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Articles 44
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Anambra Rebirth Project
~1.9 mins read

  Hi guys, my cuties and lovelies in the whole wide world. Your baby girl is back with another inspiring moves and gist for your taste but this time, in a different way. I actually need your assistance on something important to me and I want to make it an official request by writing an open letter to everyone on my fan base both as an individual and organisation reading my blog. Everybody's support is urgently needed no matter how small, it still means a lot to me so am really hoping for a positive response towards this request.

          General Hospital Onitsha,
         Onitsha North Anambra state,  
          12th December, 2022.


The management.


Dear sir,

                 Letter For Grant Application

    I'm writing to you as a corp member serving in General Hospital Onitsha in Onitsha North local Government Area, Anambra state. I would like to be considered for your Grant funding towards my forth coming project, Anambra Rebirth which is a way of giving my service to humanity.

    This project is a comprehensive package that will help in the development of our future generation both on an individual level and societal strength. Creating and maintaining platforms like this will help lay emphasis on conscious planning and training of our children which are the leaders of tomorrow. Anambra Rebirth is one of it's kind to happen in the Eastern part of Nigeria and I definitely need your support to make it a dream come true. This project is basically aimed at correcting a common misconception our kids have about education and improving their overall performance both in school and out of school.

    As a reputable organization with good public image and trust, I truly believe that Anambra Rebirth is also in line with the mission of the management so I would like to plead with you to check out the details of my proposal below this letter. Your funding could go a long way in helping our community become the better version of itself.

    I will really appreciate you considering my request as I look forward to working with you to make big things happen while completing this project which will be of positive impact to the society at large.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards

Adione Constance Mmesoma


4 Basic Tips To Improve Writing Skills
~2.8 mins read

Here am trying to explain how to improve and make your writing better but that doesn't mean that you must follow this pattern of writing for your article or speech to be good. Yes, you can create yours to be different and unique provided is nice and your audience like it then you're good to go. I called it basic tips to improve writing because they are the important things we consider while writing that helps us make a good decision writing.

Tips To Improve Your Writing.

A writer is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to communicate ideas and to produce works of literature. Writers produce various forms of literary art and creative writing such as novels,short stories, poetry, plays, screenplay and essay as well as various reports and news articles that may be of interest to the public. Some writers may use images or multimedia to augment their writing. A writer can start by learning, sharing thoughts, ideas and links to information for reflection using online tools. One of the easiest way to sharing learning online is through discussion (comments).
As a writer I make use of Facebook and online journal. I feel that is the best platform I can use to reach people and share my ideas and thoughts.

Reflective learning journal is an online tool which can be used to think about ideas and record thoughts about learning. Reflection is really important in learning which helps the learner to understand what is being learnt using concise language for retention. A great way to discover and share relevant information online is to keep up to date with educational development and opportunities in your field of study and share information about your field of interest and start to follow people in the field that you find inspirational.
Reading about other writers is also necessary to help motivate you. Coleman (1997) said that a level of individual success at work was characterized by emotional intelligence or skills of social awareness and communication.
Below are factors to consider in formulating ideas and script to be crafted into written article.

Considering the age of your audience or readers will help you tailor the content and style of your article to their level of understanding and always present new information to get their attention. Know the kind of language that fits your audience and choose a fitting vocabulary for an effective communication. Invite questions, comments and respond to feedback.

Define your purpose of writing, do you want to persuade, inform, instruct or entertain your audience. Then analyze your purpose, make it clear and precise to enable you choose a topic. Your purpose of writing will also help to choose your audience and the style of the article.

It requires choosing a topic or an idea that serves as a subject. When choosing a topic, you should at least pick something that you like or interested in to make it easier in generating ideas to write. Take your time to brainstorm and put down your ideas. Be detailed in your analysis because readers are keen about quality content which you have to clear their impression. Also research on the topic for backup in your points with facts.

The standard or degree of excellence in your writing should be high and the minimum words for an article is 350 words which you should observe. Try to organize your writing in an orderly manner for it to be clear and concise. Elaborate more on the important points listed. Rewrite your script to ensure correct spelling grammar and other mistakes. Then read it out loud to make sure it sounds natural and for a better review.

