~7.7 mins read
1 The Triple Galaxy Collision
The universe never fails to surprise us human beings. Every other time, something or the other keeps on happening in the universe which amazes one and all. From massive shows of light to dying stars and everything in between the universe is the most interesting place. Sometimes, it can be scary as well. The triple Galaxy collision has been one of the scariest things to ever take place. Humankind has already observed it in 2007. While it is very normal for two galaxies to collide, a collision of all the three is scary indeed.
. 2 Gympie
The Gympie is an Australian plant having a sting so strong that it may last for months. The scariest part of this plant is the poison that takes effect. This plant has stinging hairs that lead to immense painful sensations throughout the body.
You may spot this
dangerous plant throughout the rainforest areas. Physically they look gorgeous to the extent that you might want to capture them in your camera. But beware, their poison may harm to beyond measure.
3 Cursed Objects
Many stories, myths, and legends suggest that the cursed objects possess the power to infect people with everything evil. And do you know what is the scariest thing about these curses? You may not even know that you are infected by
.4 Bolton Strid
Between Barden Tower and Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire, England rests one of the most dangerous traps of nature. It may look like a small mountain stream, stretching about six feet. The water appears calm. But the powerful undercurrent may pull anyone that falls into it, causing them to die.
. 5 Brain-Eating Amoeba
Yes, you heard it right. The brain-eating amoeba is scientifically known as Naegleria fowleri. This parasite can enter the human body through your nose if you swim in contaminated water.
. 6 Jellyfish
Jellyfish are one of the deadliest animals the world has today. According to many reports, cases, and studies, when a jellyfish stings you, it causes minor redness, rash, and deadly paralytic effect. Jellyfish are known to be the most poisonous marine animal
Acrophobia or fear of heights is a real kind of fear, and many people fall prey to the same. People suffering from the fear of heights often avoid looking on the ground from the terrace or even from the second or third floor of their building. According to them, the act of looking down itself feels as if they would fall off and injure themselves.
.8 The Church of Bones
It is another thing that might give you a jump-scare. In the Czech Republic, there is a church known as the Sedlec Ossuary. Whats scary about this place is that the interiors of this church are made of human bones
.9 Codex Gigas
Another bone-chilling incident that may take away your good nights sleep is Codex Gigas. Also known as the Devils Bible, this book is a legendary Latin manuscript, believed to be a product of a monks bargain with Satan himself.
.10 Biological Warfare
All the warfare is considered to be terrifying, but there is something about biological warfare The creation of bio-weapons indeed has its roots back in antiquity. But there is also evidence highlighting that tularemia, a plaque struck in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 14th century was a form of biological warfare.
Animals That Sucks Blood
~2.7 mins read
8 Animal that suck blood
1 Mosquito
These flying insects are all too familiar to most people. What’s little known, however, is that only the female mosquito drinks human blood, which is needed in order to make eggs. While mosquitoes are usually just annoying—the itchy bump left from a mosquito encounter is a reaction to its saliva—some unfortunate people find out that mosquitoes can transmit a number of serious diseases, including yellow fever, malaria, filariasis, and dengue. Which is why mosquitoes are considered one of the world’s deadliest animals.
2 Flea
This is another pesky but seemingly benign insect that is actually extremely deadly—as in Black Death deadly. These bloodsuckers are believed to have helped cause the bubonic plague that killed a quarter of Europe’s population during the Middle Ages. As infected rats began to die off, fleas turned to humans for blood, thereby transmitting the disease. And you probably thought fleas were just a problem for Fido.
3 Bed bug
Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite. This nursery rhyme fails to convey the true nightmare of bedbugs. Sometimes called the “perfect parasite,” these tiny insects feed at night, often while their victim is asleep, and their bites are painless due to an anesthetizing agent. Later, however, the bite often becomes an itchy welt. Fortunately, bedbugs don’t transmit diseases. Unfortunately, they can be hard to eliminate.
4 Ox pecker
Why should insects have all the fun? These African birds—also known as tickbirds—perch on cattle and big-game animals while removing ticks, flies, and maggots from their hosts’ hides. This might seem almost nice, until you find out that the oxpeckers also feed on the blood from the host animals’ wounds—preventing the injuries from healing and sometimes creating the wounds themselves.
5 Vampire Fincher
Another bloodthirsty bird, the vampire finch is found on the Galapagos Islands. Though often eating seeds and insects like other finch species, vampire finches also have a taste for blood. Their victim is the booby bird, which surprisingly doesn’t seem to mind being a meal. In fact, the booby often sits patiently as a long queue of vampire finches wait to take a drink.
6 leech
Although most people avoid these bloodsucking worms, leeches have long been used in the world of medicine. Into the 19th century, leeches were used to “treat” such conditions as mental illness, tumors, skin disease, gout, and whooping cough. While those treatments are now discontinued, leeches have found new—and proven—uses in modern medicine. Most notably, leeches are used to restore blood flow to damaged veins after an appendage is reattached or a tissue grafted. So, maybe more people should be on Team Leech.
7 lamprey
These primitive eel-like animals haven’t changed much over hundreds of millions of years. But, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? Lampreys use their mouths—which are jawless and feature horny teeth—to attach themselves to fish. Once in place, the lampreys feed off their hosts’ blood and tissue. Sometimes a lamprey can stay attached to one fish for weeks. Fortunately, lampreys rarely attack humans.
8 Vampire bat
This type of bat, of which there are three species, is the only known mammal whose diet is solely based on blood. Although livestock, birds, and reptiles are its typical targets, humans are occasionally its prey. Vampire bats—which must feed at least every two days—use razor-sharp teeth to make tiny incisions in their victims and then lick the flowing blood. The satiated bats will often regurgitate blood to share with those who are hungry. Who said bloodsuckers were heartless?

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