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Blacks Proverbs
~1.0 mins read
*🌴Peace be upon you all.*
*The usefulness of a well* 
*is known when it dries up.*

*Meaning: The simple meaning of this proverb is that we never really appreciate the value of something until it’s gone. Sad to say, we humans have a tendency of taking anything we get freely or at little cost for granted. But the fact that a thing comes at little or no cost to us doesn’t mean it’s inexpensive. We confuse price with value. As the cliche goes “Price is what you pay while values is what you get”. Water may come at free cost to us but it has an infinite value because you get life out of it. And if we are going to not take things for granted, we have to look at their value. Water, Air,time, people are all valuable. Take time to appreciate those adding value to your life. Don’t wait until they die —when they will not see —to show appreciation. It doesn’t even take a lot to show appreciation. A thank you note, a oat on the back, a dinner, a smile etc all go a long way to show appreciation. Be appreciative*

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Ladies: 3 Things That Can Make A Man Addicted To You....
~1.0 mins read
Ladies: 3 Things That Can Make A Man Addicted To You.

Making your man addicted to you is literally every woman’s dream. Every lady wants a man that wants to adore her and spend time with her. Making your man addicted to you depends on how you play your cards in the relationship.

However, this article will briefly educate ladies on how to make a man addicted to you.

Below are three ways to make a man addicted to you:

1 Communication: Communication simply means interaction and the exchange of information. Communication is vital in a relationship. It helps increase honesty, love, and happiness for both parties in the relationship. When there is no communication, the relationship becomes boring and both parties will begin to lose interest.

2 Be independent and supportive: Over the years, men have tended to love women more when they are independent. Every man literally wants a woman who is supportive in a relationship. If you want a man to be addicted to you, then you have to be independent.

3 Respect and Loyalty Respect and loyalty are very important in a relationship. Every man wants a lady who is loyal to him. If you want a man to be addicted to you, then you have to respect him. Respect his boundaries, time, wishes, values, and dreams



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