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*The Four Roots of Africa's Problem*

If you look through the African continent, you will see a people or nations that are separated by vast land, yet they keep producing similar results of incompetent, bad leadership, ethnic wars, mismanagement of great natural resources, tribalism, lack of value for human life, inferiority complex etc... These situations are such that causes one to ask questions like; Why are we going through what we are going through? Is our situation destined from our creator? Does our problem have to do with our skin colour? I have thought through these questions and many more. There are four critical points that I will like to share with you. If you get these four points, it won't only open your eyes to the challenges of Africa, it will open your mind to new ideas that will make you a rebuilder of Africa and possibly a great entrepreneur. 

*1) Adulators  Culture:* Is a culture that creates superstition. This is where most of Africa's problems began from. It is actually the culture that made it easy for us to be dominated. A culture that confess deity on anything it doesn't understand will eventually create gods of men it doesn't understand. In the past, in Africa, everything was a god. If the river flows beyond it bank and it drys. We will ask, why does it flow beyond it bank and dry? Instantly, we conclude is a god. When a stone is so round, we ask why is this stone so round? Is a god. If a tree is so big or too tall, we ask why is a tree this massive? We conclude is a god. If a snake is so big and can climb a tree, we ask how can a snake be this big and be able to climb a tree, it must be a god.

Because we lived in a system that deity is assigned to the inexplicable. I want to believe that the very first time a black man saw a white man, and realise that this person doesn't look like us, his hair is different, he has a stick that speaks fire from a distance (gun) and whenever it speaks people die. He has an object that reflects a person's whole being (mirror), which is something that only the river has the capacity to do such. He must be a god. When a people think that way, they create inferiority complex that wallows in superstition. *Superstition does not allow a people have an enquiry mindset.* _Superstition is based on taboos. Don't do this, don't do that._

When I was much younger, I was told not to whistle at night if not a snake will appear. Sometimes I do wonder where the snake will appear from in my neighbour which was fully surrounded by houses. Before a snake can get to the compound where we lived then, cars or people far away would have killed it. Anyway, I couldn't question my elders because in Africa, you just obey and don't question. Later on, I got to understand that when you whistle at night you may be disturbing those sleeping. Why didn't they just tell me that I will be disturbing those sleeping rather than complicating issues? Those in the village were told you don't sweep at night, if you do you will invite witches. Nobody explained that the reason was because there is no electricity, so when you sweep at night you may sweep away precious stones (jewelry). All that is called superstition. When a person is seated and you walk over their leg, they I will ask you to come and walk over their leg again so that they don't give birth to a baby with one leg. How did that come about. Is just a warning for children so that they don't trip and fall while trying to cross a person leg. 

A lot of grown adult today have made those superstition their belief. Even Born again Christians are still ruled by superstition, and they've turned Christianity into a superstitious believe system. That is why the word of God is of no effect in the lives of most African Christians. The Bible said, at the mention of the name Jesus every kneel must bow. But to Africa Christians, that cant be a reality. You must pray and exercise energy with many days of fasting before your prayers can be answered. This is one of the reasons why Christian faith is so difficult to teach an African.

It is high time we had left go of limiting beliefs and embrace progressive propelling mindset.
Watch for the second installment tomorrow.

*Emmanuel Odoemelam*
_Obereego Limited_



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