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~1.5 mins read
1. Think Positively
Positive thinking is a way to regain control during times of distress and uncertainty when fear tries to dominate. Choose to not focus on potential negative outcomes. Make a conscious pivot away from the negative source/stressor and towards a more positive focus.
2. Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation practices improve mood, reduce stress hormones, slow breathing, decrease heart rate, and reduce frustration, all of which are associated with fear. Relaxation techniques include yoga, massage, aromatherapy, music, and art, among others.
3. Breathe
Breathing helps you regain a sense of calm in the midst of fear. Breathing offers the opportunity to take the time to pause, refocus, and process what is happening and what you are feeling. Be Patient Fear can cause irrational thoughts and poor decision-making.
Take some time to just sit with your feelings so you can realize that the fear isn’t valid, help you reason through the fear and develop a solution to adequately address it.
4. Self-Care
Self-care is a way to address the mental and emotional impacts fear can have on the body. Self-care is about prioritizing the protection of well-being and happiness, particularly during periods of stress induced by fear. Methods of self-care include healthy lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, meditation and other forms of relaxation, stress management, and journaling.
5. Get Informed
Fear is often fueled by the unknown. What we don’t know seems to cause us to panic and think about worst-case scenario situations, especially during a crisis. Manage fear with information from reputable sources. Once we understand a situation or scenario, we are in a much better situation to address it.
6. Gratitude
Being grateful can serve as a powerful means of refocusing attention and energy when in the midst of fearful situations. Gratitude can ground you in positive thoughts when fear tries to overwhelm and override. Humor In crisis situations we are often only surrounded by the negativity and severity of the situation at hand. It is hard to remain afraid when you’re laughing
How To Manage Your Anger
~1.7 mins read
To conquer means to overcome or take control of a problem or weakness.
This is exactly what is needed to overcome issues with the anger that you or someone you know is experiencing.
Uncontrolled anger tends to land you in places you may never have expected in your lifetime.
A few of those unexpected situations or places include jail or prison, the graveyard, court, hospital emergency room, paying restitution for damages, and the list goes on and on!
Any or all these unexpected situations will include monetary costs that have to be met before your name can be cleared.
This tends to extract hard-earned money from your bank account, place undue pressure on you to get past this episode of your life, and the embarrassment it casts upon you.
Now, here you are, riding in the backseat of a police cruiser, spending the night on a cold, concrete floor, in handcuffs and a hideous, musky, orange jumpsuit that does not fit.
You are now forced to face the person who accused you of causing personal or property damage at a bond hearing, and you’re dressed in this ridiculous jumpsuit., while your victim is giving the judge reason after reason why you should not be released from jail before your trial.
It hurts your pride, doesn’t it?
Through it all, if there was any way you could have attended some type of classroom setting that helped you recognize and deal with anger, you would never have been in this costly predicament in the first place.
You never attended any such classroom setting, but the presiding judge has now sentenced you to attend an Anger Management session and to bring proof of your attendance back to court at its conclusion.
So, what do You Do?
Or maybe, you have realized that you are suffering from issues with anger that you cannot control. You have committed damages to physical property and paid the cost for the damages.
You sought to find some type of help for your anger outbursts and destructive ways. You are losing friends, your personal life is crumbling before you, and you want to help yourself to get better.
Find help and get free from the bondage of angry and it's consequences and one useful tip I usually give people is that they should always count to 10 before they take any action.
~1.9 mins read
Just in case you ever enter prison in future 😀😀😀 or you know someone that it about to enter prison then I bet that these 10 tips will be helpful to the person
1. Don’t be whistling inside a prison, department of correction (doc) camp. Whistling is associated with birds; birds are free; inmates are not; so don’t do it!
2. Don’t stare at other inmates! It could be interpreted as spying or that you have a problem with that individual and a fight could be inevitable. This rule doesn’t only apply inside a correctional facility but any other places in the community. Understand that there's a difference between staring and looking. Staring involve eye contact toward an individual for more than 3 seconds.
3. Don’t accept anything free (cigarettes, soaps, foods, toothbrushes…) from other inmates. This simple gesture could definitely lead to debt and potentially bigger favors in the future.
4. Be aware of the gang inside a prison or jail. Many gangs hang and control certain area(s) inside the facility and the recreational yard. Stepping in the wrong zone could potentially mean that you’re entering into their own home uninvited or trying to disrespect/defying them.
5. Only speak when you’re spoken too and when spoken too, make sure to give them the impression that you’ve been inside before. Show confidence but no weakness!
6. If you’re serving a long imprisonment sentence, be aware that you’re not the only prisoner in that situation. You should try to locate other prisoners related to your own race. Since most inmates are segregated, a great place to begin your affiliation search is with your cellmate(s). Just make sure that the individual that you hang out with is no snitch, pedophile or hated by the whole prison.
7. Don’t gamble and bet on money that you don’t have or are not capable of paying back. The risk is way too high and you could end up losing your life over a few hundred dollars!!!
