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Circle Tech Investment
~2.4 mins read


*CIRCLE TECH* is a sustainable marketing platform that aims to help people raise capital for personal use or any business of their choice, we invest investors funds into series of business ranging from farming, small scale business, trading to crypto currency. We provide investors with opportunity to take advantage of the business world and turn it into a stream of income.


No need to wait till the end of the month. You can request for withdrawal anytime, any day!


Easy Sign up
One time sign up gives you exclusive access to earnings & bonus for a life time.


Watch your earnings grow right on your dashboard.


Our support team is at your service all round the clock.


Withdraw earnings any time to PayPal or local bank account


Sign up now to start investing on any of our trading plans. Also included 10% bonus on referral (T & C apply)



👉 *PLAN A* = *#1,000*

*Daily Share* = *#300*
*Referral Bonus* = *#100*
*Membership Terms* for 5days
*Return Of Investment* = *#1,500*

👉 *PLAN B* = *#3,000*

*Daily Share* = *#900*
*Referral Bonus* = *#300*
*Membership Terms* for 5days
*Return Of Investment* = *#4,500*

👉 *PLAN C* = *#6,000*

*Daily Share* = *#1,800*
*Referral Bonus* = *#600*
*Membership Terms* for 5days
*Return Of Investment* = *#9,000*

👉 *PLAN D* = *#9,000*

*Daily Share* = *#2,700*
*Referral Bonus* = *#900*
*Membership Terms* for 5days
*Return Of Investment* = *#13,500*

👉 *PLAN E* = *#12,000*

*Daily Share* = *#3,600*
*Referral Bonus* = *#1,200*
*Membership Terms* for 5days
*Return Of Investment* = *#18,000*

Referral is absolutely optional and it's not require before you cash out.

✅ Minimum withdrawal for Referrals = *N1000*

Register with the link below to get started

Any plan you subscribe to, will give you certain amount daily for 5 days which will sum up your capital and profit together.
You claim that daily allocation by performing a simple task daily.

You simply login, click on the sponsored post of your plan, download the image there, upload it to your Facebook timeline, then on that Same page where you download the image, you will find a link asking you to earn from the sponsored post, just click on the link, a comment section appears, comment "done" and check your membership account to see your balance increased.
You request for cash out on the 5th day and get paid

Register with the link below to get started

Join my WhatsApp group for more insight and guidance using the link below

Free Uniswap Coin
~0.7 mins read
Breaking News 📡📡📡

If you missed the 400 uni=$1,200.   Another chance is here for you to claim FREE Tronlink Credits worth $300.

Steps To Follow

1) download Tronlink pro on the app store or play store to earn 300 points.

Expect 1 point = $1

2) go to app store (for iPhone users) or play store (for Android users)

3) search for an app called Tronlink pro and download the app to your personal phone

4) create a new Tronlink account or import any tron you have to Tronlink account.

5) go to the "Me" section under the tab menu --> select friend invitation

6) select "claim reward" and enter the invite code:     
Free Airdrop
~0.5 mins read
Guys we missed uniswap airdrop dont miss this airdrop too its free
 0.12 XYF for each participate

How To Claim

Copy this link 

2. Open your Trust wallet

3. Copy your ETH wallet address

4. Click on DApp browser and paste the xyearn finance link copied above

When the page opens, paste your ETH wallet in the box and click on "connect wallet"
*Use SwiftKey keyboard to copy and paste your ethereum address in the space*
Man Admitted In A Hospital After Having Sex With A Donkey
~1.1 mins read
Beastiality is one of the common sexual misuses. Its the act of a human having an intimate engagement with an animal. So many cases of such have been reported in the past.

There have been reported cases of people engaging in intimate acts with animals such as hen, sheep, cows, and even donkeys. Some people reported to do such acts were linked to drug use.

In Kiminini ,Trans Nzoia County, yesterday a man was reportedly caught in the act with a sickly donkey.

The man who works as a casual labourer in Kiminini Township,is said to have grabbed a donkey which had left in a field in the town and started to engage it in intimate acts.

The owner of the donkey had left it in the yard to go and look for a veterinary to treat it since it was sick. Little did he know that someone would take advantage of it.

