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Deputy Sheriff Profession: Reasons for Choosing
Topic: Profession
We live in uncertain times. Gone are the days when one could walk the streets any time of the day or night with the confidence that no harm would be put upon your person or belongings. These days, we look at each other with anxiety because of the continuing rise in the crime rate of our nation.
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We look for people who can protect our communities from harm, but without involving the national guards or arms of military service. In small towns such as ours, that duty falls upon the shoulders of the sheriff and his deputies. It is this concern for the security of others and the desire to serve my community that I decided to join the ranks of those wishing to be trained to become deputy sheriffs.
I realize that becoming a deputy sheriff is not as easy as it sounds. It will require a huge sacrifice on my part as I spend the next 26 weeks at the police academy undergoing rigid training that will ensure I know and understand all my duties and responsibilities as a community peacekeeper and law enforcer and then another 3 weeks on the field, brushing up on my technical skills and gaining hands-on experience before venturing out on my own.
The 40 hours or more work week will probably take its toll on my family and personal life but after having a lengthy discussion with my family, they have come to understand that I have always had a sense of duty and responsibility to my family, community, and country, which is why they are all highly supportive of my decision to join the academy.
They also see the work opportunity the same way that I do, as a chance to meet people from all walks of life in a capacity which will be most beneficial to them — that of being their protector and guardian in all instances.
The position of a deputy sheriff is not defined merely by the uniform that is worn or the badge that he carries and wears. The power of the law enforcer does not come from the gun or taser that he carries, either.
This is something that other law enforcement students do not seem to understand. It is something that I came to understand when I first became interested in joining the department and went out of my way to talk to some of the deputies in my area.
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They helped me understand that a deputy sheriff needs to embody and possess certain traits in order to function properly on the job. Traits such as patience, common sense, and the ability to make good decisions while under pressure. Abilities that I personally believe that I possess in abundance.
It will not be hard for me to become immersed in the training and actual job implementation as a deputy sheriff because I am an honest person who believes in hard work while striving to make a difference in people’s lives. That difference in their lives will come from my being able to become an unseen presence, constantly looking after their welfare, and jumping into action the minute their peace and safety are threatened by a type of chaotic instance.
The size of the police department that I will be working for does not matter. What does matter is that by becoming a deputy sheriff, I will be able to help prevent crime and injustice. In an era when law enforcers are feared more than trusted, it is important that I be able to show the public that deputy sheriff’s, in particular, are fair when it comes to upholding the law and that we do not trample on the basic human rights.
As a part of the community, my job will be to show them that they are going to be safe and should feel secure under my watch. That my protection extends to the whole community regardless of their race and sex. Bigotry and anti-Semitism do not have a place in law enforcement. Public trust is the first and foremost reason that I have the power to enforce laws as a deputy sheriff, and I should never abuse it.
I believe that it is important to continuously build upon that public trust, which is why I look forward to the day when I will be able to participate in the Sheriff Department community outreach programs. Programs like the Community Academies which allow the members of the community a three week peek into the life, duties, and responsibilities of law enforcers.
Or perhaps I will be able to impart the knowledge I will have learned by then through the Community Oriented Policing Services. I am particularly interested in the Community based law enforcement programs. This is because I believe that the best way of securing a community is by allowing the people to police themselves under the supervision of law enforcement bodies.
Neighborhood watch meetings, Town Hall meetings, Volunteers on Patrol – these are but a few ways in which the community can work hand in hand with the deputies and the sheriff’s department in order to ensure that the places where they should feel secure and safe will never be infiltrated by bad elements and influences.
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Unlike a big police department, a sheriff and his deputies have the ability and time to make law enforcement a part of the everyday lives of people in their jurisdiction.
I feel that it will allow me the opportunity to get to know my neighbors better and be of better help to them because they know that they can and should trust me to protect them when they feel they need it. Whether in uniform or out of it, I am still their next-door neighbor friend and townmate.
My desire to ensure the protection of my family and fellow man is the driving force that will ensure that I become one of the best deputy sheriffs to ever graduate from the academy. I will begin my quest now.
