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See Reactions As A Lady Who Looks Exactly Like Davido Strikes Online
~1.5 mins read
A viral photo of a Ghanian lady looking like sensational Nigerian singer David Adeleke popularly known as Davido has sparked reactions online.
The Ghanian lady has so much facial resemblance with Davido making fans question whether she is Davido’s sister or related to him.
Undoubtedly the lady is pretty, and many netizens have continued to gush over her beauty.
Reacting to the photo, which has become a growing sensation online, some fans urged Davido and the Ghanian lady to under a DNA test.
casmian wrote:
I over see it sef she’s sooo pretty
noggra_ wrote:
Be like she wear Davido head
winniefrancesdaniels2015 wrote:
Make Dem do DNA oo
liquoroseafijedance wrote:
Too much resemblance
Re: ‘they Should Do DNA’ Reactions As Ghanaian Lady Trends As Davido’s Look-alike by Phcmayor(m): 7:26pm On Nov 12
She resemble ini edo too
1 Like
Re: ‘they Should Do DNA’ Reactions As Ghanaian Lady Trends As Davido’s Look-alike by Joysticks(m): 8:26pm On Nov 12
Upcoming blogger
Re: ‘they Should Do DNA’ Reactions As Ghanaian Lady Trends As Davido’s Look-alike by sammybest889(m): 8:35pm On Nov 12
I tink I support d motion
BT wait oo hw which davido na gal him 4 no fine oo
1 Like
Re: ‘they Should Do DNA’ Reactions As Ghanaian Lady Trends As Davido’s Look-alike by Nicklaus619(m): 8:36pm On Nov 12
She resemble ini edo too
How Nah,  
Oga u need glasses biko  
1 Like
Re: ‘they Should Do DNA’ Reactions As Ghanaian Lady Trends As Davido’s Look-alike by Mercychen(f): 9:07pm On Nov 12
Mehnn.. what a resemblance. Their is the female version of Davido. .
Wait o... They should do DNA test to acertain if she's his sister or daughter? 
Who knows whether Davido was born a twin and his twin sister was sold to a rich couple in the same hospital. Nothing is impossible in Nigeria. They look like age mates.
The Dos And Don'ts Of Meeting Your Inlaws For The First Time
~0.9 mins read

Heres how to navigate those first delicate in-law encounter

1) Dont try to kiss them, unless they give some indication that they are going to kiss you first.

2) Do stick to uncontroversial subjects, conversation-wise - which rules outBrexit, immigration, religion, the state of the NHS, Scottish independence, state v private education, Donald Trump, euthanasia and inheritance tax. 

3) Do take a gift. Flowers and decent wine (not Blossom Hill) are safe bets, even if they dont drink much. 

4) Dont offer to carve.

5) Do check around carefully before you sit down. 

6) Dont ask to borrow anything - particularly money, but even something as innocuous as a ratty old paperback on a bookshelf. 

7) Do accept the sleeping arrangements as presented to you, without sulking or making a point of dragging single beds together in the middle of the night. 

8) Dont say Has he always snored like that? Its like sleeping in a farmyard.

9) Do use a coaster.

10) Dont say, So, were you evacuated in the war? They probablywerent even born until 1952.

11) Do tuck into whatever they have cooked for you. 

12) Dont assume that, as they were pre-warned youre a vegetarian, they will pay heed. 

13) Do mention your own parents in fond terms, but dont brag. Saying, Of course, my parents are intellectuals might imply that you find this lot a bit dim.

Natural Ways Of Burning Down Belly Fat
~0.6 mins read

The following sections look at specific ways to help get rid of belly fat.

One of the most effective ways to lose body fat is to eat fewer calories than the body burns. This leads to fat loss throughout the body, including the abdomen.

Eating fewer calories than the body uses up creates a caloric deficit. This can help burn both visceral fat and excess subcutaneous fat.

Also, low calorie foods are often more nutritious than high calorie foods.

Eating fewer foods that are high in calories and low in nutrition  for example, processed foods, baked goods, and french fries is a beneficial way to create a caloric deficit and improve health.

Try replacing these foods with nutritious, low calorie options, such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, and whole grain foods.

See Reasons Why Babies Cry Immediately After Birth
~0.7 mins read

The moment your little one emerges out of your body into the real world, everyone in the room, including the doctors, nurses and yourself, are fixated on the baby and waiting for him to make his presence felt. The first cry of the baby is something that signifies his entry into the world. But do all babies cry at birth? Do they continue to keep crying or they cry just for a few minutes and then go silent? What does each cry signify? These and many other questions are all necessary for understanding the healthy nature of a baby

Why do Babies Cry after Birth?

A baby crying after birth is considered an ideal situation and with good reason. Once the child is born, doctors usually will work towards using a suction tube to clean out any residual fluid in the babys nose and mouth. This allows the bodily systems to be triggered and stimulate a cry. At times, this is done by the baby himself and the lungs kick into action to cry out loud, which also draws in the first breath of his life.

