1. How big is your pocket and skillful is your hand
I'm very sure that you don't want to start what you cannot finish.
So, before you start anything at all, sit down and count the cost.
How much do you need right from planting to taking the produce to the market?
Then, do you have the right knowledge? Having money is not enough, you must also have the knowledge or get someone with the knowledge to help. That is when you need a Consultant, but please get the right person for the job.
2. The right soil for the plant and nearness to the market:
This is the area where our people in big cities like Lagos make mistakes. They think farming is a hobby and thereby want to plant different types of vegetables, maize, cassava, and yam on a 6-plot of land. Dear, farming is purely a business and not a hobby, let your Consultant does his/her work depending on the type of the soil and size of the land. There is always the right crop to plant on a particular soil type.
Another thing to consider here is the nearness to the market. Since farming is a business, then the market is your final destination as a farmer and making a profit is the primary goal.
At the end of the day after harvesting and taking your farm produce to the market, will you still make a sensible profit?
If you can answer these questions, then move on.
See you next time
Farmacts Agro
Follow me for more tips and guide on agribusiness.
There is an immutable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant battle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success.
All too often, people think that to be successful, they need to make the object of their success their life.
If a person thinks their job will lead them to success, then they may spend countless hours per day, and well into the evening working hard.
However this comes at the cost of rest, your health and having an enjoyable life. Ultimately they may burn out and cease to be successful at their job anyway.
If success comes from having a strong social life and a good group of friends, their job may suffer; meaning that they may lose their job, and then be unable to afford going out with friends.
In these ways, success, as Phil Knight says above, is helped by balance. Think of it as a balance between rest and work, or work and play.
You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.
This is a good quote to remember and think about when youre at work.
Imagine being as successful as possible in your current job. Ultimately youll probably find yourself working extremely hard and this it will take up much of your time.
If its a job you hate, then being successful at it might only mean filling your life with something you hate to do. Whats the sense in this?
Instead, why not focus on doing something you love? When youve found what youre passionate about, you get the motivation to keep you moving. Success at this means the fulfilment of your dreams. Even if youre not successful, you still filled your time with something you love to do. Many successful musicians spent years of their lives doing unpaid performances, the only reason they kept playing was because they loved to perform.
What is success to you? How to be successful in life?
To some, when they think of success, they imagine wealth; others want power; some just want to make a positive impact on the world.
All of these are perfectly valid, indeed success is a concept that means different things to different people. Though no matter what success is to you, it almost certainly isnt something will come easily.
1. Think Big
From Michelangelo Buonarroti, Great Renaissance Artist:
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
There are few artists as influential as Michaelangelo. Today centuries after his death, his work still inspires and connects to people. His work is world famous, just think of his statue of David, or the Mural in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
Imagine then, if he decided not to work as an artist.
Being a successful artist has always been extremely difficult, imagine if he decided to give up this ambition in favour of something easier?
Oftentimes, people often decided to put their dreams aside for something more realistic. To give up their dream for something easier. This quote teaches us the danger of such a point of view. Instead be ambitious.
There are several benefits from learning how to concentrate. First, important task completion is a source of energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem. On the other hand, failure to complete important tasks, or to complete them only partially, is not only a major source of stress, but it depletes your enthusiasm and self-esteem.
When you complete an important task, you experience a surge of energy and well-being. But when you work on an unimportant task, even if you complete it in a timely fashion, you get no feeling of satisfaction or personal reward at all.
Disciplining yourself to concentrate on a job until it is finished gives you a feeling of confidence, competence, and mastery. It develops you into a hard-working person and gives you an experience of self-control, so you feel that you are in charge of your own destiny.
Successful people maintain good habits that go hand in hand with success in every area of endeavor. There is nothing that will bring you to the attention of your superiors faster than developing a reputation for being a hard-working and dependable worker. How you work determines the quality and quantity of your rewards.
