~0.0 mins read
Foods you should eat and one's you shouldn't eat.

Colours And Its Amazing Power To Heal.
~2.0 mins read
Do you think its possible to cure a nasty, lingering cold by shining a blue light on yourself, or by applying a blue coloured oil to your throat and chest? Or might it be possible to lower your blood pressure by exposing yourself to black, blue and green colours.
As outlandish as this might seem, many people are finding that something as simple as colour has tremendous potential to heal sickness, and maintain good health.
If you stop a minute to give it some thought, the fact that colour can affect our bodies, minds and emotion is not such a strange concept. After all, have you ever felt red with rage? What do you feel like when you are in the pink? How about feeling blue or green with jealousy? Have you been through a black depression?
It seems that we have subconsciously been associating colours with our mental and physical health for quite some time. Colours have unconsciously worked their way into our description of how we feel, perhaps they can do more to improve or heal our minds and bodies.
For example, its easy to associate the colour red with anger, stress and pressure. With these emotions come psychological changes in the body, including to disease, stress on the heart, strokes and others.
Researchers in Great Britain have been experimenting with colour therapy to treat a variety of illnesses, including high blood pressure and related conditions.
People who have a history of high blood pressure and job stress were instructed in a mental visualization technique in which each person taught to imagine themselves surrounded in blue, cool light. They were also told to visualize the light penetrating their bodies and flooding every cell and bone with its cooling energy. In addition, the patients were exposed to blue light and given massages with blue oils.
The results were dramatic. Most patients had a marked decrease in their blood pressure, and all of them reported feeling less mentally stressed, and able to cope with the stress of their daily lives. Of course, lower blood pressure means a healthier heart, fewer headaches and plenty of other benefits, all resulting from application of blue light. Others have healed common cold and sore throats by applying blue coloured oils to their throats and chests.
Light therapy has made its way into our everyday life in other ways.
Prison officials, for example, have long known that bubble gum pink is an excellent colour for the walls of jail cells. The colour pink seems to have a calming, soothing effect on people, making them less likely to respond aggressively or feel anger.
We all know that being in the pink is associated with calm, relaxed, pleasant feeling.
Other researches have shown that a turquoise light had a healing effect on arthritis and that green, orange, red and bright sunshine yellow were helpful in bringing people out of depression.
Yellow and gold lights are beneficial to liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, and nervous system.

Building Collapses: Causes And Prevention.
~2.9 mins read
Just when we thought things were going well, another bad incident has occurred. Just recently, a building in Ikoyi collapsed with a lot of people trapped inside underground, as if that was not enough, another building collapsed killing four people and five people rescued in Badagry, Lagos state two storey building. One thing is for sure that there is something wrong. Is it the builders or is it the occupants fault? We are not sure.
This is going to happen if adequate measures are not taken to prevent a building from collapsing. There are some reasons outlined below:
1.Builders and the building equipment quality used: Building collapses can be directed at the builders because they are the ones who have been asked to construct it. There are as just as dishonest builders as there are honest builders. Also the equipment used could be the source of the problem because if a poor quality of material is used, you will definitely get a poorly constructed house. As you lay your bed, so shall you lie on it. You dont expect the builders to use their money to get what you did not get or pay for (not everyone is generous). Bad design also causes it as well as faulty construction. Bad design on the part of the builders can be dangerous to buildings as they give a bad and faulty foundation to the structure.
Solution: The best solution to this problem is that there should be constant supervision of the building during the building process dont just leave it till when the building is almost over. There should be step by step and detailed inspection of each and every process.
Also, the equipment used should be excellent and adequate, do not settle down for a low quality and tell them to manage it, IT COULD KILL YOU!!! If not, wait till when the money is enough, and budget excessively before starting the construction. Ask others for a reliable contractor so as not to trust blindly.
2.Generator wires: This fault is from the occupants side. Also this is a very common and improper custom which almost all of us take very little notice of. The generator has been a major advantage in many homes, but every advantage come at a cost. Generators produce a very high vibration and noise which can cause collapse altogether. As for the noise, the noise causes vibration and as the wall reflects it back, it has a damaging little effect. But all small things lead to a bigger one. Also the vibration in the wires which are mostly passed through the ceiling can be fatal to the building.
Solution: Try putting your generator as far as possible from the house so as to minimize the sound effects. And also tell the electrical officer to locate the wires in such a location that would have minimal effect on the building. Lastly if your finance allows, get your sound proof generator and dont forget to service the generator regularly.
3.Cracks: Well we have blamed the builders, the equipment and the occupants, so now we will blame both the insects, climate, natural disasters such as earthquake (which is not very common in this part of the world) and the building itself. Cracks in building is caused by numerous reasons, one of which is the insects. The insects such as the cockroaches live in cracks so too much cockroaches in the building can lead to collapse. Also, climate has a role to play. Sunshine and rainfalls can have an adverse effect on the building because they can also cause cracks.
Solution: Use insecticide to get rid of cockroaches and also do not ignore any crack be it small or big as they both lead to the same thing. If any crack is spotted in your house the best thing to do is to look for an expert to try and inspect it and try as much as possible to amend it either by plastering or by filling it.
Finally, please do not hesitate to contact an expert if any abnormality is detected. Keep your self safe and share to others,do not ignore anything. Just as the saying goes better late than never, SAVE A LIFE.

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