Indeed You alone know Yourself by Your internal potency O Supreme Person Origin of all Lord of all beings God of Gods Lord of the universe The Supersoul You are the Supreme Primal Objective You are the ultimate resting place of the universe You are inexhaustible and You are the oldest You are the maintainer of the eternal religion, the Personality of Godhead Oh master of the senses Oh Primal Lord O Limitless One God of Gods Refuge of the universe You are the invincible source The cause of all causes You are the knower of everything and all that is knowable You are the supreme refuge above the material modes O limitless form This whole cosmic manifestation is pervaded by You O unbounded power You are the master of limitless might You are all-pervading and thus You are everything Omniscient The ancient The Ruler of the whole world Minuter than the atom The supporter of all Of form inconceivable Effulgent like the Sun and Beyond the darkness There is nothing whatsoever higher than you You are the Sapidity in Water The Light in the Moon and the Sun You are the syllable OM in all the Vedas Sound in ether You are the Virility in men You are the sweet fragrance in earth and the brilliance in fire You are the life in all beings The austerity in the austere You are the eternal seed of all beings The intelligence of the intelligent You are the Splendor of the Splendid You are the Strength of the Strong potency O Supreme Person Origin of all Lord of all beings God of Gods Lord of the universe The Supersoul You are the Supreme Primal Objective You are the ultimate resting place of the universe You are inexhaustible and You are the oldest You are the maintainer of the eternal religion, the Personality of Godhead Oh master of the senses Oh Primal Lord O Limitless One God of Gods Refuge of the universe You are the invincible source The cause of all causes You are the knower of everything and all that is knowable You are the supreme refuge above the material modes O limitless form This whole cosmic manifestation is pervaded by You O unbounded power You are the master of limitless might You are all-pervading and thus You are everything Omniscient The ancient The Ruler of the whole world Minuter than the atom The supporter of all Of form inconceivable Effulgent like the Sun and Beyond the darkness There is nothing whatsoever higher than you You are the Sapidity in Water The Light in the Moon and the Sun You are the syllable OM in all the Vedas Sound in ether You are the Virility in men You are the sweet fragrance in earth and the brilliance in fire You are the life in all beings The austerity in the austere You are the eternal seed of all beings The intelligence of the intelligent You are the Splendor of the Splendid You are the Strength of the Strong Web of Blogs


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Top 5 Websites To Download HD Moviesn(Requires Less Data)
~2.9 mins read
In this article, I would be revealing to you 5 websites where you can easily download HD Movies (high quality movies) to watch.

We all love watching movies whether foreign or Nigerian movies. But what we love more is watching them very clear with good sound effects and that is what am about showing you now. 
These websites I'll show you can be used on both Android and iOS devices and requires less amount of data for download.

Top 5 Websites To Download HD Movies


5. HDmp4mania

This website is coming in as 5th on the list. It's a good website where you can download Bollywood, Hollywood, Wrestling shows, Indian TV shows, English shows and the likes. 
This website has normal quality download and low size but I recommend you go for the normal quality download.
Click Here To Visit Website

4. Fzmovies

Fzmovies is another cool website with varieties of movies to download. You even get the chance to download movies acted in the 1990s. This site is regarded as the largest movie variety collections on the internet.
You can download Bollywood movies, Hollywood movies and lots more. 
Another advantage of this site is that you get to search movies acted by your favorite actors like will Smith, Dwayne Johnson, Tom cruise, and the likes.
If you don't know what kind of movies to download on this site, you can just click on any of these icons: most downloaded, by release date or by latest uploaded and there you'll find movies that suit your taste.
To Visit This Site Click Here

3. Toxicwap

Toxic wap is a really good website to get clear HD movies. This site has been around for a long time and yet people seem not to know it.
Well this site is a good one but one disadvantage is that the site splits a full movie into 3 parts ( that is, you download a movie 3 times, like part 1,2 and 3). Aside this disadvantage the site is okay. You can even download tv series, anime, cartoons, K drama, Bollywood and Music!
Even Nickelodeon series are on this site like Henry danger and much more.
To Visit This Site Click Here

2. YouTube

Am ranking YouTube second because most times it's hard to find a complete movie on the site as uploaders upload variety of scenes in a single movie. YouTube is a great site where you can search any kind of movie from any part of the world. Another good thing about YouTube regarding movies is that the site creates its own movies mostly short science fiction movies where you spend at least 20 to 30 minutes on the movie. Some are series in which you follow up with the next episode. You can adjust the video quality on YouTube to suit your taste and enjoy.