I hope it helped in what you're looking for. There is a lot to learn visit my website for more information and articles. You can also like, follow and share my post on my Facebook page travel with current @consy adione.
6 Simple Reading Strategies For Student
~3.4 mins read

I must say that reading is something we do in our everyday life whether you are a student or in the labour force. You will observe that a day can't pass without you reading something which must not necessary be a book. Example it can be a bill board on the road, a message in your phone, a newspaper, an advert on TV etc. We do these things at easy on our own comfort without any difficulties but as a student there is a lot more than that. Reading as a student requires self discipline and determination to make efforts to achieve your goal. In this article is the six simple reading strategies for students that will help to guide you.

In school, students need to learn and remember facts in order to reason and understand them. Students in the course of their development learn several skills as assessing themselves to see if they are understanding, and working out how much time they will need to study something to enable them choose an effective plan of attack to study or solve problems. A student, involves his/her capabilities, knowledge and experiences in the act of reading and for him/her to comprehend what is being read. The following are Strategies used for effective reading.

Motivation is one of the most prerequisite for learning. A student must have either an interest or a reason why he /she wants to read. it is this motivation that will serve as the driving force that fuels his/her intentions to read and comprehend it also helps the student to concentrate and will retain the interest of the student. Teachers need to know ways and means of encouraging students learning and ways of motivating them. However, students differ so much in what will motivate them.

Goal setting
Before setting your goal, you need to ask yourself some questions. Why do I want to read? Is it for fun, Is it because my teacher asked me to do so, Is it because am bored, Is it because I want to gain knowledge or to pass an exam etc depending on whatever it is. Your purpose for reading helps you to determine a reading schedule and how serious you will take it. This way a student can learn to read faster and also develop a reading culture. Most students without a reading culture have ended up performing poorly in their examination. It takes discipline and determination to develop a reading culture and also to focus on your goal.

Conducive environment
Find a conducive environment that suits you when reading to avoid distractions so you can take your time and feel relaxed to observe carefully the points that can help you understand what you are reading. Your environment or what happened in your environment while reading can also help to recall what you read when you remember it tho it doesn't work for everyone.

Areas of interest
This question"where do I begin" is always in mind when you want to read a book especially if you don't have any topic in mind. You don't have to read a book straight starting from page one. Start anywhere or begin with a familiar topic or interesting part of the book to avoid boredom and lack of interest to enable you achieve the goal of reading. This will help you keep the zeal burning to finish that particular book.

Try to pause for a while and interpret what the passage is all about by asking yourself a few questions like how, why, when and what does the writer mean if necessary. This requires imagination to help you visualize your reading using visual imagery to picture whatever you have read. Applying the meaning to teal life situations can also help to understand and realize some other things you didn't notice at the beginning.

This requires frequent assessment and practice to enable you to remember what has been read. You can also write a summary of what you read in your own words and try to teach other people to help you commit what you have read to memory, Which is when the information read is transferred from short term memory to long term memory.

All these points listed might not work for everyone especially if you have tried it but sincerely it affects everyone as a student in one way or the other if you have noticed. The only thing I can say is, self discipline is very necessary to achieve your goal if you are really determined to make it.

Please like, follow and share my post on my Facebook page " Travel with Current" @consy adione. I hope you got something from this article that really helped and if you wish to get more then don't forget to follow my Facebook page to see my recent articles.
How To Get Customers And Keep Them For Life.
~2.7 mins read

 Ohh my God, where do I start from. The good news or the bad news, I guess I should start from the way it happened but first of all, let me say hi to my cup cakes, my wonderful readers and listeners of my trash. Don't forget I love you all, thank you for sticking by me and happy new month guys.

Bad news comes first, am currently phoneless, broke and in debt of practically spoiling someone's phone (my brother) just yesterday. I swear, I feel very sad about this. Technically, am paying for two phone repairs when I don't have a dime, that's frustrating. Then comes the good news, I got a job offer as a receptionist in a medical laboratory which I started working today. Taa daa am now a working class lady gathering experience. In a bid to be efficient and be serious minded, I found a way to keep myself busy and also add value to my life while killing boredom since I don't have my phone to do that. 

Finally, this brings us to the part where book review pops up in mind because my plan B turns out to be reading books of great importance and make good use of this opportunity to develop my intellectual abilities.  

Book Review On How To Get Customers And Keep Them For Life.

Honestly speaking, I did gain a lot knowledge from reading this book. Am the upgraded version of myself now due to my plus one value added upstairs. I actually like this book because of it's practical examples of stories added to illustrate the in depth meaning of this book, but what I don't like is the fact that they did a lot of repetition in the book both in exact words or in different words but the same meaning. Never the less, this book is an asset for everyone in business especially for a sales person building his or her career.

