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This Is How To Make Money From Google Images Everyday...
~0.7 mins read
Hi friends, 

Today I'm showing you guys how to make money from just Google images alone. How to do it and how to go about it in a legitimate way without being guilty or falliy the victim of copyright content.

So in a nutshell, here are the details.

how to make money from google images is a simple task and can earn you passive in come. 

You can make 50 dollars or more just by uploading google images for fr ee. 

All you have to do is search google image for quality HD images and you can download for free the copy right images and sell free.

Watch the video by clicking the link below..

Please kindly follow, like, share and comment below. 


This Is The Best And The Surest Make Money From Home.
~1.0 mins read
Hey friends,


You have to join the numerous Nigerians that are making money online. 

I will not tell you that this will be easy but from experience it is easier than an average white collar job in Nigeria, because you will work from home and convenience and make more money cuz you will be paid in foreign currencies.

How to make money online from home in Nigeria 2021 is an important decision and search that needs to be done by everyone. You need to know the work from home jobs in Nigeria 2021, so you will know how to make money online from home in Nigeria. 

Let me add as well that all the tools and tutorials you need has been provided for you free to make money online in Nigeria 2021 as you can do work from home jobs no experience and still make a descent amount monthly.

Proceed to watching this video below for all the details and to kick start right away.

Kindly followme, like, comment and share this post so I can give you guys more valuable contents.


Detailed Info On How To Earn $5 Daily Starting From Now With Video Presentation, Step By Step
~0.6 mins read
Hi there,

Earn 5 Dollars Daily | Earn Money Online 2021.

Do you that you can earn 5 dollars daily with a simple trick that can allow you earn money online 2021.

 It has never been more easier to earn 5 dollars per hour online than this simple strategy.

 I will show to you in this short video and if properly done, you can practically do it in minutes.

 Just follow my prompt and you will.

Please kindly proceed to watching the video below.

Meanwhile, kindly follow on me this blog, like, comment and share. THANKS

This Is One Of The Most Profitable Agricultural Business Ever On This Planet With Detailed Breakdown
~5.5 mins read
Hello there, 

Pig farming or piggery as it is fondly called is one of the most lucrative farming practices in Nigeria due to some obvious facts; Pigs feed basically on anything, feeds are cheap and readily available. 90% of their feed composition is waste (both industrial and domestic waste).

How to set up piggery farm in Nigeria?

In addition the demand for pig meat (pork) in Nigeria is generally high because pork meat is one of the major sources of protein in Nigeria.
One of the major reasons why piggery easy to run and manage, which makes it more profitable is you can also plant your pigs feed, thereby saving feed cost significantly.

The common practice in breeding pigs in Nigeria is a closed system or in a controlled environment where pigs are breed in pens.

Normally it takes between 7 to 12 (seven to twelve) months for pigs to grow to from piglets to maturity. One good thing about piggery is you can start with a very little capital, as low as Two Hundred Thousand Naira (N200,000) and still make profit.

No wonder in 2014, The Lagos State Government through the ministry of Agriculture said the state has the potential of generating over Two Billion Dollars ($2,000,000,000) approximately six hundred billion Naira(N600,000,000) yearly from pig farming.

The biggest pig farm in sub Saharan Africa is currently in Lagos and it is situated at Oke Aro farm estate. There are over 3,000 pig farmers in that farm and it is managed by the Lagos State Government. It allows purchasing and rentals of pens.
setting up a pig farming piggery business Nigeria

High number offspring : Pigs generally give birth to high number of piglets up to 20 piglets in one litter. Averagely a pig gives birth to between 6 to 10 piglets, and they can farrow twice in a year. Meaning every year you should get an average of about 12 piglets.

Cheap to run and maintain: Running a piggery business is very cheap to run and maintain as you can easily source for their feeds around by getting waste products from markets, fastfoods, factories and other industrial waste.

It is very profitable: Pig farming is very profitable, A mature pigs sells for between Twenty Two Thousand naira (N22,000) to about Thirty Thousand Naira (N30,000) or more depending on the weight. Imagine producing just 100 pigs yearly. 

That’s roughly about Two million two hundred thousand naira (N2,200,000) to about Three Million Naira (N3,000,000) yearly.
Feeds can easily be sources: Pig feeds are affordable and can easily be sourced.

The market is readily available: The market is readily available, selling your pigs would not be an issue, the issue you might have might be meeting demands as pig farmers are not currently meeting the demands of the market at the moment.

Here are terminologies you should get familiar with when going into pig farming:

Pen: This is where the pigs live, a place where you breed them is called pen.
Pig, hog or swine: This is the general name used to address the species
Piglet: These are young pigs between the ages of 1 day to about 8 weeks. These pigs are still sucking from their mother.

Weaners: These are pigs between the ages of 8 weeks (2 months) and about 16 weeks (4 months) These are pigs that has just been weaned or separated from their monthers.

Boar: male pig of breeding age
Castrated pig: A male pig that the scrotum has been removed
Growers: A young male or female pig between the ages of 3 months to about 6 months

Gilt: young female pig that has not yet been mated, or farrow

Sow: breeding female pig

Pork: Pig meat

Farrow: Process of a giving birth to piglets


In Nigeria the popular pig breeds are ; the local breeds (they usually not as massive as the foreign breed, they come in white, black or brown color) foreign breeds includes American Yorkshire, Duroc, Landrace, Hampshire, large white, Hampshire, camborough etc


Before you set up a pig farm, you need to understand the business in terms of the technical knowhow and basic understanding of the business. 