To Visit This Site Click Here

1. Netnaija

Netnaija is ranking number one on this article because it's a site that shows you updated HD movies with very less amount of data to download.
You can download music (different varieties and countries), videos (Hollywood, Bollywood, Comedy skits, Religious clips, Sport videos, Tech videos, Nollywood, Yourba Nollywood, Entertainment videos, Series and Music videos).
The website also has some other features like forums (Entertainment, News, Sports, Technology, Life, Education, Web development etc).
Some people experience difficulties with this site as it pops up ads and redirects you whenever an action is made by you. I suggest you enable ads blocker on your mobile devices and use a fast network.
You Can Visit This Site Here
Hope you enjoyed this article.
Thanks for reading

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New!! Download latest 2024 movies here. Most of these sites above have been restricted.

Download movies here:

FICTION: Don't Do This Again, Please
~2.7 mins read
Hello guys, how you doing? In this article I'll be sharing with you a fictional story about a young couple who went through a horrific experience putting their life on the line but things may even be worse than they look. So read, enjoy and follow us!


Donald woke up to find himself in a very dark place, he couldn’t see
anything even though his eyes were open, it took a few seconds for him
to realize that the bag was still covering his face, he was now in a sitting position, he tried to move but he’s hands and feet were fastened to the chair. He had passed out while in the trunk of the car, he perceived 
something that smelt like vomit, he must have gotten sick in the car before he passed out 

Now what? Is this where he was going to die, or was this just another
stop, perhaps his captors plan on torturing him first, he had seen it in
movies, was that his fate? He wondered, the thought of someone
beating him to a pulp while asking him questions sent series of chills
down his spine. But what could anyone want from him that would
make them go this far? He was just a lawyer at an insurance company,
well, not just a lawyer per se, he is the head of the legal department.

Not that would make him a target for this sort of crime, he thought
about his family, his life outside work, had he stepped on any toes?
Was this about money? Or some grudge held by an insurance client?
Those were usually settled in court, perhaps this client could not afford
litigation so he chose murder and kidnap as a form of alternative dispute resolution. He did not know what would become of him, but
one thing was sure, if he got out of this alive, he will make sure the
bastard responsible for all this is made to pay!

The bag was pulled off suddenly, Donald looked around to see that the
room was completely dark, two of the masked men stood before him
with flashlights, one of them pointed it’s blinding light at Donald’s face,
this made him angry, he started struggling, kicking and pulling, trying to get himself loose, this startled the men, they stepped back and  
watched, en guard, but he could not free himself, he soon calmed
down, the room was silent, apart from the sound of Donald’s heavy
breath and his pounding heart. 

Then the light in the room came on and he saw machete guy again standing near the door with his machete, Donald could just now see where his kidnappers had brought him, a shabby looking storage room of some sort, he could tell the place was  
originally used for storage because of the big shelves that lined the
walls and some dust laden boxes strewn about. 

One of the masked men dragged the plastic table from the corner and placed it in front of Donald, there was a knock on the door and the fourth man entered the room holding a pack of food and a sachet of water, Donald noticed that this one was smaller than the rest, hence his role as errand boy, and he decided that if ever the chance came, he would subdue this one and  

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Do These 8 Things And You Would Become Very Successful
~1.8 mins read
I can assure you that if you put it work to these 8 tips you will be reading now, you would definitely be a successful person irrespective of what you do for a living.

Here are 8 top tips that should be on the list of self improvement goals. 

1. Befriend top people in their fields. These people have achieved their results because they have the right attitudes, skill sets and know-how. How better to learn than from the people who have been there and done that? Gain new insights from them on how you can improve and achieve the same results for yourself.