My summary of the book

Make helping the customer the top priority in your job. The ultimate end is to create and keep customers. Someone once noted that business is a lot like tennis, those who don't serve well end up losing. The greatest customer you'll ever win is you. People are far more persuaded by the depth of your beliefs and emotions than any amount of logic or knowledge you posses. People are ruled by their emotions and emotions are contagious. Feelings are highly transferrable, those who know how to do it rule the world. Think, act and talk negatively and you'll attract negative results. Think, act and talk with enthusiasm and you'll attract positive results. In short, you won't always get what you want, but in the long run you'll get what you expect.
If you know what you're doing, love what you're doing and believe in what you're doing, you'll be totally sold on the products and services you offer. According to psychologist, a person is capable of experiencing the only four basic emotions: Glad, Sad, Mad, Scared. Customers buy only when they are feeling glad about you and your services. People spend money when they feel good. You consider asking for business only after you have taken the time to establish a relationship of mutual trust and believe that you can help the customer get what he wants. Customer retention is the best business strategy of them all. The secret to winning and keeping customers is to reward them. 
The only two things people ever buy are good feelings and solutions to problems. It's not enough to give the customer excellent service result without making him aware of the great service he is getting. The five best ways to keep customers coming back are be reliable, credible, attractive, responsive and emphathic."Reliable care", keeps customers coming back

Tada!!! Baby girl, in her work place.

How To Know The Right Time To Advise Your Children On Sex Education
~3.7 mins read
Honestly, children needs parental support especially at younger ages, and parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children about their bodies and sexuality before adulthood. Am aware how uncomfortable it can be to discuss those issues and I understand that feeling, that is why is easier and better to start early while you can keep it simple.

Parents needs support and I believe that is why is included in the school system to educate children on sex education but it doesn't mean that parents shouldn't leave that only to the school because the basics should be taught to the children by their parents to show that they care and understand whatever changes that is going on their body.

Personally, I have noticed that a lot of African parents don't discuss that with their children tho not all parents shaa but mine didn't, that's why am talking out of experience and from what I have observed so far.
Neglecting this aspect of life in the family doesn't not affect some people but it still does affect some other people especially the females and this was one of reasons why I was depressed sometime ago but am glad things are falling in place and am fine.

Recently, my mom started opening up to me, trying to have this conversations with me but it doesn't really make me feel any better or interested because I didn't get it when I felt I needed them the most(her support to educate me) unlike now that am matured enough to have gone through that stage(puberty and adolescent) of my life alone.

Most people don't know how necessary and important this education is,the impact this knowledge makes in a child's life whether boy or girl, if not it shouldn't be neglected, especially not in this present times.
This communication helps to make your children to have body confidence, knowledgeable and comfortable about sexuality while growing up.
Having an honest communication makes the parent and children's bond stronger and creates a comfortable atmosphere that makes the children to trust and confide in their parents,and this helps in avoiding misinformation from peers and social media because they check out with their parents. (This is the major reason, ignorance is a disease neither it's an excuse)

When Is It Time To Teach Your Kids About The Facts Of Life?

A lot of people are scared and confused about what and what not to teach their children at a particular age or stage of their life. Am fully aware of how necessary it is to be careful of what your children learn at their tender age because that is what they will grow with or turn out to become later in life if they weren’t changed.

Most people ask this question, “How do you know when it’s time to teach your kids about the facts of life?” From what I witnessed and observed in the society, I don’t think there is any perfect time to teach your kids about the facts of life, especially the vital things which is their Spiritual life(religion and moral values) social life( love life,society, family and friends) and financial life(career, profession), they all need to balanced and not deficient in one.
I believe the best way is just to follow your kids according to their age and what they know in order to correct and teach them what you want them to know about life and this involves free communication with your kids. And if you don’t create that atmosphere for discussion or avoid letting them know your opinion on whatever topic because you feel is not necessary then you’re giving room for peer influence and some other things. Teach a child to choose the right path,and when he is older he will remain upon it proverb 22:6. Even the bible recognises this fact of nurturing a child tenderly because that’s when a child’s attitudes and characters are shaped.

Honestly am not surprised to hear someone say, ” am not ready to be a parent yet or am scared of what my children will become in future “and so many other comments because is not easy to nurture a child without trying to make decisions you feel that are best for your child in order to avoid making mistakes about your child’s life that she will regret and blame you later in future. For example, I noticed that most parents don’t teach their children about sex education because they feel they don’t want to spoil their children so they are not comfortable discussing that, but the truth still remains that it is necessary to avoid wrong perceptions. Obviously, whether you teach them or not they will get to know about that somewhere else or somebody else, and I feel is better they get that knowledge from their parents earlier in life for them to be careful than making mistakes act of ignorance.

