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How Has The Advent Of The Internet Impacted Businesses?
~3.4 mins read
Before the Internet was so much popular and commonly used, it was difficult for businesses to market themselves, reach out to customers, communicate with their employees, and all other day-to-day operations.

However, with the inception of the internet, all of this changed and a business is no longer dependent on any external entity for its survival, rather a business can function on its own and be the best in the game just by doing everything properly. The Internet has completely changed the way businesses used to work but lets have a look at the most common operations that the internet has impacted.

Communication Tools
With the Internet, it has become so easy for businesses to communicate with their employees and customers. There are different communication tools available such as Email and Instant Messaging that allow you to transfer your message in just a second or so. You can not only deliver your message but also deliver important documents and files through the internet in no time.

Digital Documents
Before the advent of the internet, companies, and businesses were using real paper for documents. Physical documents were very time consuming since to look for a particular piece of information, you would have to go through hundreds of different documents just to find the piece of information that you were looking for and it is also a huge task to keep all of these documents stored safely, not to mention the carbon footprint on the environment.

The companies have now decided to switch over to digital documents instead of physical documents since digital documents are easy to handle, dont require much space, can be stored easily on the cloud, and have so many different formats available including the most popular one, PDFs that are being used by businesses from all over the world due to its accessibility and ease-of-usage.

Plus, there are various PDF tools available on the internet such as PDF Editor, PDF Merger, PDF Converter, allowing you to convert PDF from one format to another as PDF to Word or from any other format to PDF such as Word to PDF. The availability of all these tools and the ease with which all of this can be done makes it so much easier to handle digital documents.

Remote Working
One of the major changes in business operations with the advent of the Internet is the rise of remote working. Especially after the COVID, many businesses and companies from all over the world are offering the option to their employees to work remotely by working from home using the equipment provided by the company.

The way how this works is the employees receive their PC or Laptop from the workspace and using the same device, they can do their job from home which is not only convenient for employees as they dont have to travel anywhere, they can just move from one room to another and start working but also for businesses as it allows a business to decrease its overhead costs by using less office space and utilities for day-to-day operations.

Business Research
Research for Businesses used to be a hard thing before the internet because it was difficult for the company to come up with new product ideas according to the likings of the customers, new methods of creating products, market pricing information, etc. Business Research is not only limited to your own business but it can also be used to research the competition and have a look at the products and services that they are offering to the customers.

Before the internet, this business research used to be a very difficult thing and there wasnt enough data available so readily that the companies can devise new strategies based upon the data, however, now the companies can get the data that they want even by running a simple Twitter poll that will allow them to know what their customers are looking for.

Collaboration With Other Businesses
With the advent of the Internet, it has become so simple that collaborating with other businesses and people from your field is as simple as logging onto a website. With the internet becoming a part of our day-to-day lives, people and businesses are more than happy to collaborate with other people and companies from the same field.

Prior to the internet, it was very difficult for businesses to collaborate and even if they somehow managed to collaborate, the audience wasnt there to witness the collaboration whereas, now you can schedule webinars, collaborate with other businesses, and let your audience witness the collaboration.

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176 Countries Enjoy 5G Networks Amid Calls For More Investments
~2.9 mins read
Commercial Fifth Generation (5G) network deployment is now in 176 countries around the globe, serving more than 500 million subscribers.
This was disclosed at the12th yearly Global Mobile Broadband Forum (MBBF) held in Dubai recently. Huaweis Rotating Chairman Ken Hu, who disclosed this at the forum, stressed the need for the global ICT industry to work together to facilitate the next stage of 5G development and related opportunities, including XR services, the B2B market, and low-carbon development.
Speaking on the current state of 5G development and new opportunities moving forward, Hu noted, In just five years of commercial deployment, 5G has provided a considerable upgrade in mobile experience for consumers, and its already starting to empower different industries around the globe. Progress was much faster than we expected, especially in terms of the subscriber base, network coverage, and the sheer number of 5G terminals on the market.
Hu outlined three areas of opportunity that will drive the next stage of 5Gs growth to include XR services, the B2B market, and low-carbon development.
The company asserted that in the consumer space, average 5G download speeds are roughly 10 times greater than 4G, which has fuelled broader adoption of applications like VR and 360 broadcasting. In the enterprise space, there are already 10,000 projects exploring B2B applications of 5G (5GtoB) around the world. 5G applications in industries like manufacturing, mining, and ports have already passed trial and are being replicated at scale.
While progress has been steady, Hu noted that there are still some areas for improvement. Right now more than half of the
se 10,000 5GtoB projects are in China. We have a huge number of use cases already, but we need to build more sustainable business cases.
At the Africa Law Tech Festival 2021, Dr Bello Moussa, Head of Innovation & ICT Strategy at Huawei Southern Africa, said that infrastructure sharing can lower the costs of technology deployment for the 5G coverage in Africa, as well as the time it takes to complete deployments.
We have seen a lot of challenges in site acquisition and site deployment in the 2G, 3G and 4G era, said Moussa. This has hindered the development of mobile telecommunication and coverage. With 5G, we will need more sites, maybe three times the number of 2G and 3G.
There should be a tight collaboration between municipalities and telecom service operators. This will not only save time but also the cost of deployment. The savings will be transferred to the consumer enabling digital access.
MEANWHILE, Nigeria is expected to join the league of countries that have deployed 5G by January 2022, according to the Federal Government, after a planned week-long December 2021 auction.
The Nigerian Communications Commissions (NCCs) said Nigeria is 97 per cent ready for 5G deployment. The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Garba Danbatta, re-affirmed the status of the Commissions 5G technology deployment at the yearly African Tech Alliance Forum (AfriTech 2021) held in Lagos last week.
 Focusing his presentation on NCC as a Digital Transformation Crusader and Nigerias in-Road to 5G Deployment, Danbatta stated that, following the advent of COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a change in the dynamics of peoples interaction, especially on the Internet. According to him, almost every means of communication has become virtual in one way or the other.
Danbatta, who was represented by Director, Spectrum Administration, Oluwatoyin Asaju, however, stated that this paradigm shift in communication has led to significant increase in network connectivity requirements as a result of unprecedented upsurge in Internet traffic, occasioned by the use of a plethora of web applications such as Zoom, Microsoft teams, WebEx, Goto, Webner and so on. He said this has made remote work, virtual meetings, virtual studies and virtual healthcare delivery, among others, the new normal.

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