2. Let it go – Let your past go. If you are carrying unhappiness from the past or a grievance from the past you need to let it go so that you can move forward. Holding on to this old baggage stops you from moving on. 

3. Be kind to others – Show compassion and kindness to others. Sadly, the majority of us spend far too little time being nice to other human beings. By being kind it will help to grow the qualities of love, patience and compassion. 

4. Start a business – This can be a scary undertaking but there is so much growth that can happen that it is certainly worth considering. Is there something that interests you? If you said yes, why not make it a money making proposition. Start a new venture and learn how to run a business at the same time you make some extra money. You’ll develop skills like self discipline, management, leadership and organizational skills. 

5. Reach out to those you hate - If you stand for what you believe there’s a good chance you will have haters. It’s easy to hate those who hate you. It’s a much bigger challenge to love them back. Learn to forgive, let it go and show love and forgiveness. 

6. Take a break – If you have been working too hard it’s time to take a break. Self-improvement includes recognizing your need for some down time. Relax and charge yourself.

7. Every day read a personal development article - There are tons of great personal development blogs (like this one) out there. Take the time to read at least one article a day – learn and grow from it.

8. Commit to personal growth – You can likely make a long list of growth you would like to achieve, so write it down, make a list and commit to it. Make it happen.
First Aid Steps For Gunshot Victims You Can Do Before The Arrival Of A Doctor
~2.5 mins read
Many Nigerians do NOT know First Aid Steps for Gunshot victims that is why I did some research about it. The purpose for this research/article is because of the ongoing End SARS protest in Nigeria. To my notice, some police has started shooting some protesters this period so read this Carefully.

The whole blood in a human body is about 5 litres. A serious gunshot wound that hits a major blood vessel can kill a person in 10 minutes.
NEVER WASTE TIME with any Gunshot victims. You must know what you are doing.


Find a safe place. You need to do this to avoid you the rescuer being shot yourself. So move the person away from the hot zone- for your and their safety.


IF they are conscious, You can sit them up, Lie them down especially IF shot is in the chest or abdomen.


Get a huge piece of cloth. Preferably clean clothes- but any cloth is okay- even if it is the victim’s clothes.
PRESS HARD where they bleed from.
DO NOT STOP pressing until they get to hospital and the doctors take over.
This is the BIGGEST step to saving that life.


If gunshot wound is to the arms or legs, press where they bleed from, and keep the legs up above the chest.
That helps reduce bleeding if gunshot is in the legs and ensures the heart keeps getting enough blood to pump round the body.


DO NOT RAISE THE LEGS if gunshot is to neck, chest or abdomen.
Gunshot to abdomen and chest will bleed more quickly once legs are elevated, making it harder to breathe.
The victim will die faster that way.
Lie them flat. And keep pressing hard where they bleed from.


IF you see bullet stuck inside the victim, DO NOT REMOVE it. It can make them bleed more.
Leave the bullet where it is. It may be stopping some bleeding. Doctors will safely remove the bullet. That is NOT your job.
Remember, you must keep pressing on the wound site.


Please do NOT pour water on them.

Do NOT give them food to eat.

Do NOT give them water, alcohol or any liquids to drink.

They may need an urgent surgery to save their life and if they just recently ate anything- the food/liquid can enter their lungs and kill them.

If it is a gunshot in the chest,
Find a nylon and cover any open holes to the chest, then press hard over it to stop bleeding. The nylon is to prevent air from entering the chest and causing lung collapse and sudden death.
But if victim becomes immediately breathless, remove it.

The main damage gunshot does is bleeding. It is the bleeding that kills people- not just the bullet.
So IF you reduce the bleeding by pressing hard with many clothes on the wound spot until you get to hospital, you will save that persons life.

I hope we all learnt something. If you did kindly share this article.
Support by following us for more exclusive contents.
Thanks for reading.
Article credit: Twitter @DrOlufunmilayo

Bad Habits You Need To Stop To Improve Your Work Life: Number 5 Is Very Important
~2.1 mins read
Bad Habits You Need to Stop to Improve Your Work Life

You’re on a self improvement mission – good for you! But, before you make a big list of things you can do to improve your life, you should start by looking at the bad habits you need to stop. We all have bad habits and they can all interfere with us being the best we can be. We often feel comfortable doing the same things day-after-day, but you might not realize that some of these habits can interfere with you being productive and they can even have a negative effect on your work life. 