To set-up a successful pig farm or piggery business, you need to have an indepth understanding of the business. Here are the following things you need to know or put in place:

Knowledge of the business: Before setting up a business you need to understand the business or have a little knowledge of the business in terms of breeds, costs, feeding formulation, medications, best practices etc. This will enable you maximize profit and fully prepared for any future challenges

Breeding Site: One of the most important factors in piggery is the breeding site or the pig farm. 

Currently there are two main piggery estates in Nigeria and they are both in Lagos State, Nigeria. There is one at Oke Aro and another is at Gberigbe in Ikorodu. This doesn’t mean you cannot have your own private pig farm outside this location. 

But the good thing about these locations is, it allows you start small and gives you the flexibility to rent a small room between N1,500 and N2,500 and big rooms from as low as N3,000. But if you are considering massive farms, you could purchase land in rural setting. You could get a land from as low as N100,000 per acre to start your farm.

Build Standard Pens: Pens are where you will breed your pigs, you therefore need to build the pens in such a way that It will allow you to accommodate all your animals and also give room for expansion in the future.

This is one area where you have to pay good attention as a wrong plan may lead to disaster in the future. You need to plan your pen in such a way where it will accommodate all the animals you intend to breed and to prevent overcrowding, also you have to factor in special places for inpigs or inglits to farrow.

Buy Good Breeds: One of the most important factors in piggery after feed is the pig breeds. Some breeds are generally known to grow bigger, faster and larger than their counterparts under the same feeding and environmental conditions. The popular breeds in Nigeria are the local breeds and foreign breeds which includes large white, duroc, Yorkshire, landrace , camborough etc

Feeding: In piggery, feeding takes approximately 70% of the total cost of production. The feed components consist of PKC (palm kernel cake), maize, cassava, cassava peel, cassava meal, rice shaft , spent grains , waste etc
Maintain a Standard and healthy Environment: 

Though pigs are very rugged animals, One of the ways to be safe is to keep a clean and healthy environment for your pigs to breeds, build standard drainage system to ensure free flow of animal waste.
Train or Employ Experienced Workers: 

Another important factor in piggery is the attendants that works in the farm premises. The need to be trained or experienced in this field.
Employ the Service of a veterinary Doctor: You can’t run a successful pig business without employing the service of a veterinary doctor.
Please before you venture into piggery , please visit other pig farms, meet with professionals, ask questions, google sometimes can be your best option. 

Always consult experts and Feel free to ask any question and we will be glad to answer your questions.
How To Start Buying And Selling Laptops As Business With A Cheap Price
~0.9 mins read
Do you want to buy a laptop or into laptop business without importing from oversea? 

Then I think you have seen a better market place to start dealing with. 

I won't take much of your precious time. Just read through to digest everything. They are trustworthy and legit to deal with.

How To Buy At Wholesale Prices Clean UK/USA Laptops Here?

Have you been looking USA and UK standard laptops that's not just clean but also ridiculously affordable.

Are you a student, teacher , or perhaps a parent who's interested in purchasing laptops for your business.

Or have you been thinking of starting a small laptop business, so as to have a very fat bank account.

Well, you're in luck. Here at evolvcomputers we offer what you need.

Get laptops at discounted rate this month with us

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Search Engine Evaluator? Who Are They? How To Join Them And Make $1,000 Always
~1.1 mins read
Hey friends, 

Welcome once again. Have you heard about search engine evaluator before, what they are doing and how much they are making online every week of the month and how to join them and start working immediately. 
Just sit down relax and carefully digest all the information right here. 

So here goes the detailed info. 

Last year, I saw an advert for Search Engine Evaluator and I applied. My application was received and I went through a test which I passed but then I didn't believe in online business but I took the test anyway.

When they sent me a task, I did the task reluctantly and when the day for payment came, I got an alert of N68,000, that was when I got serious with the task and I earned good money while the task lasted.

In this blog, I shared the process and how you can apply for a Search Engine Evaluator kindly proceed and learn how you too can start up today and start making huge money for yourself and family....

Please kindly do me a favour to encourage me to keep on writing more valuable and decent content on how you can make huge millions of dollars online every month.

All I request from you is to follow me on this blog, like it, share it and comment on course. 
Thanks as you do so.
Take Advantage Of This Cheap Turkey Now And And Make Huge Profit In April
~0.7 mins read
Hello friends, 

Today I will be sharing with us how to raise turkey and make huge profits now in April come Easter festive season. 

This is turkey I'm talking about is already 12 weeks old that is 3 months old. 

By First week in April, that will be 23 weeks old. This is already okay for consumption and sales. 

Big turkey are sold for nothing less than #16,000 to #20,000 depending on your location. 

Imagine you buy just 10 pieces, at the rate of #4,000 and sold for #16,000 that is whooping #160,000.

Good news about is that you don't need to buy any vaccines for treatment again. They have all been taken care of. 

We have little quantity of just less than 200 pieces in stock now. 

Act once, act fast now. 

Contact: call or WhatsApp: 070-3552-5849

For more info, please kindly follow, like, share and comment. THANKS
This Is The Best Alternative. Check This Out.
~0.9 mins read
Hello, you will love this info. Kindly digest it in 1 minute. 

It is an alternative to Racksterli. Check it out....

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