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Welcome Back
~0.0 mins read
I am back my guys. Welcome me back
Play Watch: This Female Elephant Kiss This Male Reporter
~0.1 mins read
Please watch below and tell me if it's possible for an elephant to fall in love with a man  


Nigerian Yahoo Yahoo Fraudster Murders A Prostitute As He Pretends To Be Kidnapped
~0.3 mins read
A Nigeriam fraudster who lied to his father that he was kidnapped while he was in hotel sleeping and killing a prostitute over an iPhone has been arrested.

It is known that online fraud (almost known as Yahoo Yahoo) is the only job these bad boys want to do now.

By behaving like this, they tarnish the image of Nigeria and the entire African continent. I just don't know why they are wicked.

Plix if you see anyone report them on this app with thier pictures.

DJ Cuppy who just clocked 30

The Daughter Of Nigeria's Richest Isn't Ready To Get Married At 30
~0.3 mins read

What can you advice this Abaya?

Florence Otedola also known as Cuppy disclose in a tweet that she is not ready to get married.

Cuppy who is one of the greatest female artists of all time tweeted that she isn't even ready to spend time with the man who bought her the most expensive gift on her birthday.

See the tweet in the picture below. And tell me why someone so pretty, rich and successful would not be ready to get married if not to enjoy plenty men?

How This Beautiful Lady's Parents Tried To Destroy Her Life
~0.9 mins read
She has been called fat, an exorcist child, a bitch, crazy, lazy, a useless cunt.

She has been choked to unconscious and molested by her father and beaten with wooden spoons, spatulas and belts mostly by her mother.

The worst was when she was voluntarily sent to hospital for suicidal thoughts four years ago. 
She was crying out for help because she had just exposed her father for being a pedophile and instead of giving her a place to go after being in hospital a few hours to cry it out, her mother told me she didnt think she was motivated to get a job and refused to give her a place to go for the weekend. She was not about to go back to her father where she had been living. 

Being homeless at that point was better than going back. She has since gone no contact with her abusive family, she barely survived them.

She decided to write her story to try to heal her trauma and help turn her pain into purpose. 

She still struggles with her mental health every day but shes alive and has hope. 

She took the picture above the day she left her toxic Family of origin. Its reminds her of how far she has come. 

Lesson: Dont give up on yourself, even when your family buries you alive.


The Animal That Never Cheats On Their Partner
~0.4 mins read
“Loyal” creatures.
The absolute faithfulness of seahorses was discovered by a group of researchers at the University of Melbourne a few years ago. Among the more than 50 pairs of seahorses kept under observation for 135 days by Laila Sadler and her research team, there was not a single case of cheating. Every morning male and female would meet shortly after sunrise always in the same spot and spend a few moments together. As soon as the pregnancy was over they would pair up again. The only cases of changing partners occurred following the death of the "spouse."
Play Full Video: How Nurse Mixed Her HIV Infected Blood Into Zobo Drink She Sells To Customers
~0.1 mins read
Please watch the Video and tell me what you think. Do you think the customers contracted HIV from drinking her blood?

The Nigeria Singer Rema

Play Video: Watch The Moment Nigeria's Best Singer, Rema Collapsed On Stage In The UK
~0.2 mins read
Rema collapsed on stage and was rolled away on a stretcher. The story was carried on instablog9ja Instagram.

However some people in comments section said it was a prank.

Watch the video below. What do you think?


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