A boy saw him in the act and called the owner who came and was helped by other people to rescue his animal. The man whose name was not disclosed admitted to the offense and blamed COVID -19 for his actions.

He said that since March he has not been able to get a woman for fear of contracting the deadly Corona virus.

After intense pain, he rushed to Matanda Health Centre and was referred to The Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital after his condition became worse, That’s where he was admitted.
Two Armed Rubbers Gunned Down By A Police Man
~0.7 mins read
The two were reportedly gunned down Monday afternoon in a shoot-out with the police in their attempt to rob a Chinese national.

Narrating events leading to fatal incident, Samuel Kakyire Obuobi of Ahobraseye FM told 3news that eyewitnesses recounted to him that four young men on Monday afternoon stormed Adowahu in the Amenfi West Municipality to rob a Chinese national suspected to be carrying gold.

Fortunately, the police received a tip-off on the intention of the four young men and quickly rushed to the town. A shoot-out ensued between the police and the four young men.

In the process, two of the young men were shot dead and an officer injured. The remaining two managed to escape and are currently on the run.

Virtual Graduation Announced
Crime Officer for the Asankragwa Division Henry Agbeve in an interview confirmed the incident and said the case is currently under investigation.

He said the officer who was injured is currently on admission at the Asankragwa Roman Catholic Hospital receiving treatment
People's Opinion Not Me
~5.6 mins read

It can be just that simple.

In the heat of the moment, try asking yourself these questions:

“What am i getting so angry for?

Does this really matter?

What’s the big deal?

Reason with yourself:

“Did he really mean it the way I was just about to take it?

Is he truly actually trying to hurt me?

Well, then, what is he really trying to say?”

Tell yourself the person who is the potential offender has as much right to his opinion as you do to yours.

Besides, they’re only words.

What can words do?

They certainly can’t break my bones!

Remember, the reason we usually feel offended is because of the meaning we attach to what is said or done:

@That means he really doesn’t care!”

“She’s saying I am no good!”

“I knew he didn’t really love me!”

“She wouldn’t say that if she was …” And so the internal interpretation goes.

So simply reframe it.

Talk yourself out of the offense by telling yourself:

“This person is simply expressing his opinion, and listen to how interesting it is!

I find it so fascinating that someone can have such opinions that are almost the exact opposite of mine!”

You will be happier as you learn to talk yourself out of offense and internalize the sticks-and-stones-may-break-my-bones-but-words-will-never-hurt-me philosophy of communication.


This will have the added benefit of being less offensive to others, as you learn to be “too noble to give offense.”

In any event, if you can slide your feet into their place for a minute, you can learn to see things from the offender’s perspective.

And then, just maybe, you will see that you too played a role in the drama.

And perhaps you will also come to see that the offender had no such intentions of offending.


Unless proven otherwise assume the person in question has noble intent.

Maybe the language was clumsy, maybe even ill-advised, but assume a good heart.

That should take the sting out of the bite and put some happiness back in your day.

So don’t hold on to the words people use to get at the thing they are trying to express.

Hear the idea and ignore the clumsiness of the expression.


Many people are easily offended because they can’t emotionally differentiate between their thoughts and their inner sense of self.

When identities are too closely tied to one’s opinions, and those opinions are then disagreed with, many feel like they, themselves, have been rejected,

That is because the core of who they are have been offended

This, of course, hurts, but is highly inaccurate.

To overcome hypersensitivity, realize that your opinions are not you.

And certainly, any given opinion or set of opinions are not the whole of who you are.

To the degree you can detach your ideas from your identity, you will live a happy, fulfilling life with little opportunity to feel offended.


First try to stop and think if, in fact, you may have said or done something that could have given the impression of an offense to the other person

That, by itself, is a great attitude of humility that would make you almost immune to offense.

You will be surprised sometimes how often you will found that you had indeed said something that could have been misunderstood as offensive.


If the truth, whoever possesses it, is more valued than the perception that you are the one who knew it first, then opposition to your thoughts and beliefs will be inoffensive no matter how offensive the other person is trying to be.

You are not emotionally attached to your position.

You only looking after truth.

So opposition to your point of view offers no grounds for offense.

You simply want to know the truth.


