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Business Person : Am A Linguistics Student Of University Of Benin. A Network Marketer.
Wants to meet Business Partners
~1.3 mins read
I was eight years old when my father started taking me into the desert to visit one of the elders of the manasir tribe, named Humaid Amhi, to learn the art of hunting.
My father used to leave me with Humaid for days. I learned from him how to hunt with falcons and dogs, and he taught me the movement, habits, and many camouflages of animals. He taught me how a predator hunts and how the weak are beaten down.
At night when it's time for bed and after everyone has slept off, I used to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night to small Scorpion stings. I would wake up in pain, severe pain. Mr Humaid would take me close to the fire and put ash on the wound to reduce and absorb the poison.
Can you imagine being woken up three or four times a night to such agonizing pain? Surprisingly enough, I was the only one to be stung by Scorpions! Yes, the only one.
What have I done wrong to deserve the heinous sting of Scorpions?
As time went on, I found out there were two reasons for this. The first was my fault: I didn't listen to the Bedu's advice to check my bed before sleeping in the desert.
The second was that Mr Humaid used to collect those Scorpions and deliberately put about ten or twelve young Scorpions in my bed.
His reasons?
He wanted to build my immunity against deadly Scorpio stings.
Later on, I get to realize his lessons, he was right; to this day, I'm still immune to Scorpion venom.
Only then do I get to realize that, “NOT ALL THAT HURTS YOU IS EVIL. Sometimes pain teaches us and protects us."
~Mohammed Bin Rashid.
Note: I do not support violence.
~2.0 mins read
There was this poor man who wrote a book at the age of 40 and decided to launch it on his Birthday.
He had no money to fund the launching and so, he decided to seek help from a millionaire in his community.
He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him.
The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen.
He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money"
He then told him to write down the names of 10 people who could give him 10k each for his book during the launch.
Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names.
Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something..
It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship.It was a wise man that said, your network is directly proportional to your net worth.
Relationship is a currency. Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship.
See eh, Who likes you in this life matters .
Men are lifted through men. Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams.
Who you know matters a lot in this life. Don't say it doesn't matter. It does.
There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships .
When they say, turn and greet your neighbour in church,/ mosque at times, you don't even know who you are talking to .
That might be the CEO of a company. But sometimes, we despise people based on their outward looks and judge them wrongly.
That person you sit with in class, or the colleagues at work that you look down on, may be the ones that will lead you to your destiny helper because you have no idea who they know.
Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story.
Don't despise men in Life.You will need them one day.
Sometimes those who crown Kings don't look like kings and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown.
Shut the door of relationship gently you may need to use it tommorow
Enjoy a Blessed life full of God's favour !
Please stay Safe to save others!🙏🙏🙏🙏
~1.2 mins read
Think about this;
For the alleviation of pain , try color therapy .... it takes time but it's worth it.
1st imagine the pain as black
2nd imagine the pain as brown
repeat to yourself as the colors get lighter the pain lessens.
Add colors that are lighter and lighter until you are down to yellow then white.
Think to yourself as the colors get lighter the pain lessens-take your time and focus- drink water before, during and after- you must stay focused it takes time..
IT may not work immediately, it takes practice..
If you are unable to focus totally it will not work.
Practice focus- keep your eyes closed and see the colors- feel the warmth, feel the healing, feel the peace- repeat as often as needed- feel the light, the healing light..
I 've taught this to others and people have said it works for them... others have said it doesn't .... focus,feeling the light and really believe in pain relief.
Repeat it over and over until you master takes time/practice and faith- don't give up if it doesn't work the 1st few times.
This with the combination with pain meds is even better , because you'll relax easier...
Remember, practice - time - focus....
let me know if it works for you.
Have it in mind that this is not a cure, pain is physical.
This is to alleviate some suffering, to strengthen mind control, to suffer less.
Don't forget to drop your comments..,.
On This Day 5 Years Ago Somewhere In Benin City Edo State, A Princess Was Brought Forth On The Plane...
~0.7 mins read
On this day 5 years ago somewhere in Benin City Edo State, a princess was brought forth on the planet earth. A gift to the world, she was named GLADNESS ESTHER OSEREME EHIDIAMEN. While she gave her first cry, we gave our first laugh since the labour journey wasn't easy but God pulled through for us. He gave us this bundle of joy as a reward and compensation for all we passed through.
Just like her name, all she gave was gladness to anyone who encountered her. Her zeal towards the song section of church service never cease to amaze me.
Today as you add a year to your age, i wish you heaven's best. May your smile never fade, just as your shoe shine.... HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY MY LOVE
Join me to celebrate this queen.......
~1.1 mins read
Shweta covered a distance of 10 km in one hour. Akash covered the same distance in one and a half hours. Which of the two is faster and healthier??
Of course our answer will be Shweta.
What if we say that Shweta covered this distance on a prepared track while Akash did it by walking on a sandy path???
Then our answer will be Akash.
But when we come to know that Shweta is 50 years old while Akash is 25 years old??
Then our answer will be Shweta again.
But we also come to know that Akash's weight is 140 kg while Shweta's weight is 65 kg.
Again our answer will be Akash
As we learn more about Akash and Shweta, our opinions and judgments about who is better will change.
The reality of life is also similar. We form opinions very superficially and hastily, due to which we are not able to do justice to ourselves and others.
Opportunities vary.
Life is different.
Resources differ.
Problems change.
Solutions are different.
Therefore the excellence of life is not in comparing with anyone but in testing oneself.
You are the best. Stay as you are and keep trying your best according to your circumstances.
Stay fit - healthy - positive , stay cool - blessed , stay satisfied - Zero level , keep smiling - happy , keep laughing - feeding, keep on serving to your future - society - country.
Stay honoured.
