New Money Create


Wants to meet Just Friends


~0.6 mins read
MARCO network is an  internet based application that operates on the telegram platform. It allows it users to earn monetary rewards by completing tasks. These tasks are intentionally designed to be simple and easy to understand, and new tasks are added regularly. The platform's main objective is to provide a reliable source of income for all users and it is open to anyone with internet access.
By using Marco network, you have the opportunity to generate income through three methods
1. Receive a reward for 2000 for every new users you successfully invite
2. Complete tasks to earn  a daily Marco bonus of 2500
3. Solve captcha tasks and earn 100 for every minute you dedicate to the activity
If you want to participate in the life changing bot copy  the link below to join and earn more money 


TRICK To Make Money As A Web Designer Or Developer ($100k)
~1.5 mins read
Trick to Make Money as a Web Designer or Developer ($100k)
The idea of ​​making money from home is not so strange now, after all this chaotic period where the old way of working has changed 360 degrees. However, a large proportion of people are still not exposing their full potentials Getting a job at a design agency isn’t the only way to make money from your design skills. Check out these options that you’ll love. Freepik
We certainly have among the readers of this blog people who would like to know how to make money online and have the necessary skills, but something is holding them back.

Sometimes that impasse can be low self-confidence. Other times, you may not have the necessary information to start such a job. For the lack of confidence, you will find the solution within yourself.

Information, instead, you will receive by reading this blog article, in which you will find out how you can get extra income working from home as a web designer!

Why is it worth working in web design?
It’s not complicated to make money online from web design
The market needs new web designers thanks to digitalization
You don’t need to know programming
No one is forcing you to work 40 hours a week — you make your schedule
You can find projects in a natural way
You add new skills to your resume
How to build websites for clients
Identifies the purpose of the website
Choose a suitable platform
Focus on user experience
Work on SEO for your website
How do you find clients?
Create profiles on Upwork, Fiverr,, Guru,
Post on various niche Facebook groups
Create a few portfolio sites for your first order
Networking in the offline and online environment
Why is it worth working in web design?
You must have asked yourself, if you clicked on this article, how could you make money online? Well, a perfect way…



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