Finally, i don’t have much to say neither do i want to keep writing or bore you with words because i feel this article is clear and concise. Am ending this article with my last comment,”keep teaching and keep learning, it never ends.”

The Smoothest Way Out Of A Situation
~1.2 mins read
I don't really know what you're expecting that am going to say but you shouldn't expect much so you won't be disappointed besides this is my own opinion.
There are always the good days and bad days which we can't control because they are part of life. Sometimes we find ourselves in a bad situation, life is full of ups and down.

Talking from my life experience, I believe the smoothest way out of any bad situation is prayers. I understand that sometimes it feels like it doesn't work or maybe that's not what is important at the moment. Fine I get it, it all depends on our belief and our relationship with God, apart from regular Sunday worship.
Prayers has really helped me a lot in my times of trouble. Having a personal relationship with your God is the biggest achievement ever.
What I want from you is your true thanks;I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust me in your times of trouble so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory. Psalm 50:14-15.
Point noted, he gives you the inspiration and wisdom to act when necessary or probably talk when necessary. Haven't you been in a situation where you acted unusual and everything still turned out fine for you like it was all planned from the start. Seeing the positive side of every situation matters a lot regardless of how bad it might seem.

My best Bible verse.
Commit your plans to the lord and he will establish them. Proverb 16:3

Trust in the lord with all your heart and he will direct your path, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.

The Best Habit I Suggest For You
~1.2 mins read
From what I think, I feel that there are some things we have to learn to do often and almost without thinking, especially something that you will find hard to stop doing.
There are some things that people form as a habit that is helping their life in one way or other and I want to suggest a few for you.

Eat well to maintain good health. A healthy man is a wealthy man.
Sleep well, get enough rest and relax your body which is very necessary and important for your health.
Exercise, try to engage yourself in one or two exercise to keep fit and healthy too.
Pray often, a family that prays together stays together.
Always listen properly, it helps a lot in life and in whatever we are doing to avoid unnecessary life mistakes that you will regret.
Read and write to get knowledge and be informed. Ignorance is not excuse, one thing is to accept that you don't know and the other is wanting to know. Writing has a whole lot of benefits and not just for clearing your head and putting down thoughts.
Socialize and get to associate with other people especially your mates to learn new things from friends.
Always be cheerful it helps a lot, a cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick.
Be punctual and time conscious it says good about you.
Don't keep late nights unless is something important.
Finally, learn to take corrections.

This strong need to keep smiling and being positive about myself, my life and my future.

How To Make Your Haters To Love You
~1.8 mins read
Thinking about what people think has damaged a lot things and will still spoil some if care is not taken. I understand that to an extent we care about what people say about us because is affecting our reputation in the society but should learn to care less of it when you are doing the right thing and live our life as ours and not theirs. Am not saying we shouldn't consider people's opinion about you, but is wrong when it becomes a pressure to your life,
 that's over consideration of that is very bad. Be mindful of that and do things in moderation. Look, this is simple and it has actually worked for so many people. The less you care about your haters the more you frustrate them into liking you. Usually, haters are the biggest fans of any fan page. They act like they don't care yet stalk you like you're their life support. Take some celebrities for examples, their haters are secretly their top fans because they're are always busy finding fault to use against their down fall. You have to find it normal and move on with life, if they can't beat you they will definitely join you so stick to your go path and don't bulge.
What's the difference between what you do and what people think you do.
My dear the difference is so clear from the question. Thoughts are not reality, there is a saying "action speaks louder than voice". You don't need to convince people to change their mind on what they think about you, is their choice besides they have freedom of thoughts to think whatever they want,is it not their mind again is it yours?
Is obvious that sooner or later your actions will speak for you and that is what will change what people think you do and not the other way round.
Don't mind what people think a lot and be focused on what you do because that's the real evidence of you.
Be yourself and proud of who you are because if you don't, people's opinion will change who you really are to what you're not leading to making mistakes you aren't suppose to make which can leave you in regrets.
Trust nobody accept your God and make your life decisions yourself to avoid blaming anybody because you're in control of your life.
Finally, youth is simply an attitude of mind the way you think and feel about something makes you who you are.

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