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StudyCorgi. (2020, January 8). Deputy Sheriff Profession: Reasons for Choosing. Retrieved from
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This seemingly idle question may not be all that simple to answer. One thing is sure, 1,000 words all written without any paragraph spacing will drive your reader a little mad. The first point is clear: 1,000 words is a lot of words. Split it up into paragraphs for heavens sake, or expect your intended readers to head for the hills for a chance to rest their weary eyes on some open space.
So given you need to transform your 1,000 words into something easy on the eyes, you know you have to split it into paragraphs. How do you do that?
A Sentence Is an Idea, a Paragraph Is Closely Related Ideas
Whatever youre discussing, youll discover a number of concepts which you presumably planned before you started writing. To make it all hang together nicely, you add a bit of space when you transition from one area of discussion to another. As with any rule, there are exceptions, but broadly speaking, essay writing and academic writing calls for paragraphs in the 100-200 word range.
Bear in mind that academic and essay writing usually means youre writing for a fairly dedicated reader, but what about the huge chunk of the population who are frightened off by big chunks of text, even if they are only six or seven lines long (depending on font)?
Journalists and Commercial Writers Keep Their Paragraphs Short
White space is a wonderful illusion that tells your reader what you have to say is pretty easy to take in. Ive seen some news articles in which each paragraph is only one sentence long. I feel thats taking it to extremes, and it can have the opposite effect of making your writing look disjointed. I like to see at least three or four lines to a paragraph, and as an indication, my longest paragraph so far is just 74 words long.
You can assume commercial writing and news reports will have paragraphs approximately half as long as the ones youd see in academic or essay writing. In this case, were looking at ten to twenty paragraphs per 1,000 words instead of five to ten.
Dialogues Have a New Paragraph for Every New Speaker
One context in which a paragraph can be as short as five characters is direct speech involving two or more speakers.
Count em: two characters for the word, and three for the punctuation marks. To begin with, youd introduce or refer to your speakers, but once the conversation is flowing nicely, you can start skipping them at times.
No! exclaimed Mary.
Yes! John couldnt help being amused at Marys surprise.
You dont really mean it, do you?
Of course I mean it, silly!
Its a lot less cumbersome to skip a mention of the speaker than to add said Mary and John said after every direct quote. So theoretically, you can have a paragraph consisting of one word plus punctuation marks. 1,000 words in direct speech would therefore mean youd write way more than the five or ten paragraphs our initial guideline suggested.
How Many Paragraphs in 1,000 Words?
Heres a basic summary.
Probably not less than 5 paragraphs.
For easy reading, probably no less than 10.
For direct speech, one for every time you change speaker (however many times that is).
Does It Matter?
Not necessarily, but bear in mind that even teachers who are paid to read students writing get tired eyes. The easier it is to read and understand what you have written, the more likely your teacher is to notice those clever details you included. Theres also a distinct possibility they wont start hating you while they read your work. Yes, theyre supposed to be unbiased, but everyone is human!
When writing in other contexts: an article, a blog, or a book, keeping paragraphs short helps to hold your readers attention. Yes, there are famous writers who just wrote without much attention to paragraphs, or even punctuation, but their work isnt an easy read, and no matter how educated we may be, easy is invariably the preferred option.
To take easy reading to the next level, try using sub-headers every paragraph to three paragraphs. This is applicable to blogs and web pages, and to a certain extent, in academic writing. When you hit a web page for info, what do you do? I look at the header, and then I scan the sub-heads to get an idea of the writers approach to the subject. If it looks like fluff, I kill the page and move on. But if the sub-headers are interesting, and seem to tell me theres something worth learning, Ill read the whole piece.
Whatever You Do, Use Paragraphs
Using paragraphs well (with or without sub-heads) makes your work more accessible to your reader, and, to a certain extent, it shows youve ordered your thoughts and are discussing one point at a time. If you cant organize your work into paragraphs consisting of related thoughts, you may be jumping around too much. Check it out and try again.