Developing Good Habits For A Successful Career
Your ability to develop good habits for work determines how much you earn, how effective you are, how much you are respected in your organization, and how much real satisfaction you get out of your job.
Unfortunately, most people are poor workers. They are unorganized, unfocused, and easily distracted. They work at about 50 percent of capacity. Sadly enough, they dont even seem to know how to work any differently. Even if they wanted to, it is like speaking a foreign language; they wouldnt know how to do it without first being taught.
To achieve success in every area of your life, develop the habits of highly successful and hard-working people. To begin with, the foundations of good work habits can be summarized in two words:focus and concentration.
Here is an example to prove that most of what you do is determined by your level of motivation and desire in that area.
Imagine that someone were to offer you a million dollars to manage your time superbly for the next thirty days. Imagine that an efficiency expert was going to follow you around with a clipboard and a video camera for one month. After thirty days, if you had used your time efficiently and well, working on your highest priorities all day, every day, you would receive a prize of one million dollars. How efficient would you be over the next thirty days?
The fact is that, with sufficient motivation (one million dollars!), you would be one of the most efficient, effective, best organized, and focused people in the world. The best news is
that after one full month of practicing the very best time management skills you know, you would have developed habits of highly effective and top performance that would last you the rest of your life.
The 3 Mental Barriers To Effective Time Management
~2.5 mins read
If everyone agrees that excellent time management is one of the most desirable personal skills, why is it that so few people can be described as well organized or efficient?
I have found that many people have mental barriers and hold ideas about time management that arent true. But if you believe something to be true, it becomes true for you. Your beliefs cause you to see yourself and the world, and your relationship to time management, in a particular way.
If you have negative beliefs in any area, these beliefs will affect your thinking and actions, and will eventually become your reality. You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.
Mental Barrier 1: Worries About Decreasing Your Naturalness And Spontaneity
One of the mental barriers, or negative beliefs, of time management is that if you are too well organized, you become cold, calculating, and unemotional. Some people feel that they will lose their spontaneity and freedom if they are extremely effective and efficient.
They will become unable to go with the flow, to express themselves openly and honestly. People think that managing your time well makes you too rigid and inflexible.
This turns out not to be true at all. Many people hide behind this false idea and use it as an excuse for not disciplining themselves the way they know they should. The fact is that people who are disorganized are not spontaneous; they are merely confused, and often frantic. Often they suffer a good deal of stress.
It turns out that the better organized you are, the more time and opportunity you have to be truly relaxed, truly spontaneous, and truly happy. You have a much greater internal locus of control.
The key is structuring and organizing everything that you possibly can: Thinking ahead; planning for contingencies; preparing thoroughly; and focusing on specific results. Only then can you be completely relaxed and spontaneous when the situation changes. The better organized you are in the factors that are under your control, the greater freedom and flexibility you have to quickly make changes whenever they are necessary.
Mental Barrier 2: Negative Mental Programming
Another one of the mental barriers that hinder the development of excellent time management skills is negative programming, which is often picked up from your parents, but also from other influential people as you are growing up. If your parents or others told you that you were a messy person, or that you were always late, or that you never finished anything you started, chances are that as an adult, you may still be operating unconsciously to obey these earlier commands.
The most common excuse used for this type of behavior is: Thats just the way I am, or I have always been that way.
The fact is that no one is born messy and disorganized, or neat and efficient. Time management skills are disciplines that we learn and develop with practice and repetition. If we have developed bad time management habits, we can unlearn them. We can replace them with good habits over time.
Mental Barrier 3: Self-Limiting Beliefs
The last of the mental barriers to good time management skills is a negative self-concept, or what are called self-limiting beliefs.
Many people believe that they dont have the ability to develop good time management skills. Their mental barriers force them to believe that it is an inborn part of their background or heritage. But there is no gene or chromosome for poor time management skills, or good time management skills, for that matter. Nobody is born with a genetic deficiency in personal organization. Your personal skills and behaviors are very much under your own control.