
Physicist : I'm A Student Of The Federal University Of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

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Articles 33
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Why Do We Have Ghost Members On WhatsApp Group 🤔🤔
~0.6 mins read
It's another wonderful time to discuss certain issues.
This time around, it's about how people are not really participating and contributing to their various WhatsApp group in which they belong.

Sometimes, you can have over 250 members on a WhatsApp group and only few members will be active.

When people do this,  the name given to this act of not being active in a group is GHOSTING.

I know that you too reading this post would have experienced such things.

Here's my question and I want you all to contribute:
Why are we having ghost members on WhatsApp group?
What are the reasons behind people ghosting on WhatsApp groups?

Kindly chare your opinions in the comments section.

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Big Brother Niger(BBN) Should Be Scrapped
~0.4 mins read
Good day to you wonderful readers. I have somethings bothering my mind concerning this reality TV show called Big Brother Niger.

Since the inception of this program, I have not seen any positive impact made on the society. Instead, it pollutes the minds of the youths the more.
So, I want you all to answer this question : should BBN be scrapped??
Pour out your mind in comment section 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Picture source: Wikipedia
The Trojan Virus 2 (signs And Serious Pointers)
~1.2 mins read
 Good day dear pejoweb readers.

In my first article, I explained and introduced you to TROJAN VIRUS. If you missed the first article, here is the link below :

In this article, I will be showing you some signs and pointers of trojan virus such that when you see them in your computers, you can easily identify and get rid of them.

1. You will come across a pop-up that claims to be an antivirus program but in reality, is fake.

2. Cyber-criminals exploit a software vulnerability and thereupon install a Trojan through unauthorized access. 

3. You can invite a trojan virus by accessing an infected email attachment or tapping on a link to a corrupted website.
4. Don't click on a pop-up download in a harmful website. Always check if the website is well secured.

5. When you download a program that is not published by a trustworthy site, you're inviting trojan virus.

6. You are redirected to illegal websites having browser exploits that can bring the cyber-criminals any file they want to download. Be careful.

7. If you are using any Trojan dropper, then again it leads to several kinds of malware. Some droppers and downloaders create a door of attacks through downloading, installing, and decompressing the core malicious modules.

Thank you for reading through, kindly drop your engaging comments and likes

In my next article, we shall be discussing  types of trojan virus.
Thank you 💕💕 💕💕

Source: https://nortondns.com/trojan-virus/
The Trojan Virus 1 (what You Must Know)
~0.7 mins read
 Good day dear pejoweb readers. In this article, I will be explaining some facts and description of the greatest enemy of your computer, THE TROJAN VIRUS that you must know.

 Trojan virus is also known as trojan horse. It's a malware in the shape of legitimate software. However, it looks legitimate but can get access to your computer. It is designed to steal, disrupt, damage the data stored in the computer.

Trojan horse is considered a bona fide application to deceive you in some kind. Cyber-criminals can spy on us, steal our personal secret data, and get background access to the computer through trojan horse. 

Once installed, it can execute the function it was designed for.
Source: https://nortondns.com/trojan-virus/

In my next article, we shall discuss the functions and how you can identify this TROJAN VIRUS in your computer
Kindly drop your engaging comments ❤️❤️❤️❤️
God's Judgement On King Manasseh
~1.3 mins read
Good day my dear PEJOWEBIANS!
Thank you for following these series on the abominations of king Manasseh and now, we're bringing it to a close with God's judgement on King Manasseh.

Let's the book of 2 Chronicles 33:9-11 and the judgement that the Lord gave king Manasseh

2Chr.33.9 - So Manasseh seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the LORD had destroyed before the children of Israel.
2Chr.33.10 - And the LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they would not listen.
2Chr.33.11 - Therefore the LORD brought upon them the captains of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze fetters, and carried him off to Babylon."

From the above scriptures, we can see that our God is a righteous judge. God warned King Manasseh but he wouldn't listen to God's warning according verse 10 of this scripture.

So many people, even believers are like king Manasseh, doing abominable acts that displeases God Almighty. 

God doesn't want any man to perish and this is why He sent his only begotten son in person of Jesus Christ to die for our sins. My dear readers! Give your life to Jesus Christ, let him be your Lord and personal saviour and you will inherit eternal life.

God's judgement
King Manasseh was bound with fetters and hooks, carried to Babylon by the captains of the host of the King of Assyria in to prison.

My dear readers, don't ever take God for granted. Fear him, serve him with whole of your heart and his judgement will not come upon you.

Thank you for reading this article, kindly like and drop your comments. God bless you!
Habits Of Healthy Couples You Must Know (Part 2)
~2.1 mins read
 Welcome to part 2 of this marriage series dear pejoweb readers!
 In this edition, we shall continue to explain another set of habits of healthy couples you must know.

1). Talk About the Hard Stuff

We have two options when confronted with hard relationship topics—we can avoid them and hope that they magically disappear, or we can lean into them, practice being authentic, and deal with what happens. When we avoid our problems we provide for them the opportunity to grow, and leak out in other ways. Healthy couples rarely avoid hard topics. Instead, they make the time to discuss them and explore concrete solutions. 