How Many Paragraphs is
The following list is an approximation for those who are writing essays with the standard 100 200 words per paragraph and 50 to 100 words for blog or article easy reading. The actual number of paragraphs will depend on numerous factors and this is nothing more than a general rough estimate. Below are estimated words to paragraphs conversions:
250 words is 1 to 3 paragraphs for essays, 3 to 5 paragraphs for easy writing
500 words is 3 to 5 paragraphs for essays, 5 to 10 paragraphs for easy writing
750 words is 4 to 8 paragraphs for essays, 8 to 15 paragraphs for easy writing
1000 words is 5 to 10 paragraphs for essays, 10 to 20 paragraphs for easy writing
1500 words is 8 to 15 paragraphs for essays, 15 to 30 paragraphs for easy writing
2000 words is 10 to 20 paragraphs for essays, 20 to 40 paragraphs for easy writing
2500 words is 13 to 25 paragraphs for essays, 25 to 50 paragraphs for easy writing
3000 words is 15 to 30 paragraphs for essays, 30 to 60 paragraphs for easy writing
4000 words is 20 to 40 paragraphs for essays, 40 to 80 paragraphs for easy writing
5000 words is 25 to 50 paragraphs for essays, 50 to 100 paragraphs for easy writing
Below are estimated paragraphs to words conversions:
1 paragraph is 100 200 words for essays, 50 100 words for easy writing
2 paragraphs is 200 400 words for essays, 100 200 words for easy writing
3 paragraphs is 300 600 words for essays, 150 300 words for easy writing
4 paragraphs is 400 800 words for essays, 200 400 words for easy writing
5 paragraphs is 500 1,000 words for essays, 250 500 words for easy writing
6 paragraphs is 600 1,200 words for essays, 300 600 words for easy writing
7 paragraphs is 700 1,400 words for essays, 350 700 words for easy writing
8 paragraphs is 800 1,600 words for essays, 400 800 words for easy writing
9 paragraphs is 900 1,800 words for essays, 450 900 words for easy writing
10 paragraphs is 1,000 2,000 words for essays, 500 1,000 words for easy writing
15 paragraphs is 1,500 3,000 words for essays, 750 1,500 words for easy writing
20 paragraphs is 2,000 4,000 words for essays, 1,000 2,000 words for easy writing
25 paragraphs is 2,500 5,000 words for essays, 1,250 2,500 words for easy writing
50 paragraphs is 5,000 10,000 words for essays, 2,500 5,000 words for easy writing
100 paragraphs is 10,000 20,000 words for essays, 5,000 10,000 words for easy writing
How Long Does It Take to Write a 1000 Word Essay?
August 22, 2016
How long does it take to write an essay?
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Oh wow! Thats a tough question. It depends on a whole lot of things. At the same time, you shouldnt be intimidated. 1,000 words is actually a relatively short piece. A dissertation would usually be in the region of 12,000 words, and university assignments can stretch to essays of 5,000 words. No matter what your assigned word count may be, some of the things that will influence the time it takes to write the essay include:
How long does it take to research an essay?
If youre writing an opinion piece on something you already have some knowledge about, you may not have to do any research at all. It may just be a matter of organizing your existing thoughts into a coherent essay. If you need to find out about a topic before you begin to write, you can easily get information on certain topics, whilst others will be more obscure and therefore more difficult to research. Clearly, the easier it is to find information, the faster you can write.
How good are your reading comprehension skills?
Some of us can just skim a piece and pick up all the salient points. Others will have to read with more attention, and even re-read a piece several times to extract the information we need. Having good reading and comprehension skills makes writing much faster since youre able to get the facts faster and organize them better. Now you know why you had to do so many reading comprehension tests at school.
How well did you plan?
Throwing yourself headlong at a 1,000-word essay and writing till you reach the word count may seem like the easy option, but it isnt. Planning your essay so that it begins with an introduction, highlights the most important points you want to make and then wraps everything up into a conclusion actually saves you time. Sometimes, essay instructions will tell you how to structure the piece, so read them carefully and extract any information you can use to guide your essays structure.
How fast do you type?
Have you ever gotten lost halfway through a sentence? You know what you wanted to say, but halfway through, the thought slips away from you. The faster you can type, the more easily you can capture thoughts before your mind moves onto the next thing and you forget what you were trying to say. Typing skills are essential in the modern world. Consider using typing games to improve your speed.
How long does it take me to write a 1,000-word essay?
Faster isnt always better. The more in-depth your report is meant to be, the longer you should spend on it. I can usually research and write a fairly technical magazine article of 1,000 words in three hours, but do remember that Im a professional writer. Im fast because I write all day, every day.