10 Things You Shouldn't Do With Your Mibile Phone, They Could Be Dangerous
~1.6 mins read

Read on to find out the top things that people should never do with their mobile devices:

1. Drive while talking

Let’s just get this out of the way: Driving and talking on a cell phone is dangerous. As numerous studies have shown, talking while driving can be as dangerous as driving drunk. Quite often, people who talk on the phone while driving will find that they sometimes forget where they are and what they’re doing. It’s a serious issue, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

2. Losing a smartphone without password protection

Too often, smartphone owners leave their devices in a public place without password-protecting them. 

3. Access banking information

Although most banks now allow users to access their accounts from a smartphone via downloadable applications, it’s not always the best idea.

4. Download applications from unknown sources

Android handset owners have gotten into trouble for downloading programs created by unreliable sources. Upon doing so, the applications installed malware on their devices, and all kinds of trouble ensued.

5. Share personal information over unsecured networks

Since smartphones aren’t running Windows, many people believe that the operating systems on their devices are secure. But that’s not the case. 

6. Text while driving

If mobile phone owners aren’t calling while driving,they certainly shouldn’t be allowed to text message others while driving. In the age of touch screens, texting while driving requires a person’s attention to be on the phone, so they can see which characters they’re pressing. 

7. Forgo standard security practices readily followed on desktops

If someone were on a Windows PC, they wouldn’t click on a dangerous link from a social network and wouldn’t browse to unsafe sites. 

8. Access corporate email from unsecured networks

Earlier, we said users shouldn’t share personal information over unsecured networks. 

9. Share location information when away from home

With services like Foursquare and Facebook Places becoming quite popular this year, more and more people share their location information from their mobile devices. 

10. Choose the wrong service plan

Too often, people get into service plans with carriers and pay too much. Some folks think they won’t use their smartphones nearly as much as they actually do and pay huge sums when they exceed plan limits

As A Man Don't Be Too In A Hurray To Tell A Woman These 3 Things
~1.2 mins read
When the relationship is still in the suspicion and confidence zone or when a man has not yet completely gained the assurance of love and trust of a woman, he ought not to tell her certain things inorder for him not to be vulnerable incase the relationship falters along the line.

Below is a list of 3 things you should not be too quick to tell a woman.

1. Dont be too quick to confess your emotions to her. Confessing your love to a woman when youre not yet sure that the seed of love is also growing in her could be very dangerous. Since women are emotional beings, the attitude of confessing your love to her when you are not yet sure of her affection for you could only build up compelled emotions that are not a crucial sign of love. Allow the seed of love to grow in her until it germinates and becomes visible before you can confidently confess your emotions. It is safer to take a step at a time.

2. Dont be too quick to ask her to be your wife or girlfriend if you both are still new in the relationship, especially when youve not known her real character. Be patient and study the ladys character before asking her out. Most ladies exhibit some traits that you may not be able to condone but some other guys could.

3. Dont be too quick to tell her your income except she is your wife. Dont always assume or predict that a woman is all yours until youve paid her bride price and done the necessary traditional rites. Telling her your income especially when you are a high income earner could make her see you as the solution to her financial problems and that could be the only reason why she wants to stick around you. 
Drink A Cup Of Milk With Banana Before Bed And You Will Witness These Amazing Facts
~0.9 mins read
Banana Before Bed Eating a banana before bed encourages you get a decent night s rest. There are numerous nourishments that we consider useful for supper or sleep time snacks. Yet, did you realize that that this breathtaking yellow organic product ought to be important for your dinner before bed?
We as a whole realize that a banana has a couple of calories, and subsequently remembering it for our eating routine will help balance out weight acquire.

In any case, aside from getting in shape, what else does a banana do? How might it help with one s rest quality?

A banana is wealthy in potassium:
. This mineral backings our body s capacity, and this incorporates, muscle withdrawals, liquid equilibrium, transmission of nerve flags, and even extraordinary compound responses. You may likewise need to look at different nourishments that help you rest.

The individuals who endure hypertension are encouraged to take in any event 3500- 5000 mg of potassium day by day. It has additionally been demonstrated to be compelling for those with hypertension. Eating a banana is high in the mineral that can bring down pulse. The individuals who endure hypertension are encouraged to take in any event 3500- 5000 mg of potassium every day. Aside from assisting the body with keeping up its circulatory strain, it is additionally said to help coronary illness. It assumes a part in managing one s intellectual working and cardiovascular wellbeing.
Things Women Should Avoid Doing To Their Private Organ To Keep It Healthy
~0.9 mins read
In this article we will look at 4 things that women should avoid doing to their private organ, to keep it healthy. They include the following:

1. Do not engage in private organ steaming

Engaging in private organ steaming may hurt your private organ. The skin of your private organ is very delicate, and you may experience burns. Some people use herbs for steaming, and it may cause miscarriage for women who are pregnant. 

2. Dont try self medication when you have an infection.
It is important to go for the appropriate medication, when you have an infection. Some women may want to use garlic and ginger to treat yeast infection, and its wrong. 

3. Do not engage in douching

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Douching involves washing the private organ using a mixture of different substances in a container, to keep it clean and free from odor. Douching makes your private organ open to infection because, it changes the pH level of the private organ.

4. Inserting foreign objects into your private organ

Apart from a tampon, birth control device, a mans private organ, toys for intimacy, and certain medications, nothing else should go into a womans private organ.

A womans private organ is very sensitive, and you need to be careful on how you handle it. It is also a self cleaning organ and it doesnt need any other cleaning agent.


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