Physicist : I'm A Student Of The Federal University Of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

There's Solution For Broken Marriages!!
~0.2 mins read
If your marriage is broken, you have to go back to God for solution through prayers.
You need to also make efforts to restore your partner, unite together in love and wait patiently on God.
I therefore pray that the Lord will restore every broken marriages in Jesus name.

Habits Of Healthy Couples You Must Know (Part 2)
~2.3 mins read
Welcome to part 2 of this marriage series dear pejoweb readers!
In this edition, we shall continue to explain another set of habits of healthy couples you must know.
1). Talk About the Hard Stuff
We have two options when confronted with hard relationship topics—we can avoid them and hope that they magically disappear, or we can lean into them, practice being authentic, and deal with what happens. When we avoid our problems we provide for them the opportunity to grow, and leak out in other ways. Healthy couples rarely avoid hard topics. Instead, they make the time to discuss them and explore concrete solutions.
2). Boundaries
You will rarely see a healthy relationship that lacks boundaries. Boundaries are what set the space between where you end and another person begins. Healthy couples openly talk about and respect each other’s boundaries as a way to ensure that their needs are being met and to feel safe in their relationship. Topics might include emotional boundaries (i.e., how much time to spend together vs. apart), physical boundaries (i.e., physical touch, sex) and even digital boundaries (i.e., how often to check in, posting about the relationship, following each others friends on social media, etc.).
3. They Forgive and Move On
Healthy couples recognize that their relationship runs on forgiveness. In fact, it can’t survive without it. Learning to sincerely apologize and forgive is crucial for a peaceful existence and strong relationship. An apology isn’t about making a fight go away, it’s a sincere attempt to overcome an issue as a team, and then move on from said issue. In a healthy relationship, you choose to be happy rather than right. Often that requires a sincere apology. To do that, don’t end an apology with a qualification (“I’m sorry, but…”). Instead, take responsibility (“I’m sorry because I…”).
4). Spend Time Apart
Healthy couples have both closeness and independence. They take space to pursue a life outside their partner. How well partners succeed in honoring each other’s needs for togetherness vs. separateness greatly impacts their relationship satisfaction. The ability to separate from your partner and enjoy time on your own signifies a relationship that has trust and a healthy attachment system.
5). A Willingness To Reach Out For Help
Healthy couples are willing to ask for help. While this can feel daunting, time consuming, and down right frightening a healthy couple recognizes how important it is to have outside support when they can’t solve their issues on their own. This support can come from a therapist, your place of worship, a couples’ workshop; or any person that feels safe to open up too and can offer objective insight. The most important piece is that you recognize you need support and you go after it with sincere intentions.
Source: https://the girl.com
Can you mention some other habits of healthy couples you know in the comment section??
Let them roll in in the comments section. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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