The longest Ive ever spent on a 1,000-word article was 12 hours. It was absolutely brutal! The information I needed to gather was very technical, hard to find, and even more difficult to understand, and you cant write something until you really understand the subject matter. I also had to contact experts for their opinions, but I couldnt even ask about their opinions until I could target them with the right questions. As a result, I actually had to write most of the article before slotting in the expert comment.
The quickest Ive ever written a 1,000-word article is one hour. In this case, I already knew the subject matter well and didnt have to back up every fact in the essay with references.
Reviewing your work also matters
If youre writing for grades and want a good one, you need a really good essay. Dont start writing it the day before you have to hand it in. Try and get your first draft down at least a day or two before you have to submit your work. Then return to it and do your editing. Read your essay aloud to yourself, since this will help you pick up any careless errors you wouldnt otherwise spot. Check to see if your information flows logically from one point to the next and make sure that youve presented your information clearly.
Remember, teachers get tired. They have to read the same kind of essay over and over again when they grade. If they struggle to understand what youre saying, you might not get as good a grade as you would if you stuck to using short sentences and relatively simple language.
Your reviewing process shouldnt take all that long. If you dont have to make a lot of changes, you should be able to do your final edit in under half an hour.
Take your time. Whatever you do, dont rush. You might want your essay to be written quickly, but if its an important essay, taking your time will give you a better finished product. Budget your time conservatively. Its better to find that youve still got time left over than to run out of time and end up dashing things off with a looming deadline.
Below are some basic guidelines if you need a rough estimate on how long it will take to write an essay. Its important to remember that there are a plethora of mitigating factors that can increase or decrease the time it takes to write. The below numbers are using an estimate that it takes about 3 hours 20 minutes to write a 1000 word essay:
How long does it take to write a 100 word essay?
It takes about 20 minutes to write a 100 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 200 word essay?
It takes about 40 minutes to write a 200 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 250 word essay?
It takes about 50 minutes to write a 250 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 300 word essay?
It takes about 1 hour to write a 300 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 400 word essay?
It takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes to write a 400 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 500 word essay?
It takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes to write a 500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 600 word essay?
It takes about 2 hours to write a 600 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 700 word essay?
It takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes to write a 700 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 800 word essay?
It takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes to write a 800 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 900 word essay?
It takes about 3 hours to write a 900 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 1,000 word essay?
It takes about 3 hours and 20 minutes to write a 1,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 1,250 word essay?
It takes about 4 hours and 10 minutes to write a 1,250 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 1,500 word essay?
It takes about 5 hours to write a 1,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 1,750 word essay?
It takes about 5 hours and 50 minutes to write a 1,750 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 2,000 word essay?
It takes about 6 hours and 40 minutes to write a 2,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 2,500 word essay?
It takes about 8 hours and 20 minutes to write a 2,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 3,000 word essay?
It takes about 10 hours to write a 3,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 3,500 word essay?
It takes about 11 hours and 40 minutes to write a 3,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 4,000 word essay?
It takes about 13 hours and 20 minutes to write a 4,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 4,500 word essay?
It takes about 15 hours to write a 4,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 5,000 word essay?
It takes about 16 hours and 40 minutes to write a 5,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 6,000 word essay?
It takes about 20 hours to write a 6,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 7,000 word essay?
It takes about 23 hours and 20 minutes to write a 7,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 7,500 word essay?
It takes about 25 hours to write a 7,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write an 8,000 word essay?
It takes about 26 hours and 40 minutes to write an 8,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 9,000 word essay?
It takes about 30 hours to write a 9,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 10,000 word essay?
It takes about 33 hours and 20 minutes to write a 10,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 12,500 word essay?
It takes about 41 hours and 40 minutes to write a 12,500 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 15,000 word essay?
It takes about 50 hours to write a 15,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 20,000 word essay?
It takes about 66 hours and 40 minutes to write a 20,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 25,000 word essay?
It takes about 83 hours and 20 minutes to write a 25,000 word essay.
How long does it take to write a 50,000 word essay?
It takes about 166 hours and 40 minutes to write a 50,000 word essay.

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