8. Respect and keep it smooth with everybody inside a prison or jail but unleash your inner demon when it comes time for fights and defending your affiliations.
9. Stay away from drugs or alcohol while serving your sentencing hence these are the worse places to get addicted with these substances. Not only the prices are higher behind bars but these substances will make you physically and mentally weak, resulting in you being more vulnerable hence clouding your judgements.
10. Do not gossip or snitch! Once you are perceived as a snitch (informant) what goes around comes around and you might just ending up putting a couples of nails in your coffin!!!
~2.1 mins read
The word FEAR or the feeling of FEAR strikes people every day of their lives. It is the most crippling word in the English Language. It is a physical word which causes heart palpitations, racing pulse, sweaty palms, headaches and sometimes even death. FEAR makes the mind do insane things to the psychic. It creates a reality that is not always true. Finally, it cripples the mind and body to the point that a rational solution cannot be found.
To understand the word, we must first define it. Webster defines the word as an adjective: an often unpleasant, strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Anxious or concern, reason for alarm.Now that we have defined the word, let’s look at the word as an anagram.
F - False
E - Evidence that
A -Appears
R - Real
Often, in our daily lives, we see evidence of things that appear real. One example, a child falls down and cuts the forehead, it bleeds like an artery has been opened and the child is crying like he or she is dying. The false evidence is that the cut is worse than it really is. Our heart pounds, our pulse races and our minds believe what our lying eyes are telling us. At first, we are paralyzed. We cannot move, then we may yell at the child because we really believe the child is dying. Then we yell at anyone close by like it is their fault.
Once we calm down, wipe away the blood and understand that the cut is minor, we put a band aid on it, kiss the child and apologize for being so foolish. In the meantime, we have shortened our life span because we created the rush of unnecessary adrenaline through our body like a tsunami. Once we have calmed down, we wonder why we are so tired. The answer is easy, the FEAR we perpetrated put stress on our heart, mind and other organs causing them to move into flight-or-fight mode. Once the perceived danger has dissipated, the extra neurons return to the brain, creating a void in our system, which in turn slows down the heart, pulse and mind. We become exhausted and have a need to rest.Due to this false evidence that appeared real, we have put undue stress on our bodies, whereas if we had slowed down, assessed the situation and understood there was a solution, there would have been no need for the FEAR.
For every problem, there is a solution. We must train our minds and bodies to act, instead of reacting to False Evidence that Appears Real. This requires discipline, and it takes time and the ability to understand that we should stop to think before we believe what we think we see or hear.
You can train yourself to stop, think, assess, then act, not the other way around. You will be healthier and happier for it.
~1.4 mins read
On May 3, 1980, thirteen-year-old Cari died in a hit and run case by a driver who drove under the influence of substance alcohol. As shattering as the experience was, her mother Candace started a movement called Mothers Against Drunken Driving (MADD) which is
currently the largest of its kind in North America intending to stop drunken driving, to help those affected by drunken driving and so on. From a time when more people died due to drunken driving than in war, MADD has been effective in reducing the number of deaths due to drunken driving in half!
Think about it. Candace had all the reasons to sit on the sidelines and give up on life due to the tragedy. But, she did what I am asking you to do. She allowed her pain to guide her to her purpose instead of allowing it to destroy her.
In the Scripture, the Apostle Paul was being taken as a prisoner by ship to Rome for preaching the gospel. But their ship met with a severe storm and they were all washed onto the land of Malta and through various miracles, Paul was able to minister to the whole place. Now, Malta was not in the preaching schedule of Paul and he wouldn’t have
been there if not for the storm. So, looking back at it, the storm didn’t come to destroy him but rather to redirect him to where he was supposed to go!
Instead of worrying, complaining and fretting about the storm that you are in, I encourage you to look at it with this perspective: Perhaps GOD allowed it to direct you towards your destiny! In all probability, Paul wouldn’t have gone to Malta if not for the storm and in all likelihood, Candace would not have started MADD if she hadn’t gone
through the loss of her child.
Your Storm did not come to destroy you but rather to direct you to your destiny!
~2.5 mins read
Did you know that the richest person on earth today was a big failure in their past? They rose from dropout college, a single parent who lost her job, home, got fired, and was expelled from school, and became the most successful and influential figures up until today.
Failure occurs every day, in school, jobs, housework, and within families. It is unavoidable, irritating, and causes pessimism.
While the thought of flinging your hands in the air and walking away is all too appealing, take a second to connect with the people who have been there and survived.
Here are four famous failures-to-success stories around the world that will inspire you to keep going and achieve greatness:
1. J.K. Rowling
In her commencement address at Harvard, J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, stressed the importance and value of failure.
Why? due to the fact that she was once a loser herself. As soon as she graduated from college, her worst fears came true. There was no doubt in her mind about it. "I have gone down in flames." I was a single mother, jobless and as destitute as it is conceivable to be in modern Britain without being homeless after a short-lived marriage fell apart.
My parents' and my own expectations of myself had been realized, and I was the worst failure I had ever encountered. The key to her achievement was the fact that she emerged from this failure stronger and more resolute.