2). Boundaries

You will rarely see a healthy relationship that lacks boundaries. Boundaries are what set the space between where you end and another person begins. Healthy couples openly talk about and respect each other’s boundaries as a way to ensure that their needs are being met and to feel safe in their relationship. Topics might include emotional boundaries (i.e., how much time to spend together vs. apart), physical boundaries (i.e., physical touch, sex) and even digital boundaries (i.e., how often to check in, posting about the relationship, following each others friends on social media, etc.).

3. They Forgive and Move On

Healthy couples recognize that their relationship runs on forgiveness. In fact, it can’t survive without it. Learning to sincerely apologize and forgive is crucial for a peaceful existence and strong relationship. An apology isn’t about making a fight go away, it’s a sincere attempt to overcome an issue as a team, and then move on from said issue. In a healthy relationship, you choose to be happy rather than right. Often that requires a sincere apology. To do that, don’t end an apology with a qualification (“I’m sorry, but…”). Instead, take responsibility (“I’m sorry because I…”).

4). Spend Time Apart

Healthy couples have both closeness and independence. They take space to pursue a life outside their partner. How well partners succeed in honoring each other’s needs for togetherness vs. separateness greatly impacts their relationship satisfaction. The ability to separate from your partner and enjoy time on your own signifies a relationship that has trust and a healthy attachment system.

5). A Willingness To Reach Out For Help

Healthy couples are willing to ask for help. While this can feel daunting, time consuming, and down right frightening a healthy couple recognizes how important it is to have outside support when they can’t solve their issues on their own. This support can come from a therapist, your place of worship, a couples’ workshop; or any person that feels safe to open up too and can offer objective insight. The most important piece is that you recognize you need support and you go after it with sincere intentions.

Source: https://the girl.com

Can you mention some other habits of healthy couples you know in the comment section??
Let them roll in in the comments section. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Abominations Of King Manasseh Against God (part 2)
~1.8 mins read
 Good day to you all my wonderful pejoweb readers. Welcome to part 2 of this article. 

In this part 2, We shall continue to look at other abominations made against God by King Manasseh. 

I believe you still remembered the three points highlighted in part 1, if no, kindly check the previous post through this link:

Let's continue from verse 4-6:
"2Kgs.21.4 - He also built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD had said, "In Jerusalem I will put My name."
2Kgs.21.5 - And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD.
2Kgs.21.6 - Also he made his son pass through the fire, practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft, and consulted spiritists and mediums. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke Him to anger."

From the above scripture passage we've just read, we point out four things he did wrong to provoke God: 

1).  King Manasseh built pagan altars in the house of God

You can see from here that this was totally against the instructions God gave the children of Israel during the rain of King David. 
God against building any altart to serve any other gods except Him.

2). King Manasseh also built altars for all the host of heavens.

In part 1 of this article, I mentioned examples of heavenly bodies such as Sun, stars etc. This wicked king didn't not only serve the heavenly bodies but also built altars for them against God's commandments

3).  King Manasseh made his son's to pass through fire!

What a great abomination! Imagine a human being making his son's to pass through ????. 
This is one of the worst abominations he made during his reign as king and God was greatly provoked to anger concerning him.

4). King Manasseh used enchantments and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards

This is a complete deviation from the laws and regulations givet to the people of Israel by God.
Our God is a jealous God. You can't be serving God and serve any other gods in your heart.
Don't be like King Manasseh, let your devotion to God be 100 % .

To be continued.........✍️

Thank you for reading through this article, pls kindly drop your reviews and comments and also like this article.

God bless you!

The Abominations Of King Manasseh Against God (part 1)
~1.8 mins read
Good day my dear pejoweb readers.

Here's another interesting series we shall be discussing and I believe you shall be blessed.
Let's check the book of  2 Kings 21:1-3(NKJV) which is quoted below: 
" 2Kgs.21.1 - Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Hephzibah.

2Kgs.21.2 - And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.
2Kgs.21.3 - For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; he raised up altars for Baal, and made a wooden image, as Ahab king of Israel had done; and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them."
According to above bible passage, king Manasseh is a very wicked king that doesn't fear God. He began to reign at the age of 12 years over Judah. He didn't respect God, neither did he follow after the foot step of godly kings like king Jehoshaphat, King David etc. 
The name of his mother was Hephzibah and he(king Manasseh) reigned for 55 years.
In this article, we will examine some of abominations he did during his reign as a king.
1) He rebuilt the high places which king Hezekiah his father had destroyed (verse 3)
King Hezekiah had destroyed all high places for idol worship in the land but it's unfortunate that king Manasseh decided to turn away from God to do oherwise by rebuilding those idolatry high places. This displeased the Lord.
2) He raised up alters for Baal
He raised up alters for the gods of Baal in the land. This was against the first law in the ten commandments given to the people of Israel in the book of Exodus chapter 20:1
3) He worshipped all the host of heaven and also worshipped them.
When we talk about host of heavens, we mean the heavenly bodies such as moon, stars, the sun etc. These are what king Manasseh worshipped instead of worshipping the only true God who made the earth and all that dwells in it
(Psalms 24:1)
To be continued........✍️
I believe we have learnt some lessons. It pays to serve God.
May God help us all.
Kindly like and drop your comments.  God bless you!    

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