The It’s-All-About-Me mentality is fertile soil for being frequently offended.

Every word out of every mouth, every action or inaction, all that is done or undone, all motives and intentions become a reflection on you.

That is a HUGE burden to carry.

If everything is reduced to how it affects you, if you reside at the center of everything, no wonder you are so frequently offended! Move away from the center of everyone else’s life.

You likely aren’t really there anyway. Nor should you be, in most cases. Allow most of life to be indifferent to you.

My bad mood isn’t about you.

Your mom’s neglect isn’t even about you either.

It’s about her!

This way, less in life will offend you and happiness will be much less fleeting too.

Besides, they’re entitled to their opinion. So let them have it … cheerfully!


Finish the discussion.

Let the talk continue to its natural end.

So often we jump to conclusions, assume an ill intent, create meaning to a word that then hurts and offends.

Resist that urge and delay judgment until the conversation has run its course.

You just may find there is no offense to be had by the time you get to the end.


If you expect others to act and speak a certain way, or assume others will be as kind or compassionate as you, if you’re offended when they don’t rise to the level of your expectation, you will almost always be offended or on the verge of it.

Instead, allow people to be human. They are, after all.

So just let it be, shrug and let it slide off your back

Release! Let go! Breathe. Relax.

Part of accepting others’ imperfections is also learning to forgive them their past mistakes and

create a sort of Forgiveness Default Setting in your heart

(so the current problem isn’t blown out of proportion as an extension of a previous problem unresolved)

Remember, people are imperfect. You are imperfect. Life is imperfect. And that’s just plain A-Okay! When you can accept their imperfection (and your own!)


accept where you are along that path.

You could hardly be anywhere else, given circumstances, after all.

So accept yourself deep inside. Validate your inner being.

See yourself as more than your behavior.

You are also your potential.

This self-acceptance will de-claw others’ ability to offend you.

It won’t hurt because your validation doesn’t come from their opinions about you.

It comes from within … or from above.

People who are internally fragile – no matter how “tough” their exterior – break most easily at the wrong or misplaced word or deed.
The Rich And The Poor
~2.7 mins read

There are 2 types of Laws of finance:

*1} LAW OF POVERTY:* This law states that work alone or work under someone and remain poor for the rest of your life. 95% of people in the world are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their credentials, they have ego, they seek for job, they have someone called boss, they receive salary which is fixed amount.
      *  B.O.S.S
B= Building
O= On
S=  Some one
S=  Success

S= Something
A= Always
L= Low
A= And
R= Reduces
Y= You

These people are called the working class. They always look for job.

J= Just
O= Over
B= Broke


J= Journey 
O= Of the
B= Borrower 

*2} LAW OF WEALTH:* This law states that work with a team or group of people and remain wealthy forever, it is just 5% of people in the world that are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their potentials, and they are called the thinking class, they think of what to offer to the society and in turn make money. These people they earn their money which is income and it is not a fixed amount. These people are called the thinking class.

_The difference between these laws is that the people under the_ *LAW OF POVERTY* _don't make use of opportunity.. while those under the_ *LAW OF WEALTH* _make use of any opportunity that comes their way. The wealthy ones make use of *ID Number* and also *Partnership,* they have what is called big dreams but the poor don't have._


Money does not respond to qualifications
Otherwise the wealthiest people should have been *Ph.D holders.*

Money does not respond to age Otherwise the world's oldest twins would have been the *richest.*

‍ It is not about your *degree*
 It is all about what you do after the *degree.*

‍Have you noticed that the 1st class degree holders are not the *Richest* 
Neither are the *3rd class degree holders the poorest.* 
There is more to being wealthy than education.

The most important thing is *Mindset* 👌 and the next thing is a *Commitment to self DISCIPLINE.*

The only person holding your key to success is *YOU.*

The secrets to success is for you to be willing to pay the price but the challenge is that very few are ready and willing to pay the price to succeed.

While some are partying and gisting, others are learning, planning and earning.

Don't sit down and complain about where you are, it won't change anything.

If you must see changes, the person that must change is *You*.

Be assured... *YOU HAVE ALL IT TAKES TO Succeed,* learn to invest the little you have and get a mentor to teach you how to grow your money.

There are two kinds of pain:

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