How We Withdraw And Spend Dead People's Money - Bank Manager.
~3.0 mins read
How we withdraw and spend dead people's money - Bank manager.
No one is praying to die unexpectedly but the obvious truth is that people die unexpectedly everyday.
As you leave your house, it's only God that knows whether you will make it home alive or not. We are not praying for the worst but we need to let at least one person in our family especially wife or children to know all the secrets of our bank accounts, ATM pins and everything they need to know in order to withdraw money from our accounts in case something happens.
Read the confession and warnings of a bank manager. After reading this, share to your husband or wife or children of the assets and money you have in bank accounts. Wives also inform your husbands.
Please read the warnings of a female bank manager.....
While talking with a female bank manager she made a scary revelation to me. She told me how Nigerian bank vaults are filled with monies of dead men who kept their bank accounts secret from their wives.
She explained it was against bank ethics or policies for an account officer to inform the relatives of a deceased customer of his account (without his permission). And since the man is dead without giving his permission the bank dubiously keeps silence on the money. She told me it is rampant among many businessmen, even the Christians. She revealed many instances of dead men whose families are still suffering even though they have millions stashed in their secret accounts.
She mentioned one that happened few months back. The man died and the wife was crying all over the place, looking for money to bury him or even do his funeral. Whereas the man had nothing less than 60 million naira in his accounts. The banker said it got to a stage that she could no longer bear it, her conscience was pummelling her.
She had to go against her bank rules, and got in contact with the widow and revealed to the woman how much her husband had in his accounts and how to claim them. She also told of another story of one man who escaped death but his right hand was paralysed.
He couldn't sign his chequebook with his left hand and he was in a desperate situation that needed him to sign papers and cheques. That was how he learnt his own lesson the hard way. As soon as he got better, he immediately made his wife co-signatory to all his accounts and involved her in all his businesses. What if he had died? So, that was how his family would have suffered in the midst of plenty.
This stupid behaviour is not reserved for wealthy men alone, even paupers who earn little too have their own complex issues. I just read on the wall of an Igbo group where a man complained of how his friend refused to release his ATM Pin Number to his wife even though there was an emergency at home, and his ATM was at home.
Many orphans and widows that are suffering today are put in that condition by their stupid dead father. Women and Retirees are not left out; someone told me how a relative of hers died and none of her relatives knew where all her properties scattered all over the world are.
Not even one house. Not even a dime in her accounts. If you knew billions unclaimed in banks belonging to selfish dead people, you would weep. Banks and Bankers grow fat on these oafs. Please do the needful now that you still have the breath to do so, of course tomorrow is pregnant and only God knows what it will deliver. A word is enough for the wise daddy and mummy.
What is your opinion on this? Does your family know all your accounts and how to withdraw money from them In case something happens?
Don't forget share to others. A word is enough for the wise.
Avoid Sudden Death At Night!!
~1.1 mins read
For those who get up at night to inspect the house or urinate....,Every person must take note of the benefit of three and a half minutes to the body immediately you wake up! It often happens: a person who always looks healthy can pass away at night. We often hear stories of people saying: " yesterday, I was talking with him, why did he die suddenly? The reason is that when you get up at night to go to the toilet, it often happens quickly. We stop immediately and the brain does not have blood circulation. Why are the "three and a half minutes" so important? In the middle of the night, when the desire to urinate wakes you up, the ecg pattern can change. By suddenly rising, the brain will be anemic and will cause heart failure for lack of blood. It is advisable to practice the three minutes and a half, which are:
1. When you wake up, stay in bed for a minute and a half.
2. Sit in the bed during the next half-minute;
3. Lower your legs and sit on the edge of the bed for half a minute. After three and a half minutes, your brain will no longer be anemic and your heart will not weaken, which will reduce the risk of falling and sudden death.
Please Share with your family, friends and loved ones. This can happen to anyone no matter the age. Young or old.
Remember, even when you turn on the engines of car, you don't move it immediately.. You also allow some time.
Be safe!
~2.0 mins read
BEANS: I am not suppose to be arguing with you guys. Everyone loves me.
POTATOES: Na audio love, no be all of them dey eat you.
BEANS: I am already the king with or without a crown, na me be number one for this Unit, my face show, my shoe shine, my teeth white.
RICE: Must we even argue about this? Everyone loves me, any function or party you go to, it's me you will see there, if I'm not there that means the party never dey sup be that. Children loves me, adult loves me. Some families can't go two days without cooking me. No cap I am the king of all foods.
YAM: You that people can't buy, you are calling yourself king.
POTATOES: See kettle calling pot black. You wey dey talk, people fit buy you? Eh yam answer me?
YAM: Potatoes I no get your time. As I was saying, people love me because I can be prepared in different ways; boiled, pottage, fried and when pounded I am the king of all swallows with egusi sitting next to me as my queen.
EGUSI: Awwnn! You're making me blush ,stop it.
OKRA: (Whispering to Vegetable) Upon all the draw wey I dey draw I can't still draw this guys (pounded yam) attention.
POTATOES: Must you rub your relationship on our single faces
SPAGHETTI: I should be the one to be crowned as the king of all foods.
POTATOES: See small nyansh dey shake o!
SPAGHETTI: I no blame you ,people wey tall dey talk, you wey be dwarf dey follow talk.
INDOMIE: (laughing) that was harsh bro.
SPAGHETTI: As I was saying, I should be the king because I am very fast to prepare and require less ingredients. Ask a student who just came back from class and see what he or she will tell you.
BEANS: (laughs)
INDOMIE: Bia...Spaghetti, that your last line is absolutely me and not you.
(Indomie and Spaghetti gets in a heated argument)
Then garri walks in.
ALL THE FOODS:Odogwu... Twale bossman
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