2. Steve Jobs
Two men in a garage started Apple, which is today's revolutionary. Many years later, it's a $2 billion corporation with over 4,000 workers that we're all familiar with.
Despite this, Steve Jobs was sacked from the corporation he started. The discharge made him realise that his enthusiasm for his work was greater than the disappointment of failing. Jobs' return to Apple as CEO was eventually aided by his involvement in new companies like NeXT and Pixar.
In 2005, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said, "Apple's firing was the finest thing that could have ever happened to me, even though I didn't see it at the time." Is this your first day without a job? As long as you keep it up, you can become as good as this guy at kicking!
3. Bill Gates
Bill Gates failed out of Harvard. Traf-O-Data, a business he co-owned, was a complete disaster.
Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates, was just 31 years old when he became the world's youngest self-made millionaire because of his aptitude and enthusiasm for computer programming. In the end, it's better to learn from failure than to celebrate accomplishment.
Even if you don't end up becoming a millionaire, it's possible that your desire to succeed outweighs the value of your Harvard diploma. If you're not like Bill Gates and haven't found your calling, the following advice may be helpful.
4. Albert Einstein
The name "Einstein" has become a byword for intelligence and brilliance in our culture. However, it is well-known that Albert Einstein, the father of general relativity theory, could not talk properly until the age of nine.
He was expelled from school for his disobedient behavior, and the Zurich Polytechnic School refused to accept him. Despite his previous disappointments, he was able to earn the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 despite them. Ultimately, he was convinced: "Success is merely failure in progress."
Some Dangers From Pandemic Fatigue...
~1.8 mins read
Some Dangers From Pandemic Fatigue
After, close to two years, it should surprise no one, many are, at the least, tired of this horrendous pandemic, or even, far - more, fatigued, and sick - and- tired of it, and the impact on our lives! However, this should not, and cannot justify, the utter - disregard of some, in terms of respecting the greater good, and abiding by basic, common sense, public health, protective measures! How did this become another, political issue, with so many, apparently putting their personal/ political interests and agenda, first? How many more must get infected, hospitalized, put others, at - risk, and/ or die? Many seniors have lost their battle, as have the immune - compromised, and we still do not know all the potential longer - term ramifications and impacts! Why does this nation, despite its efforts and spending, have, among, the lowest vaccination rates, in the world, among first - tier, developed nations? Everyone is tired of this, and would like, a return to normal, but, the efforts of a minority, harms our overall efforts, and the potential to optimize our efforts! With that in mind,this article will attempt to briefly examine and review this, and why, we must do better.
1) Conspiracy theories: For some reasons, some prefer to believe unfounded, opinions, and accept them, instead of facts. It began with denials, transformed to accusations, and created harmful resistance. Is there anyone, who has not witnessed or experienced the loss of someone close? While, everyone is entitled to an opinion of their own, they are not, to their own set of facts. It is one thing if your actions only harmed you, but quite - another, when it puts others,at - risk!
2) Politics: Why has this become political, like so many, apparently, common sense, issues, have? There is a huge difference between a viable solution,and well - considered, plan, as opposed to blaming and complaining, denials, and stubbornness!
3) Data and science matter: Mike Bloomberg likes to say, "In God We Trust. All others, bring data,." History shows, it takes a science - based, plan, endorsed and supported by public health, medical, and scientific personnel and experts, to create a meaningful, fact - based, efforts.
4) Mandate resistance: Although we have seen public health mandates, in the past, it seems we are experiencing the most polarized nation, in recent memory! Just because one doesn't agree, does not mean, he knows more than the experts!
Either, we proceed, in a more unified manner, or we prolong the horrors. Wake up, America, before many others, lose this battle! It's up to, each of us!
The Hidden History Of Aviation...
~1.1 mins read
The Hidden History Of Aviation
Aviation, according to Wikipedia, is defined as the activities surrounding mechanical flights and the aircraft industry; it can also be defined as the operation and production of aircraft. Aviation comes from the Latin word "Avis," which means "birds" the aviation industry includes aircraft manufacturing, air safety, military, and the newest introduction of the drone.
You can't talk about the history of aviation without talking about men like Daedalus and Icarus escaping the island of Crete by gluing feathers Or King Bladud, who used necromancy to build himself feathers but died in his attempt TO the famous Leonardo Dan Vinci's ornithopter which was never tested, just to mention a few. But in the year 1903, humans achieved this feat in the person or let me just persons, or I will just simply say two brothers the name Wilbur and Orville Wright, Popularly called the wright brothers, took up the big challenge and succeeded.
Wilbur Wright was the first to bring his model for testing, but his model failed the test; then, a few months later, on December 17, 1903, to be precise, Orville's model was to be tested, and it passed the test by staying afloat in the air for 12 seconds and moving for 120 feet in the sky, But the accolades were given to both of them because Orville model was just an upgrade of his brother's, so they both get the credit for the success.
Get ready for my next article on some of those failed attempts.
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