
~1.0 mins read
See my child
Time is the cure for many diseases
With time your loneliness will pass
With time your happiness will comes
Time will wipe away your sadness
And time will bring with it gifts of fulfillment
Time will bring better days
And you my child will smile
Remember my child
Time will not wait
It is not partial
It will keep moving till it gets to you
Time is a period of a lifetime
Do not try to rush time
It will bring love and beauty
At its own pace
It can’t be stopped
Learn to work with it
Patience is d secret to time
Intuition and consistency is key to time
See my child
How time flies
How it steals from us all
Happiness, Love, fulfillment
Yet do not be dismayed
There is a greater force
The master of time
The one Creator that time cannot beat
See with your eyes
The future as it shines bright
The one the creator made for you
Even time with all its might
Cannot steal it and your hope.
Time is the cure for many diseases
With time your loneliness will pass
With time your happiness will comes
Time will wipe away your sadness
And time will bring with it gifts of fulfillment
Time will bring better days
And you my child will smile
Remember my child
Time will not wait
It is not partial
It will keep moving till it gets to you
Time is a period of a lifetime
Do not try to rush time
It will bring love and beauty
At its own pace
It can’t be stopped
Learn to work with it
Patience is d secret to time
Intuition and consistency is key to time
See my child
How time flies
How it steals from us all
Happiness, Love, fulfillment
Yet do not be dismayed
There is a greater force
The master of time
The one Creator that time cannot beat
See with your eyes
The future as it shines bright
The one the creator made for you
Even time with all its might
Cannot steal it and your hope.

~3.4 mins read
Getting anything started can be very frightening depending what one wants to do. The higher the risk the more challenging it becomes in most occasions, the fear of failing just stops you from starting at all. Before you take any action, it begins with a thought or an idea. This idea that you have, will need to become a reality and this point is where we all get stuck. But, you do not have to be stuck in this point anymore because all you need are the steps that will get you started. Read to the end and with these steps when followed will make your ideas come to life.
How to get started
Knowledge is wealth: Regardless of how smart you are, the fact is you do not know everything. It is necessary that the first thing to do is to make a research. Get your hands on as much information as you can about what you aim to do. Find out the ups and downs of the project you intend to take on. These will include the benefits and the possible losses, the risk involved or the advantages that it offers etc. Do not worry about the time spent on this point because it takes a lot of time to really process the information you gather. You could ask individuals and get a mentor if necessary too. Check online and read books that you can get a hold of. Make notes of the relevant information and always store your data for future references.
This is the point any individual will know if an idea is feasible of not. After conducting your research, you will have to decide whether it is something you can go through with or not. This is the point where you can choose to not go through with the idea if you see it is not attainable. You can always start again and think of something else. However, if you do choose to go ahead then move on to the next step.
Dwell on the positive: fear is a factor that stops your progress. You have to learn to deal with your fear of failing by focusing on more positive feeling. This is why your passion must be really high in order to motivate you and keep you committed. You also must be realistic and know that that failure is part of life and as such nothing good in this world comes easy. Prepare your mind for pressure, hard work, labour, disappointments, setbacks etc. Regardless of these all, look up to those that have made it and let their stories inspire you to keep moving.
One of the ways to keep you from stopping is to ask yourself a question. If you do not start, how would you know it will fail? You owe yourself the duty to complete whatever you have started.
Set a timeframe: You must set a timeline for your actions. By doing so, you are committing yourself towards your plans. Allocate the time to begin and end. This will also be a sort of reminder and aid you to in achieving your goal on time. It is like setting an alarm which will be a sort of wakeup call anytime you oversleep in your actions.
Get your tools set: Every act you would want to execute must have tools or materials that are used to make it work. Just like a student in school, he or she needs a pencil and a book as their tool. But for you as a beginner, you foremost tool is a “plan”. A plan is the constitution to achieving your goal in life. It might not be written out but you need to set down what steps to take. Your plan should consist of your aim, vision, purpose, materials if necessary, financial plan, partners, workers if needed, legal requirements etc. Everything concerning your project must be listed and discussed in your plan. Your plan is the backbone to your project because it is the guide to your actions. You can always refer to it or change it to suit your needs.
Just play: Just think of your first time starting as your first attempt to a game. Since you have everything in place, what remains is to staring playing. Begin to move. Whether it’s your hands, legs, eyes etc, just move everything towards your goal in life. Do not set an outcome quickly, it can be disappointing. Just get started and do not worry about the winning or losing. Just enjoy the ride and follow your plan through.
In conclusion, do not think that life hands success to you easy. The truth is that, you may try out steps and they will just not work. But do not be discouraged when you start. Keep learning, changing plan and applying. When life sees your effort, it rewards you.
Wish you good luck as you chase your dream!
How to get started
Knowledge is wealth: Regardless of how smart you are, the fact is you do not know everything. It is necessary that the first thing to do is to make a research. Get your hands on as much information as you can about what you aim to do. Find out the ups and downs of the project you intend to take on. These will include the benefits and the possible losses, the risk involved or the advantages that it offers etc. Do not worry about the time spent on this point because it takes a lot of time to really process the information you gather. You could ask individuals and get a mentor if necessary too. Check online and read books that you can get a hold of. Make notes of the relevant information and always store your data for future references.
This is the point any individual will know if an idea is feasible of not. After conducting your research, you will have to decide whether it is something you can go through with or not. This is the point where you can choose to not go through with the idea if you see it is not attainable. You can always start again and think of something else. However, if you do choose to go ahead then move on to the next step.
Dwell on the positive: fear is a factor that stops your progress. You have to learn to deal with your fear of failing by focusing on more positive feeling. This is why your passion must be really high in order to motivate you and keep you committed. You also must be realistic and know that that failure is part of life and as such nothing good in this world comes easy. Prepare your mind for pressure, hard work, labour, disappointments, setbacks etc. Regardless of these all, look up to those that have made it and let their stories inspire you to keep moving.
One of the ways to keep you from stopping is to ask yourself a question. If you do not start, how would you know it will fail? You owe yourself the duty to complete whatever you have started.
Set a timeframe: You must set a timeline for your actions. By doing so, you are committing yourself towards your plans. Allocate the time to begin and end. This will also be a sort of reminder and aid you to in achieving your goal on time. It is like setting an alarm which will be a sort of wakeup call anytime you oversleep in your actions.
Get your tools set: Every act you would want to execute must have tools or materials that are used to make it work. Just like a student in school, he or she needs a pencil and a book as their tool. But for you as a beginner, you foremost tool is a “plan”. A plan is the constitution to achieving your goal in life. It might not be written out but you need to set down what steps to take. Your plan should consist of your aim, vision, purpose, materials if necessary, financial plan, partners, workers if needed, legal requirements etc. Everything concerning your project must be listed and discussed in your plan. Your plan is the backbone to your project because it is the guide to your actions. You can always refer to it or change it to suit your needs.
Just play: Just think of your first time starting as your first attempt to a game. Since you have everything in place, what remains is to staring playing. Begin to move. Whether it’s your hands, legs, eyes etc, just move everything towards your goal in life. Do not set an outcome quickly, it can be disappointing. Just get started and do not worry about the winning or losing. Just enjoy the ride and follow your plan through.
In conclusion, do not think that life hands success to you easy. The truth is that, you may try out steps and they will just not work. But do not be discouraged when you start. Keep learning, changing plan and applying. When life sees your effort, it rewards you.
Wish you good luck as you chase your dream!

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