose.You don't choose your purpose, you discover your purpose, but when it comes to career you choose your career. Having said this , It means whoever leaves this earth with out a career yet discovered his purpose and fullfiled it truly lived and not only existed. But those who only live for career die not knowing who the truly are and why they were born.
Today we give little or no time to the church which is the bedrock of our living and existence, we rather give all our time learning about career in school.
You see parents rushing to get their wards to school on a Monday morning but go to the saloon to dress their hair on a Sunday morning. Misplaced priority is indeed one of man's major hindrance to greatness.
3) Big Brother Niaja verse innovation and creativity:
We give more attention to watching and rewarding nudity then embracing creativity and innovationprofile/6470IMG_20220523_134042_454.jpg.webp
When Do U Get Cleaned Up Before Or After Using Your Bathroom? True Meaning Of Hebrews 12:14.
~1.6 mins read
Christianity is far from religion, however by basic understanding it is called a religion, this is one major reason why some parts of the scriptures are explained religiously and not giving the believe the truth that will set them free.
The popular scripture Hebrews 12:14 is quated by many yet understand by a few. Over the years I hear alot of people explain it going to a particular direction until I heard this explanation by prophet Simon Thomas the senior Pastor, Glory Carriers Ministry International MAKURDI.
The scripture Hebrews 12:13 states , " Follow peace with all Men , and Holiness for without Holiness no man shall see God". Now most people have told people that before they can see God or be ushered into God they have to be Holy . Which is a direct interpretation of that Verse of the bible.
But from the explanation of Apostle Paul the writter, He was saying now we should follow peace with all Men and Holiness for without Holiness which is Holy living no man can see God in our Lives.
So believers most underrated that God is your bathroom, you don't become clean before entering your bathroom, you enter your bathroom the way you are so that you can become clean. So you start walking in cleanliness as a function of your encounter with your bathroom.
Remember 1john 3:6 No man who have seen God nor known God can continue in sin. That means our walking in Holiness is a function of knowing God, seeing God is what then makes us holy.
This is why you don't stop going to church because you feel unworthy, you go to church because the church is your bathroom.
Religion drives people away from God. And tells them they are not perfect so they can't meet God.
Christianity brings men to God . Because without God they can never be Holy or perfect. Religion doesn't know what it takes to make a man whole this is why it is always chasing the weed . While Christianity seeks to change a man entirely and give him the truth that can set him free according to John 8:32.
~0.6 mins read
Am sure we have heard of most businesses that failed, and hearing me say businesses that can never fail you are really surprised and would want to know.
This business will not fail firstly because you agree to put in the work. Because I promise you as long as you don't work nothing will work.
Things work not just because you want them to work but because you put in the little recommended efforts. Some of this business that don't fail include:
1. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Business: This because has a 98% ability to survive, this is because people most wear their clothes, they most need to iorn and look sharp
2. Hair salon : Wether a saloon for cutting or making hair , it a business that always survive because people need your servics . I will tell you more soon
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