1) Limit Your Rewards
You finish a task. You feel it was difficult and so you deserve a break – that’s the reward you give yourself. While it might certainly be the case, but if you take one reward in the morning and one in the afternoon. That’s it, no matter how efficient you are for the day. 

2) Make the Right Music Choices
The music you would listen to during a workout is going to be much different than the music you listen to while you work. Choose music you like and enjoy and your brain will increase production of dopamine, which will make you excited rather than focused. So while you are at work, choose ambient music. Avoid music that you are familiar with where you will get distracted singing the words. 

3) No More Than 4 Cups of Coffee
Most of us love our coffee. When you know the right amounts of coffee to drink your brain will be stimulated by it – the areas of concentration, attention and planning can benefit with approximately 400 mg or 4 cups of coffee a day. However, if you drink more than that it can have the opposite effect and cause you to be irritable, restless and anxious. 

4) Divide Learning and Working
If you want to develop and increase your skills, learning is vital. Learn what you can and put that to practice. However, you can’t let learning interfere with working, as this will have a negative effect on your self improvement. Instead, set aside times or days where learning will be your focus and then it will not interfere with your work.

5) Stop smoking 
If you could inhale productivity like you inhale cigarette smoke, but we can’t. What actually happens is your concentration will decrease after you have a cigarette and so will your productivity. Worse, if you are anxious for your next cigarette your concentration also falters. If you want to be more productive and live a healthier life, you need to quit smoking.

When you recognize your bad habits and turn them into good habits, you are well on your way to being more productive.
Leave a comment if this article was helpful. I appreciate if you can as well Like, Share and Follow us for more informative contents.
Thanks for your time.
Make N5,000 Per Day On Kriseven Mall
~3.2 mins read
Hello everyone,

Welcome to kris mall group. In this group I would be teaching you how to make some extra income stream for yourself and even make a passive income out of it. 
Why did I mention passive income? 
I mentioned it because even if you don't put in work on the site you still earn some money.

Kris mall is an online store just like jumia but the only difference it has is that you get to make money off the site without buying anything. Currently am an affiliate and a user on the site. 

Please this is not Bet9ja but it's an investment scheme. The site is programmed to maximize your investment so when you work on the site the aim is to make profits from your initial investment.
After you have registered with the below link, you are required to fund your account with at least 1,000 naira (investment).

When you are done funding, go back to the wingo icon where you see colours and start playing.


You make money when you predict what colour or number would come next on the chart. Basically there are three colours which are RED, GREEN and VIOLET.
The two main colours are RED and GREEN.
As the system is programmed, either Red or Green colour can come out on the chart while violet accompanies either of them.

For example:

If I predict the next colour to come out is green then I stake 100 naira and it eventually comes out, I get a profit of 98+ naira that's a total of 198 naira back to my account.

But if I play green 100 to come out next and it's accompanied with violet my profit income reduces to half. That is, I get a return of like 145 naira instead of the normal 198 naira.
(Likewise when you stake red.)
Also know that when you predict violet to come out next you get at least x3 of your initial stake. 

For example: if you stake for violet to come out using 100 naira you get 340+ naira and if you stake violet 1000, you get up to 4,000 naira profit.
Then if you predict what number would come out next you get x7 of the amount staked.
For example: if you stake "1" to come out next for 100 naira and it does, you get 700+ naira profit. And if you stake 1000 you get 7000+ naira profit.


RED: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are red numbers while

GREEN: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are green numbers

Knowing this numbers would increase the chances of you wining from staking numbers when you are able to predict what colour comes next.
I would be sharing with you some video links on how the site looks like and some images for you to see.

The interesting part is that when you have successfully registered and funded/recharged your wallet, I will move you to another group where you would be able to chat with a direct agent of the site and also get trends/games to stake.
The agent on the site usually give trends/games every night (around 9pm till 10pm) for you to play. And if that's not enough for you, then I'll add you to our telegram group where you will have access to trends and meet expert traders predicting games for you.

When you refer a friend you get a bonus of 5,00 naira which sometimes you would need to chat their direct agent who i will share your contacts with the the agent rewards you by send a red envelope to you. The red envelope is just a unique link that each account possesses. Now when you have collected the bonus from your referred friend, it doesn't end there. You also make money as your referral participates on the site and refers his/her friends to it. you continually get bonuses as long as your friends stay active on the site.

NOTE: Minimum withdrawal is 2,500 and Maximum withdraw is 100,000 per day.
Withdrawal is open from Mondays to Fridays (10:00am to 5:00pm daily).

Please if you have any questions you can ask me.

3 Ways To Fix Your Broken Relationship
~2.0 mins read

Although many of us have made it through stressful events unscathed, there are some of us whom these events hit harder, for various reasons. In the latter individual, it is quite possible for their feelings to actually create physical pain. A broken heart can manifest in heart attack symptoms, where no physical damage has occurred. There are no long term effects on the heart, but during the time of your emotional helplessness, your heart is literally rendered helpless as well.*

Many couples start competing against each other when they are emotionally triggered instead of supporting each other to create the best outcome. While we can quickly become obsessed with being right (or not being wrong), it’s essential to stay present, focus on how we want to feel, and align our words and actions toward that outcome.

Question What if I'm afraid of breaking someone's heart all over again because I did something stupid? Tom De Backer Top Answerer Though we should all do our very best to avoid making mistakes, sometimes they do happen. Instances where these mistakes remained hidden for the rest of your life are very rare, so sooner or later the other person will find out. It's like a heartache waiting to crash down on them while they think the sun is shining and you're both happy, but you know better. The fact that you knew makes it worse. Better to fess up and get it over with. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 13

When you find yourself descending into a fight with your partner, fast forward to the laughing part. Remember, controlling your emotions is a skill you can master; there is no need to be driven by your feelings or to suppress them in pursuit of rekindled love. Don’t avoid the issue – soften it with humor. Try getting angry about the problem while doing a ridiculous dance or talking about it in a cartoon voice. Once you start laughing – and you will – you can learn to connect your partner to happier emotions even when there’s a conflict between the two of you. Fixing a broken relationship is a painful and exhausting process – even when done correctly. When you’re able to laugh with your partner and connect through humor and lightness, you can make your way through the difficult terrain together and create a truly fulfilling relationship.

Earn #1500 When Your Friend Downloads This App
~1.6 mins read
Making money online has never been this easy.   Yes This EASY!
Money is actually made when you put in work and the amount of money you make is by the amount of work you put it.
I'll be revealing an app that pays you when a friend you invite downloads the app and do just one task that I'll show you how to do.
The app you are going to download is a loan app. Don't worry you are not going to be owning or paying off debts instead make money from it.
1. Go to play store or app store and download Branch App (only 5mb to download)
2. Install the app and start registration.
3. The app would require some personal data of yours like your BVN. But note that it's safe as all your data are encrypted.
4. After that you would need to input this invite code ishigu2a6c9 as it's the only way you can complete the process and earn from the app. (Check for the icon with promotions and input the code ishigu2a6c9).
5. By using this invite code you are liable of receiving #500 from the app which you can withdraw but I'll advise you don't yet.
6. What you are going to do next is to request for a loan of #1000 which you'll pay back immediately with an interest of #200. In total, you would be paying back #1200 to the app (that's the #1000 you borrowed and the #200 from your #500 bonus, meaning your personal money isn't included).
7. Most importantly repay the loan you borrowed that's the gateway to making money from the app.. why is that? Because when you repay, the app would know you are not a bot (robot) and make you liable to use the app.
8. If repaying your first loan doesn't work or maybe you haven't been credited your #500 just go ahead and use your own #200 Naira to repay. You'll definitely get the #500 bonus.
9. That been done, once your first loan has been repayed you can go ahead and invite your friends and earn #1500 whenever your friend does this same process.

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